class KentTools < Formula desc "Utilities for the UCSC Genome Browser" homepage "" url "" sha256 "08d4650ef56b4a927a773d99a4c0532dcb25c1b345367e2d37529705808f55cf" head "git://" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "75a15c558cbbfbf3aa6a3309e94eb8ae30beb17742e7243ea185ca1f97f595e8" => :el_capitan sha256 "11702a6c3f3c9886c602d4e05406040b638e1ebf719bf8306e96e83fa925ab9a" => :yosemite sha256 "080ffeffb96e3f3d7c4d73e03ae9d55c9c37eda57adc012345c04fb0004ea297" => :mavericks end depends_on :mysql depends_on "libpng" depends_on "openssl" def install libpng = Formula["libpng"] mysql = Formula["mysql"] args = ["userApps", "BINDIR=#{bin}", "SCRIPTS=#{bin}"] args << "MACHTYPE=#{`uname -m`.chomp}" args << "PNGLIB=-L#{libpng.opt_lib} -lpng -lz" args << "PNGINCL=-I#{libpng.opt_include}" # On Linux, depends_on :mysql looks at system MySQL so check if Homebrew # MySQL already exists. If it does, then link against that. Otherwise, let # kent-tools link against system MySQL (see kent/src/inc/ if mysql.installed? args << "MYSQLINC=#{mysql.opt_include}/mysql" args << "MYSQLLIBS=-lmysqlclient -lz" end cd build.head? ? "src" : "kent/src" do system "make", *args end cd bin do blat_bin = %w[blat faToTwoBit gfClient gfServer nibFrag pslPretty pslReps pslSort twoBitInfo twoBitToFa] rm blat_bin mv "calc", "kent-tools-calc" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent The `calc` tool has been renamed to `kent-tools-calc`. This only installs the standalone tools located at If you need the full UCSC Genome Browser, run: brew install ucsc-genome-browser This does not install the BLAT tools. To install BLAT: brew install blat EOS end test do (testpath/"test.fa").write <<-EOF.undent >test ACTG EOF system "#{bin}/faOneRecord test.fa test > out.fa" compare_file "test.fa", "out.fa" end end