class Glimmer3 < Formula homepage "" url "" version "3.02b" sha256 "ecf28e03d0a675aed7360ca34ca7f19993f5c3ea889273e657ced9fa7d1e2bf6" depends_on "elph" def install cd "src" do system "make" end cd "bin" do # Lots of binaries with kind of common names. We put these in # libexec and not in bin. The shell scripts (see below) # know how to call these, because we set the $glimmerpath. libexec.install %w[window-acgt start-codon-distrib long-orfs entropy-score build-fixed uncovered score-fixed glimmer3 entropy-profile anomaly multi-extract extract build-icm] end Dir.glob("scripts/*.awk").each do |script| inreplace script, "/bin/awk", "/usr/bin/awk" libexec.install script end pkgshare.install Dir.glob("sample-run/*.predict") pkgshare.install "sample-run/tpall.fna" inreplace "scripts/g3-iterated.csh", "/nfshomes/adelcher", HOMEBREW_PREFIX inreplace "scripts/g3-from-training.csh", "/nfshomes/adelcher", HOMEBREW_PREFIX Dir.glob("scripts/*.csh").each do |script| inreplace script, "/fs/szgenefinding/Glimmer3/scripts", libexec inreplace script, "/fs/szgenefinding/Glimmer3", HOMEBREW_PREFIX inreplace script, "$glimmerpath", libexec bin.install script end end def caveats <<-EOS.undent Glimmer3 is mostly used by calling the .csh scripts but if you need the supporting binaries, they are in #{libexec} EOS end test do system "g3-from-scratch.csh #{share}/#{name}/tpall.fna test" if FileTest.exists? "test.predict" `diff test.predict #{share}/#{name}/from-scratch.predict`.empty? ? true : false else false end end end