class Gaemr < Formula homepage "" # tag "bioinformatics" url "" sha256 "cab1818e33b8ce9db2b25268206d73b5883f6c40843c258a72daba79e841d70a" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "95b6230d77b727f963437e3066b2c024054fea6087f145c946c8bcb47316999b" => :yosemite sha256 "afb3ea09dea99f67b72f3395ad81dc3b369cb7c0b2ef29dafe9127b22585b36e" => :mavericks sha256 "15139afc47141dfd4df15b9ad8f75b6801624b26fadd63be6b5bbd61b7657fda" => :mountain_lion end def install libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink "../libexec/bin/" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent After install GAEMR, you must do these 3 things: 1. Amend your UNIX PATH environmental variable to point to your installation of the GAEMR/bin directory: export PATH=#{libexec}/bin:$PATH 2. Amend your UNIX PYTHONPATH environmental variable to point to your installation of the GAEMR directory: export PYTHONPATH=#{libexec}:$PYTHONPATH 3. Change the path variables in #{libexec}/gaemr/ to reflect your installation for the various bioinformatics tools. EOS end test do system "PYTHONPATH=#{libexec} #{bin}/ --help" end end