class Cmdstan < Formula desc "Probabilistic programming for Bayesian inference" homepage "" # tag "math" url "" sha256 "a9f2858caa5b55576da85ef31b4eae632c97837aa042514242a9aad7ada97121" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "3ee64fee0948484120ae2ff14576f976b4e233fd2d414e97fa69570492bd27da" => :el_capitan sha256 "d1df4ea1a14a468d5c2b55af236aab17bfccc082ea42819a5ca3f3dd88b8bbf1" => :yosemite sha256 "c8ab9271b2dc61c569f7a169dc6e70e0d71bee0d36eceed87469075a7e5acc41" => :mavericks end depends_on "boost" depends_on "eigen" def install # # Before we build we need to change the make files since cmdstan builds more than binaries # into the bin dir. This is not how homebrew prefers things and we were recommended # by homebrew-science maintainers to change the makefiles to rather build from and to lib. # We need to change in 3 make files below. # # 1. We need to change make/command file so that lines with "bin/cmdstand" instead uses # "lib/cmdstan" and that the libstanc.a library has a lib instead of a bin path: inreplace "make/command" do |s| s.gsub! "bin/cmdstan/", "lib/cmdstan/" s.gsub! "bin/libstanc.a", "lib/libstanc.a" end # 2. We need to change make/libstan so that libstanc.a is referred to via a lib path instead of a # bin path: inreplace "make/libstan" do |s| s.gsub! "bin/libstanc.a", "lib/libstanc.a" s.gsub! "bin/stan/%.o", "lib/stan/%.o" s.gsub! "src/%.cpp=bin/%.o", "src/%.cpp=lib/%.o" end # 3. Several corresponding changes in the main makefile: inreplace "makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "LDLIBS_STANC = -Lbin", "LDLIBS_STANC = -Llib" s.gsub! "bin/%.o", "lib/%.o" s.gsub! "bin/stan/%.o :", "lib/stan/%.o :" s.gsub! "bin/libstanc.a", "lib/libstanc.a" s.gsub! "bin/%.d", "lib/%.d" end # Now we can build: system "make", "build" # And install and symlink the commands. bin.install "bin/stansummary" bin.install "bin/stanc" bin.install "bin/print" # Include it for now, it will be obsolete in cmdstan 3.0 but some people might still use it # Now install the lib dir with the built object and lib files. They are needed later when we # build executables for specific Stan models. lib.install Dir["lib/*"] # Install docs doc.install "", "LICENSE", "" # For the standard stan make system to work we also need the following files in prefix: prefix.install "src", "makefile", "make", "stan_2.9.0", "examples" end test do system "#{bin}/stanc", "--version" cp prefix/"examples/bernoulli/bernoulli.stan", "." system "#{bin}/stanc", "bernoulli.stan" system "make", "bernoulli_model.o", "CPPFLAGS=-I#{Formula["eigen"].include/"eigen3"} -I#{prefix}/stan_2.9.0/src -I#{prefix}/stan_2.9.0/lib/stan_math_2.9.0" end end