class Mallet < Formula desc "MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit" homepage "" # tag "machine learning" url "" sha256 "bf34241b0589be2d28d57a4b369b4d722f273591cb28bf428d0167f58f91f161" head "" devel do url "" sha256 "cced45641a671c41ef63d498ce39ddcb9cd904fb6da2f6ca0fd4488b7e4ee4fc" end # Creates a wrapper to set the classpath before executing # the utility. def startup_script(name) <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/sh CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:#{libexec}/class:#{libexec}/lib/mallet-deps.jar "#{libexec}/bin/#{name}" "$@" EOS end def install rm Dir["bin/*.{bat,dll,exe}"] # Remove all windows files prefix.install_metafiles libexec.install Dir["*"] cd libexec+"bin" do Dir["*"].each do |file| fn = File.basename(file) (bin+fn).write startup_script(fn) end end end test do system "#{bin}/mallet | grep Mallet" end end