class Megam < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "dc0e9f59ff8513449fe3bd40b260141f89c88a4edf6ddc8b8a394c758e49724e" depends_on "objective-caml" def install # Environment settings for Makefile to compile on MacOS ENV["WITHCLIBS"] = "-I #{Formula["objective-caml"].opt_lib}/ocaml/caml" ENV["WITHSTR"] = "str.cma -cclib -lcamlstr" # Build the non-optimized version system "make", "-e" bin.install "megam" system "make", "clean" # Build the optimized version system "make", "-e", "opt" bin.install "megam.opt" end test do (testpath/"tiny.megam").write <<-EOS.undent 0 F1 F2 F3 1 F2 F3 F8 0 F1 F2 1 F8 F9 F10 EOS system bin/"megam", "binary", "tiny.megam" system bin/"megam.opt", "binary", "tiny.megam" end end