class Octave < Formula desc "high-level interpreted language for numerical computing" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "4c7ee0957f5dd877e3feb9dfe07ad5f39b311f9373932f0d2a289dc97cca3280" revision 5 stable do # Fix compilation of classdef with the clang compiler (bug #41178) # The bug is already fixed in the default branch, i.e., > 4.0 # See: patch do url "" sha256 "25a9c0b937b50de0acb4dc50e4d6d285ef54f1673e4b84530b53effe983bdd88" end end bottle do sha256 "44891ee13fcb9ef3547ee9a90cc3a5c07605befb3d6dc34f08601b2dd6d8ab1d" => :el_capitan sha256 "b232710e83fba75e42ab81edfe133158da06c6986753e36927d22afdb034c82e" => :yosemite sha256 "6c1dbaa2f020b2d1a5f3ba2aa02cb2ba48a4b2470bdcc7ec6580e0525c889744" => :mavericks end # Fix compilation of osmesa by exchangig the order of include # See: patch do url "" sha256 "3a7f72f76329e0f40857587e06a1a9074da320423a85a6821b6fbc46bde6140d" end if OS.mac? && MacOS.clang_version < "7.0" # Fix the build error with LLVM 3.5svn (-3.6svn?) and libc++ (bug #43298) # See: patch do url "" sha256 "ef83b32384a37cca13ecdd30d98dacac314b7c23f2c1df3d1113074bd1169c0f" end # Fixes includes "base-list.h" and "config.h" in comment-list.h and "oct.h" (bug #41027) # Core developers don't like this fix, see: patch do url "" sha256 "efdf91390210a64e4732da15dcac576fb1fade7b85f9bacf4010d102c1974729" end end # dependencies needed for head # "librsvg" and ":tex" are currently not necessary # since we do not build the pdf docs ("DOC_TARGETS=") head do url "", :branch => "default", :using => :hg depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "bison" => :build depends_on "fontconfig" depends_on "freetype" end skip_clean "share/info" # Keep the docs # options, enabled by default option "without-check", "Do not perform build-time tests (not recommended)" option "without-curl", "Do not use cURL (urlread/urlwrite/@ftp)" option "without-docs", "Do not install documentation" option "without-fftw", "Do not use FFTW (fft,ifft,fft2,etc.)" option "without-glpk", "Do not use GLPK" option "without-gnuplot", "Do not use gnuplot graphics" option "without-hdf5", "Do not use HDF5 (hdf5 data file support)" option "without-opengl", "Do not use opengl" option "without-qhull", "Do not use the Qhull library (delaunay,voronoi,etc.)" option "without-qrupdate", "Do not use the QRupdate package (qrdelete,qrinsert,qrshift,qrupdate)" option "without-suite-sparse", "Do not use SuiteSparse (sparse matrix operations)" option "without-zlib", "Do not use zlib (compressed MATLAB file formats)" # options, disabled by default option "with-audio", "Use the sndfile and portaudio libraries for audio operations" option "with-gui", "Use the graphical user interface" option "with-java", "Use Java, requires Java 6 from" option "with-jit", "Use the experimental just-in-time compiler (not recommended)" option "with-openblas", "Use OpenBLAS instead of native LAPACK/BLAS" option "with-osmesa", "Use the OSmesa library (incompatible with opengl)" # build dependencies depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build # essential dependencies depends_on :fortran depends_on "texinfo" => :build # we need >4.8 depends_on "pcre" # recommended dependencies (implicit options) depends_on "readline" => :recommended depends_on "arpack" => :recommended depends_on "epstool" => :recommended depends_on "ghostscript" => :recommended # ps/pdf image output depends_on "gl2ps" => :recommended depends_on "graphicsmagick" => :recommended # imread/imwrite # conditional dependecies (explicit options) depends_on "curl" if build.with?("curl") && MacOS.version == :leopard depends_on "fftw" if build.with? "fftw" depends_on "glpk" if build.with? "glpk" depends_on "gnuplot" if build.with? "gnuplot" depends_on "hdf5" if build.with? "hdf5" depends_on :java => "1.6" if build.with? "java" depends_on "llvm" if build.with? "jit" depends_on "openblas" if build.with? "openblas" depends_on "pstoedit" if build.with? "ghostscript" depends_on "qhull" if build.with? "qhull" depends_on "qrupdate" if build.with? "qrupdate" depends_on "qscintilla2" if build.with? "gui" depends_on "qt" if build.with? "gui" depends_on "suite-sparse421" if build.with? "suite-sparse" depends_on :x11 if build.with? "osmesa" depends_on "libsndfile" if build.with? "audio" depends_on "portaudio" if build.with? "audio" def install ENV.m64 if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ENV.append_to_cflags "-D_REENTRANT" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["readline"].opt_lib} -lreadline" if build.with? "readline" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", "#{Formula["texinfo"].opt_bin}" if build.head? # basic arguments args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}"] args << "--enable-dependency-tracking" args << "--enable-link-all-dependencies" args << "--enable-shared" args << "--disable-static" args << "--with-x=no" if OS.mac? # We don't need X11 for Mac at all # arguments for options enabled by default args << "--without-curl" if build.without? "curl" args << "--disable-docs" if build.without? "docs" args << "--without-fftw3" if build.without? "fftw" args << "--without-glpk" if build.without? "glpk" args << "--disable-gui" if build.without? "gui" args << "--without-hdf5" if build.without? "hdf5" args << "--without-opengl" if build.without? "opengl" args << "--without-framework-opengl" if build.without? "opengl" args << "--without-OSMesa" if build.without? "osmesa" args << "--without-qhull" if build.without? "qhull" args << "--without-qrupdate" if build.without? "qrupdate" args << "--disable-readline" if build.without? "readline" args << "--without-zlib" if build.without? "zlib" # arguments for options disabled by default args << "--with-portaudio" if build.without? "audio" args << "--with-sndfile" if build.without? "audio" args << "--disable-java" if build.without? "java" args << "--enable-jit" if build.with? "jit" args << "--with-blas=-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" if build.with? "openblas" # arguments if building without suite-sparse if build.without? "suite-sparse" args << "--without-amd" args << "--without-camd" args << "--without-colamd" args << "--without-ccolamd" args << "--without-cxsparse" args << "--without-camd" args << "--without-cholmod" args << "--without-umfpack" else ENV.append_to_cflags "-L#{Formula["metis4"].opt_lib} -lmetis" if Tab.for_name("suite-sparse421").with? "metis4" end system "./bootstrap" if build.head? # libtool needs to see -framework to handle dependencies better. inreplace "configure", "-Wl,-framework -Wl,", "-framework " # the Mac build configuration passes all linker flags to mkoctfile to # be inserted into every oct/mex build. This is actually unnecessary and # can cause linking problems. inreplace "src/", /%OCTAVE_CONF_OCT(AVE)?_LINK_(DEPS|OPTS)%/, '""' system "./configure", *args # call make with "DOC_TARGETS=" such that the manual is not build # due to broken osmesa which is required to generate the images # however the texinfo for built-in octave help is still generated # this can be disabled by "--without-docs" system "make", "all", "DOC_TARGETS=" system "make check 2>&1 | tee make-check.log" if build.with? "check" system "make", "install", "DOC_TARGETS=" prefix.install "make-check.log" if File.exist? "make-check.log" prefix.install "test/fntests.log" if File.exist? "test/fntests.log" end def caveats s = "" if build.with?("gui") s += <<-EOS.undent The graphical user interface is now used when running Octave interactively. The start-up option --no-gui will run the familiar command line interface. The option --no-gui-libs runs a minimalist command line interface that does not link with the Qt libraries and uses the fltk toolkit for plotting if available. EOS else s += <<-EOS.undent The graphical user interface is disabled by default since it is still buggy on OS X; use brew with the option --with-gui to enable it. EOS end if build.with?("gnuplot") s += <<-EOS.undent Octave was compiled with gnuplot; enable it via graphics_toolkit('gnuplot'). All graphics terminals can be used by setting the environment variable GNUTERM in ~/.octaverc, and building gnuplot with the corresponding options. setenv('GNUTERM','qt') # Requiers QT; install gnuplot --with-qt setenv('GNUTERM','x11') # Requires XQuartz; install gnuplot --with-x11 setenv('GNUTERM','wxt') # Requires wxmac; install gnuplot --with-wxmac setenv('GNUTERM','aqua') # Requires AquaTerm; install gnuplot --with-aquaterm You may also set this variable from within Octave. For printing the cairo backend is recommended, i.e., install gnuplot with --with-cairo, and use print -dpdfcairo figure.pdf EOS end if build.without?("osmesa") || (build.with?("osmesa") && build.with?("opengl")) s += <<-EOS.undent When using the the qt or fltk toolkits then invisible figures do not work because osmesa does currently not work with the Mac's OpenGL implementation. The usage of gnuplot is recommened. EOS end logfile = "#{prefix}/make-check.log" if File.exist? logfile logs = `grep 'libinterp/array/.*FAIL \\d' #{logfile}` unless logs.empty? s += <<-EOS.undent Octave's self-tests for this installation produced the following failues: -------- EOS s += logs + <<-EOS.undent -------- These failures indicate a conflict between Octave and its BLAS-related dependencies. You can likely correct these by removing and reinstalling arpack, qrupdate, suite-sparse421, and octave. Please use the same BLAS settings for all (i.e., with the default, or "--with-openblas"). EOS end end s += "\n" unless s.empty? s end test do system "octave", "--eval", "(22/7 - pi)/pi" end end