class Dssp < Formula homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "5fb5e7c085de16c05981e3a72869c8b082911a0b46e6dcc6dbd669c9f267e8e1" bottle do sha256 "d24eda9478670b24b40b27dac9ef9f31034c3f6ab2007900f4a972ec1208a0fd" => :yosemite sha256 "66276ea7fa9226c2cf0a901231d7b9cd79ca806f402ef865b201ecea83c19597" => :mavericks sha256 "f904611240d8959d7ebe0694da2a10fdb7bbaeb6c317f90f441bd449373e539c" => :mountain_lion end depends_on "boost" resource "pdb" do url "" sha256 "6ee5ab16972d8f3ae6c2f92fce789a40fecb1a6a8c0de42257b35fc7e9d82149" end def install # Create a make.config file that contains the configuration for boost boost = Formula["boost"].opt_prefix"make.config", "w") do |makeconf| makeconf.puts "BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX = -mt" makeconf.puts "BOOST_LIB_DIR = #{boost}/lib" makeconf.puts "BOOST_INC_DIR = #{boost}/include" end # There is no need for the build to be static and static build causes # an error: ld: library not found for -lcrt0.o inreplace "makefile" do |s| s.gsub!(/-static/, "") end system "make", "install", "DEST_DIR=#{prefix}", "MAN_DIR=#{man1}" end test do resource("pdb").stage do system bin/"mkdssp", "-i", "3zzz_0cyc.pdb", "-o", testpath/"test.dssp" end assert_match "POLYPYRIMIDINE TRACT BINDING PROTEIN RRM2", (testpath/"test.dssp").read end end