class GraphTool < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "ac5fdd65cdedb568302d302b453fe142b875f23e3500fe814a73c88db49993a9" revision 1 stable do # Commits to subgraph_isomorphism which are required for the last patch patch do url "" sha256 "6c5a27fe386f0424cad553bc2b6dcbe1ccb2d4e9f8c759702799ab901eb8dc36" end patch do url "" sha256 "456247297df4a7db7ffa696bbd6cee3ab3a6ffa7e20dbd1a2058336efa33a782" end # Fixes build with boost 1.60 patch do url "" sha256 "cd706ba200441243f8ae6301403dbdf23d3b1e29ac327288b47d65001952250e" end end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end bottle do sha256 "1403a9699ab147da134b39d4cc3b64cd1a49be1d7d9b5941a842f87f5b9132b6" => :el_capitan sha256 "c0259303a55befb147a40d60e58e283d2b9774d5a52b9d7f13b8eacc8e0d063f" => :yosemite sha256 "7f2ecc68e838a493bcfe533b36c94d1e2b7dc90bd03ea0e1453f94bc1d80ef11" => :mavericks end option "without-cairo", "Build without cairo support for plotting" option "without-gtk+3", "Build without gtk+3 support for interactive plotting" option "without-matplotlib", "Use a matplotlib you've installed yourself instead of a Homebrew-packaged matplotlib" option "without-numpy", "Use a numpy you've installed yourself instead of a Homebrew-packaged numpy" option "without-python", "Build without python2 support" option "without-scipy", "Use a scipy you've installed yourself instead of a Homebrew-packaged scipy" cxx11 = MacOS.version < :mavericks ? ["c++11"] : [] with_pythons = build.with?("python3") ? ["with-python3"] : [] depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "boost" => cxx11 depends_on "boost-python" => cxx11 + with_pythons depends_on "cairomm" if build.with? "cairo" depends_on "cgal" => cxx11 depends_on "google-sparsehash" => cxx11 + [:recommended] depends_on "gtk+3" => :recommended depends_on :python3 => :optional depends_on "homebrew/python/numpy" => [:recommended] + with_pythons depends_on "homebrew/python/scipy" => [:recommended] + with_pythons depends_on "homebrew/python/matplotlib" => [:recommended] + with_pythons if build.with? "cairo" depends_on "py2cairo" if build.with? "python" depends_on "py3cairo" if build.with? "python3" end if build.with? "gtk+3" depends_on "gnome-icon-theme" depends_on "librsvg" => "with-gtk+3" depends_on "pygobject3" => with_pythons end # We need a compiler with C++14 support. fails_with :llvm fails_with :clang do build 601 # the highest build version for which compilation will fail cause "graph-tool must be compiled in c++14 mode" end fails_with :gcc fails_with :gcc => "4.8" do cause "graph-tool must be compiled in c++14 mode" end def install system "./" if build.head? config_args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=#{prefix} ] # fix issue with boost + gcc with C++11/C++14 ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-fext-numeric-literals" unless ENV.compiler == :clang config_args << "--disable-cairo" if build.without? "cairo" config_args << "--disable-sparsehash" if build.without? "google-sparsehash" Language::Python.each_python(build) do |python, version| config_args_x = ["PYTHON=#{python}"] if OS.mac? config_args_x << "PYTHON_LDFLAGS=-undefined dynamic_lookup" config_args_x << "PYTHON_EXTRA_LDFLAGS=-undefined dynamic_lookup" end config_args_x << "--with-python-module-path=#{lib}/python#{version}/site-packages" if python == "python3" inreplace "configure", "libboost_python", "libboost_python3" inreplace "configure", "ax_python_lib=boost_python", "ax_python_lib=boost_python3" end mkdir "build-#{python}-#{version}" do system "../configure", *(config_args + config_args_x) system "make", "install" end end end test do Pathname("").write <<-EOS.undent import graph_tool.all as gt g = gt.Graph() v1 = g.add_vertex() v2 = g.add_vertex() e = g.add_edge(v1, v2) EOS Language::Python.each_python(build) { |python, _| system python, "" } end end