class Gap < Formula desc "A system for computational discrete algebra" homepage "" url "" version "4.8.2" sha256 "8104f6936b6e6f7f8cf399b87da2ba968b5938f309e0ff94dbe6e02f50496ee5" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "61034dfb4e2e0ea7a7742ad5844ea1652a03269d6b5f9c7421fa5f8caee36d9c" => :el_capitan sha256 "89ca57099235158f60d90c3fdd8c6fa3b3805d11429cfafa14f66afec8fec65c" => :yosemite sha256 "def02768b4d712e86e76e07fe1c02ba089b9f13195e041fa1160b9356b75a325" => :mavericks end # NOTE: the archive contains the [GMP library]( under # `extern/`, which is not needed if it is already installed (for example, # with Homebrew), and a number of GAP packages under `pkg/`, some of # which need to be built. option "with-InstPackages", "Try to build included packages using InstPackages script" depends_on "gmp" # NOTE: A version of [GMP]( is included in GAP archive # under `extern/`, it is possible to use it instead of the brewed `gmp`. # See for details. depends_on "readline" => :recommended INST_PACKAGES_SCRIPT_URL = "" resource "script_that_builds_included_packages" do url INST_PACKAGES_SCRIPT_URL sha256 "8910cde7f5ab5ab46ea238a7712aa34d035cff3267704b6eadf307389294ecb2" end def install # Remove some useless files rm Dir["bin/*.bat", "bin/*.ico", "bin/*.bmp", "bin/cygwin.ver"] # Remove GMP archives (`gmp` formula is declared as a dependency) rm Dir["extern/gmp-*.tar.gz"] # XXX: Currently there is no `install` target in `Makefile`. # According to the manual installation instructions in # # , # # the compiled "bundle" is intended to be used "as is," and there is # no instructions for how to remove the source and other unnecessary # files after compilation. Moreover, the content of the # subdirectories with special names, such as `bin` and `lib`, is not # suitable for merging with the content of the corresponding # subdirectories of `/usr/local`. The easiest temporary solution seems # to be to drop the compiled bundle into `/libexec` and to # create a symlink `/bin/gap` to the startup script. # This use of `libexec` seems to contradict Linux Filesystem Hierarchy # Standard, but is recommended in Homebrew's "Formula Cookbook." args = %W[--prefix=#{libexec} --with-gmp=system] args << "--#{build.with?("readline") ? "with" : "without"}-readline" # NOTE: `--with-readline` is the default, it is included for clarity system "./configure", *args # Fix a bug caused by the buggy `configure` which does not respect # `--prefix` when generating the startup script: the variable `GAP_DIR` # is being set to the (temporary) build directory, but should be set to # the value of `--prefix` option. ["bin/", "bin/"].each do |startup_script| next unless File.exist?(startup_script) inreplace startup_script, /^GAP_DIR="[^"]*"$/, "GAP_DIR=\"#{libexec}\"" end system "make" libexec.install Dir["*"] # Create a symlink `bin/gap` from the symlink `` cd libexec/"bin" do # NOTE: the symbolic link `` is (or may be) relaive bin.install_symlink File.expand_path(`readlink -n`) => "gap" end if build.with? "InstPackages" ohai "Trying to automatically build included packages" resource("script_that_builds_included_packages").stage do chmod "u+x", "" (libexec/"pkg").install "" end cd libexec/"pkg" do # NOTE: running this script is known to produce a number of error # messages, possibly failing to build certain packages system "./" end end end # XXX: `brew info` displays the caveats according to the options it is # given, not according to the options with which the formula is installed def caveats if build.without?("InstPackages") <<-EOS.undent If the formula is installed without the `--with-InstPackages' option, some packages in: #{libexec/"pkg"} will need to be built manually with the following script: #{INST_PACKAGES_SCRIPT_URL} See the Section 7 of #{libexec/"INSTALL"} for more info. EOS else <<-EOS.undent When the formula is installed with the `--with-InstPackages' option, some packages in #{libexec/"pkg"} are automatically built using the following script: #{INST_PACKAGES_SCRIPT_URL} However, this script is known to produce a number of error messages, and thus it might have failed to build certain packages. EOS end end test do"test_input.g", "w") do |f| f.write <<-EOS.undent Print(Factorial(3), "\\n"); Print(IsDocumentedWord("IsGroup"), "\\n"); Print(IsDocumentedWord("MakeGAPDocDoc"), "\\n"); QUIT; EOS end test_output = `#{bin/"gap"} -b test_input.g` assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus expected_output = <<-EOS.undent 6 true true EOS assert_equal expected_output, test_output end end