def blacklisted?(name) case name.downcase when "gem", /^rubygems?$/ then <<-EOS.undent Homebrew provides gem via: `brew install ruby`. EOS when "tex", "tex-live", "texlive", "latex" then <<-EOS.undent Installing TeX from source is weird and gross, requires a lot of patches, and only builds 32-bit (and thus can't use Homebrew deps on Snow Leopard.) We recommend using a MacTeX distribution: You can install it using Cask: brew cask install mactex EOS when "pip" then <<-EOS.undent Homebrew provides pip via: `brew install python`. However you will then have two Pythons installed on your Mac, so alternatively you can install pip via the instructions at: EOS when "pil" then <<-EOS.undent Instead of PIL, consider `pip install pillow` or `brew install Homebrew/python/pillow`. EOS when "macruby" then <<-EOS.undent MacRuby works better when you install their package: EOS when /(lib)?lzma/ "lzma is now part of the xz formula." when "xcode" if MacOS.version >= :lion <<-EOS.undent Xcode can be installed from the App Store. EOS else <<-EOS.undent Xcode can be installed from EOS end when "gtest", "googletest", "google-test" then <<-EOS.undent Installing gtest system-wide is not recommended; it should be vendored in your projects that use it. EOS when "gmock", "googlemock", "google-mock" then <<-EOS.undent Installing gmock system-wide is not recommended; it should be vendored in your projects that use it. EOS when "sshpass" then <<-EOS.undent We won't add sshpass because it makes it too easy for novice SSH users to ruin SSH's security. EOS when "gsutil" then <<-EOS.undent Install gsutil with `pip install gsutil` EOS when "clojure" then <<-EOS.undent Clojure isn't really a program but a library managed as part of a project and Leiningen is the user interface to that library. To install Clojure you should install Leiningen: brew install leiningen and then follow the tutorial: EOS when "osmium" then <<-EOS.undent The creator of Osmium requests that it not be packaged and that people use the GitHub master branch instead. EOS when "gfortran" then <<-EOS.undent GNU Fortran is now provided as part of GCC, and can be installed with: brew install gcc EOS when "play" then <<-EOS.undent Play 2.3 replaces the play command with activator: brew install typesafe-activator You can read more about this change at: EOS when "haskell-platform" then <<-EOS.undent We no longer package haskell-platform. Consider installing ghc and cabal-install instead: brew install ghc cabal-install A binary installer is available: EOS when "mysqldump-secure" then <<-EOS.undent The creator of mysqldump-secure tried to game our popularity metrics. EOS when "ngrok" then <<-EOS.undent Upstream sunsetted 1.x in March 2016 and 2.x is not open-source. If you wish to use the 2.x release you can install it either via Homebrew: brew install homebrew/binary/ngrok2 Or via the Cask: brew cask install ngrok EOS end end