class Ds9 < Formula desc "Astronomical imaging and data visualization" homepage "" url "" version "7.3.2" sha256 "05d581780f41d02799777c5a2095ea6e74dc70bd80175c96babe241c23d0145f" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "40e75509fb3fb53f2d3a391f6b1df3971ce0878d2625a2680a053ec1e7ca3edd" => :el_capitan sha256 "a35573fb5f27b6e914711f1d98e7d616ebc2e27242beece1341c2d9c2f0ebca8" => :yosemite sha256 "211226f72b21eef4059b09fba5072adca9fe1a3cc62e5f38730134a707edfd92" => :mavericks end depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on :x11 def install ENV.deparallelize # omit code signing as we do not have the signing identity inreplace "ds9/Makefile.unix", '$(CODESIGN) -s "SAOImage DS9" ds9', "" if MacOS.version == :lion ln_s "make.darwinlion", "make.include" elsif MacOS.version == :mountainlion ln_s "make.darwinmountainlion", "make.include" else ln_s "make.darwinmavericks", "make.include" end system "make" # ds9 requires the companion zip file to live in the same location as the binary bin.install "ds9/ds9", "ds9/" end test do system "ds9", "-analysis", "message", "'It works! Press OK to exit.'", "-exit" end end