class NumpyHasHeaders < Requirement def numpy_include_dir "#{`python -c "import numpy.distutils.misc_util as u; print(u.get_numpy_include_dirs())[0]"`.strip}" end def satisfied? Dir["#{numpy_include_dir}/numpy/*.h"].any? end def fatal? true end def message; <<-EOS.undent lp_solve requires NumPy headers not provided by Apple. Install numpy via the gnubila-france/python formula: `brew tap gnubila-france/python && brew install numpy` EOS end end class LpSolve < Formula homepage "" url "" version "" # automatic version parser spits out "solve" as version sha256 "5827a30b143105283f398a09419ea608719a2d7699ecea165a66d521803bcc9c" depends_on :python => :optional depends_on if build.with? "python" resource "lp_solve_python" do # '' url "" sha256 "79683bc262e9da5b2fa7338ba190a9cd10559b9f2dbcb8f3bf07e2a81083ac51" version "" end # Prefer OS X's fast BLAS implementation (patch stolen from fink-project) patch :DATA if OS.mac? def install # Thanks to superenv, we don't have to care if the ccc.osx build script # tells the compiler stupid things. And Xcode-only works like charm. # Clang on :snow_leopard does not ignore `-Wno-long-double` and errors out. if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard files = %w[configure demo/ccc.osx lp_solve/ccc.osx lpsolve55/ccc.osx lpsolve55/cccLUSOL.osx] files.each { |f| inreplace f, "-Wno-long-double", "" } end cd "lpsolve55" do if OS.mac? system "sh ccc.osx # lpsolve55 library" lib.install Dir["./bin/osx64/*.a"] lib.install Dir["./bin/osx64/*.dylib"] else system "sh ccc # lpsolve55 library" lib.install Dir["./bin/ux64/*.a"] lib.install Dir["./bin/ux64/*.so"] end end cd "lp_solve" do if OS.mac? system "sh ccc.osx # lp_solve executable" bin.install "./bin/osx64/lp_solve" else system "sh ccc # lp_solve executable" bin.install "./bin/ux64/lp_solve" end end # Note, the demo does not build with lpsolve55. Upstream issue. include.install Dir["*.h"] include.install "shared/commonlib.h", "shared/myblas.h" include.install Dir["bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL/lusol*.h"] if build.with? "python" # In order to install into the Cellar, the dir must exist and be in the # PYTHONPATH. temp_site_packages = lib/which_python/"site-packages" mkdir_p temp_site_packages ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = temp_site_packages args = [ "--force", "--verbose", "--install-scripts=#{share}/python", "--install-lib=#{temp_site_packages}", "--record=installed-files.txt", ] resource("lp_solve_python").stage do cd "extra/Python" do # On OS X malloc there is and inreplace "hash.c", "#include ", "#include " # We know where the lpsolve55 lib is... inreplace "", "LPSOLVE55 = '../../lpsolve55/bin/ux32'", "LPSOLVE55 = '#{lib}'" # Correct path to lpsolve's include dir and go the official way to find numpy include_dirs inreplace "", "include_dirs=['../..', NUMPYPATH],", "include_dirs=['#{include}', '#{numpy_include_dir}']," inreplace "", "(NUMPY, '1')", "('NUMPY', '1')" # Even their version number is broken ... inreplace "", 'version = "",', "version = '#{version}'," system "python", "", "--no-user-cfg", "install", *args # Save the examples (share/"lp_solve").install Dir["ex*.py"], "", "Python.htm" end end end end if build.with? "python" def numpy_include_dir "#{`python -c "import numpy.distutils.misc_util as u; print(u.get_numpy_include_dirs())[0]"`.strip}" end def which_python "python" + `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent For non-homebrew Python, you need to amend your PYTHONPATH like so: export PYTHONPATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH Python examples and doc are installed to #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/lp_solve EOS end end test do input = <<-EOS.undent max: 143 x + 60 y; 120 x + 210 y <= 15000; 110 x + 30 y <= 4000; x + y <= 75; EOS (testpath/"input.lp").write(input) output = `#{bin}/lp_solve -S3 input.lp` puts output match = output =~ /Value of objective function: 6315\.6250/ raise if match.nil? end end __END__ diff --git a/lp_lib.h b/lp_lib.h index 2ef654f..7b06ef8 100644 --- a/lp_lib.h +++ b/lp_lib.h @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ /* Specify use of the basic linear algebra subroutine library */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define libBLAS 2 /* 0: No, 1: Internal, 2: External */ -#define libnameBLAS "myBLAS" +#define libnameBLAS "/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/Current/libBLAS.dylib" /* Active inverse logic (default is optimized original etaPFI) */