class Abyss < Formula desc "ABySS: genome sequence assembler for short reads" homepage "" # doi "10.1101/gr.089532.108" # tag "bioinformatics" url "" sha256 "1030fcea4bfae942789deefd3a4ffb30653143e02eb6a74c7e4087bb4bf18a14" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "f0df6ae35b0db758ecba42d60cf7f6bf793e9cfe54bf05e6663afc51f4cbb5eb" => :yosemite sha256 "d1c37d46cbef0781ab1078d390b530f805e731ca7ed1272225db6f32d4c04b23" => :mavericks sha256 "943dd756f97b6c787f86cd95b150cab78d70d673648a2209b867e58ee4827906" => :mountain_lion sha256 "7c6252a1734df9bfaf90ae8c3d702aa578e7968621d5258a37bd10a4beb54d03" => :x86_64_linux end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "multimarkdown" => :build end option :cxx11 option "enable-maxk=", "Set the maximum k-mer length to N [default is 96]" option "without-check", "Skip build-time tests (not recommended)" option "with-openmp", "Enable OpenMP multithreading" needs :openmp if build.with? "openmp" # Only header files are used from these packages, so :build is appropriate depends_on "boost" => :build depends_on "google-sparsehash" => :build depends_on "sqlite" unless OS.mac? depends_on :mpi => [:cc, :recommended] # strip breaks the ability to read compressed files. skip_clean "bin" def install ENV.cxx11 if build.cxx11? system "./" if build.head? args = [ "--enable-maxk=#{ARGV.value("enable-maxk") || 96}", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-dependency-tracking"] system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "check" if build.with? "check" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/ABYSS", "--version" end end