# Creates a pull request with the new version of a formula. # # Usage: brew bump [options...] # # Requires either `--url` and `--sha256` or `--tag` and `--revision`. # # Options: # --dry-run: Print what would be done rather than doing it. # --devel: Bump a `devel` rather than `stable` version. # --url: The new formula URL. # --sha256: The new formula SHA-256. # --tag: The new formula's `tag` # --revision: The new formula's `revision`. require "formula" module Homebrew def bump_formula_pr formula = ARGV.formulae.first odie "No formula found!" unless formula requested_spec, formula_spec = if ARGV.include?("--devel") devel_message = " (devel)" [:devel, formula.devel] else [:stable, formula.stable] end odie "#{formula}: no #{requested_spec} specification found!" unless formula_spec hash_type, old_hash = if (checksum = formula_spec.checksum) [checksum.hash_type.to_s, checksum.hexdigest] end new_url = ARGV.value("url") new_hash = ARGV.value(hash_type) new_tag = ARGV.value("tag") new_revision = ARGV.value("revision") new_url_hash = if new_url && new_hash true elsif new_tag && new_revision false elsif !hash_type odie "#{formula}: no tag/revision specified!" else odie "#{formula}: no url/#{hash_type} specified!" end if ARGV.dry_run? ohai "brew update" else safe_system "brew", "update" end Utils::Inreplace.inreplace(formula.path) do |s| if new_url_hash old_url = formula_spec.url if ARGV.dry_run? ohai "replace '#{old_url}' with '#{new_url}'" ohai "replace '#{old_hash}' with '#{new_hash}'" else s.gsub!(old_url, new_url) s.gsub!(old_hash, new_hash) end else resource_specs = formula_spec.specs old_tag = resource_specs[:tag] old_revision = resource_specs[:revision] if ARGV.dry_run? ohai "replace '#{old_tag}' with '#{new_tag}'" ohai "replace '#{old_revision}' with '#{new_revision}'" else s.gsub!(/['"]#{old_tag}['"]/, "\"#{new_tag}\"") s.gsub!(old_revision, new_revision) end end end new_formula = Formulary.load_formula_from_path(formula.name, formula.path) new_formula_version = new_formula.version unless Formula["hub"].any_version_installed? if ARGV.dry_run? ohai "brew install hub" else safe_system "brew", "install", "hub" end end formula.path.parent.cd do branch = "#{formula.name}-#{new_formula_version}" if ARGV.dry_run? ohai "git checkout -b #{branch} origin/master" ohai "git commit --no-edit --verbose --message='#{formula.name} #{new_formula_version}#{devel_message}' -- #{formula.path}" ohai "hub fork --no-remote" ohai "hub fork" ohai "hub fork (to read $HUB_REMOTE)" ohai "git push $HUB_REMOTE #{branch}:#{branch}" ohai "hub pull-request --browse -m '#{formula.name} #{new_formula_version}#{devel_message}'" else safe_system "git", "checkout", "-b", branch, "origin/master" safe_system "git", "commit", "--no-edit", "--verbose", "--message=#{formula.name} #{new_formula_version}#{devel_message}", "--", formula.path safe_system "hub", "fork", "--no-remote" quiet_system "hub", "fork" remote = Utils.popen_read("hub fork 2>&1")[/fatal: remote (.+) already exists./, 1] odie "cannot get remote from 'hub'!" if remote.to_s.empty? safe_system "git", "push", remote, "#{branch}:#{branch}" safe_system "hub", "pull-request", "--browse", "-m", "#{formula.name} #{new_formula_version}#{devel_message}\n\nCreated with `brew bump-formula-pr`." end end end end