class BamReadcount < Formula desc "Count DNA sequence reads at each position in BAM files" homepage "" # tag "bioinformatics" url "" sha256 "4bff2ee56e2f77c6d5d89b4c644448a610e0dde00502a82764d652ca4e6fbd92" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "dcabd11abe3fb222e77e8ac6ad43e2c5329c26a54d6993cdbab578f30c4d561b" => :yosemite sha256 "45a7be6af3210e5e5038b35d371872cfe59f4f532299fbd6b69b8cae16111b8b" => :mavericks sha256 "bb1094ef2d35a29caa4b545ef78769970c1d5a88692f0ffc97aef35595378f4c" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "samtools" def install samtools = Formula["samtools"].opt_prefix ENV["SAMTOOLS_ROOT"] = "#{samtools}:#{samtools}/include/bam" mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args # Build the vendored dependencies # Fix a compiler error when building with make -j. # See system "make", "deps" system "make" # Fix error: INSTALL cannot copy file # Fixed upstream. See bin.install "bin/bam-readcount" end doc.install "README.textile" end test do assert_match "Available options", shell_output("#{bin}/bam-readcount 2>&1", 1) end end