class Biopieces < Formula homepage "" version "2291" url "", :revision => version head "" depends_on "biopieces" => :ruby depends_on "Bit::Vector" => :perl depends_on "Carp::Clan" => :perl depends_on "Class::Inspector" => :perl depends_on "DBI" => :perl depends_on "DB_File" => :perl depends_on "HTML::Parser" => :perl depends_on "Inline" => :perl depends_on "LWP" => :perl depends_on "Module::Build" => :perl depends_on "Parse::RecDescent" => :perl depends_on "SOAP::Lite" => :perl depends_on "SVG" => :perl depends_on "Term::ReadKey" => :perl depends_on "Time::HiRes" => :perl depends_on "URI" => :perl depends_on "XML::Parser" => :perl depends_on "version" => :perl def install prefix.install Dir["*"] bin.mkdir cd bin do bin.install_symlink Dir["../bp_bin/*"] end rm_f bin/"00README" # Install the documentation. cd prefix do system "svn checkout bp_usage" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To use Biopieces, set the following environment variables: export BP_DIR=#{opt_prefix} export BP_DATA="$BP_DIR/bp_data" export BP_LOG=~/Library/Logs/Biopieces export BP_TMP=/tmp export PERL5LIB="$BP_DIR/code_perl:$PERL5LIB" export RUBYLIB="$BP_DIR/code_ruby/lib:$RUBYLIB" mkdir -p $BP_LOG EOS end test do system "#{bin}/read_fasta --help" end end