class Neuron < Formula homepage "" desc "Neuron is a simulation environment for modeling individual neurons and networks of neurons" url "" sha256 "165513a4c5e4f11fb78b6c8a71d92f11a00c120c4bbeec26abfedac241729e98" head "", :using => :hg bottle do revision 1 sha256 "5372bbb13c06b50d1734fc5510073810d22522cbf7ebdd3f5d58f9615e67cc1f" => :el_capitan sha256 "cf7d064e0eab9c7dd3d27559b1e81b976639715bf9f140f33c1428be073c7c4a" => :yosemite sha256 "51a14a0a84cda238d401619b30006a983801a4ff05a2908fef191e372a8d4133" => :mavericks end depends_on "inter-views" depends_on :mpi => :optional depends_on :python if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard # NEURON uses .la files to compile HOC files at runtime skip_clean :la # 1. The build fails (for both gcc and clang) when trying to build # src/mac/mac2uxarg.c, which uses Carbon. # According to the lead developer, Carbon is not available for 64-bit # machines, and is an "ancient launcher helper", so we remove it, # as was suggested in this forum thread: # # 2. The build assumes InterViews kept .la files around. It doesn't, # so we link directly to the .dylib instead. patch :DATA def install dylib = OS.mac? ? "dylib" : "so" inreplace "configure", "$IV_LIBDIR/", "$IV_LIBDIR/libIVhines.#{dylib}" args = ["--with-iv=#{Formula["inter-views"].opt_prefix}"] args << "--with-paranrn" if build.with? "mpi" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--enable-pysetup=no", "--with-nrnpython", "--without-mpi", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--exec-prefix=#{libexec}", *args system "make" system "make", "check" system "make", "install" cd "src/nrnpython" do system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(prefix) end # Neuron builds some .apps which are useless and in the wrong place ["idraw", "mknrndll", "modlunit", "mos2nrn", "neurondemo", "nrngui"].each do |app| rm_rf "#{prefix}/../#{app}.app" end ln_sf Dir["#{libexec}/lib/*.dylib"], lib ln_sf Dir["#{libexec}/lib/*.so.*"], lib ln_sf Dir["#{libexec}/lib/*.so"], lib ln_sf Dir["#{libexec}/lib/*.la"], lib ln_sf Dir["#{libexec}/lib/*.o"], lib ["hoc_ed", "ivoc", "modlunit", "mos2nrn", "neurondemo", "nocmodl", "nrngui", "nrniv", "nrnivmodl", "sortspike"].each do |exe| bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/bin/#{exe}" end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent NEURON recommends that you set an X11 option that raises the window under the mouse cursor on mouseover. If you don't set this option, NEURON's GUI will still work, but you will have to click in each window before you can interact with the widgets in that window. To raise the window on mouse hover, execute: defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 wm_ffm -bool true To revert this behavior, execute: defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 wm_ffm -bool false EOS end test do system "#{bin}/nrniv", "--version" system "python", "-c", "import neuron; neuron.test()" end end __END__ diff --git i/src/mac/ w/src/mac/ index cecf310..7618ee0 100644 --- i/src/mac/ +++ w/src/mac/ @@ -613,17 +613,6 @@ uninstall-am: uninstall-binSCRIPTS uninstall-am uninstall-binSCRIPTS @MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@install: install-am -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@@UniversalMacBinary_TRUE@ $(CC) -arch ppc -o aoutppc -Dcpu="\"$(host_cpu)\"" -I. $(srcdir)/launch.c $(srcdir)/mac2uxarg.c -framework Carbon -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@@UniversalMacBinary_TRUE@ $(CC) -arch i386 -o aouti386 -Dcpu="\"$(host_cpu)\"" -I. $(srcdir)/launch.c $(srcdir)/mac2uxarg.c -framework Carbon -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@@UniversalMacBinary_TRUE@ lipo aouti386 aoutppc -create -output a.out -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@@UniversalMacBinary_FALSE@ gcc -g -arch i386 -Dncpu="\"$(host_cpu)\"" -I. $(srcdir)/launch.c $(srcdir)/mac2uxarg.c -framework Carbon - -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ carbon=$(carbon) sh $(srcdir)/ "$(host_cpu)" "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)" "$(srcdir)" -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ for i in $(S) ; do \ -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ sed "s/^CPU.*/CPU=\"$(host_cpu)\"/" < $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$i > temp; \ -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ mv temp $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$i; \ -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$i; \ -@MAC_DARWIN_TRUE@ done # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.