class Genometools < Formula desc "GenomeTools: The versatile open source genome analysis software" homepage "" # doi "10.1109/TCBB.2013.68" # tag "bioinformatics" url "" sha256 "c1864ce7df3bac9699a50a46b005995f96ddd287f9469d8448815aba900706eb" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "94362afb9cc048a3b26a3ee8731c9fc75e15b74bf165c10eb9826acf45419738" => :el_capitan sha256 "4bc79c22e52962a18051aabaf9dcf86681847abbf3f8430ca79075bce0047dbf" => :yosemite sha256 "b432b847a18e0e76cf861b7fed9c814d0b214a6667fc9f40d719fec5985df3fb" => :mavericks end option :universal option "with-check", "Run tests which require approximately one hour to run" option "without-pangocairo", "Build without Pango/Cairo (disables AnnotationSketch tool)" option "with-hmmer", "Build with HMMER (to enable protein domain search functionality in the ltrdigest tool)" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on :python => :recommended unless OS.mac? && MacOS.version >= :lion if build.with? "pangocairo" depends_on "cairo" depends_on "pango" end def install args = ["prefix=#{prefix}"] args << "cairo=no" if build.without? "pangocairo" args << "with-hmmer=yes" if build.with? "hmmer" args << "universal=yes" if build.universal? args << "64bit=yes" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "make", *args system "make", "test", *args if build.with? "check" system "make", "install", *args prefix.install bin/"gtdata" if build.with? "python" cd "gtpython" do inreplace "gt/", "gtlib = CDLL(\"libgenometools\" + soext)", "gtlib = CDLL(\"#{lib}/libgenometools\" + soext)" system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) system "python", "-m", "unittest", "discover", "tests" end end end test do system "#{bin}/gt", "-test" system "python", "-c", "from gt import *" if build.with? "python" end end