class Plasma < Formula desc "Parallel Linear Algebra for Multicore Architectures" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e8758a71ddd02ad1fb57373cfd62fb1b32cebea62ba517484f1adf9f0afb1ddb" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "7b204b1f80e95c466924bd2f1f3dafea3afbf041c844cf22196405f5eb8272d0" => :el_capitan sha256 "4d209daaa8ebbd622381e48665f3e63dd1909fb737b02c77c09fd9416e28524d" => :yosemite sha256 "2dbb4bafd1ab74730ad81e44e2493d201b683396c5e3695bf443578e28b8bf48" => :mavericks end depends_on "hwloc" depends_on :fortran resource "lapacke" do # LAPACKE is now included in the main LAPACK distribution. url "" sha256 "a9a0082c918fe14e377bbd570057616768dca76cbdc713457d8199aaa233ffc3" end def install resource("lapacke").stage do cp "", "" make_args = [ "CC=#{}", "FORTRAN=#{ENV["FC"]}", "LOADER=#{ENV["FC"]}", "RANLIB=true", ] cd "LAPACKE" do system "make", "lapacke", *make_args end system "make", "tmglib", *make_args include.install Dir["LAPACKE/include/*.h"] lib.install "liblapacke.a", "libtmglib.a" end make_args = [ "prefix=#{prefix}", "CC=#{}", "FC=#{ENV["FC"]}", "RANLIB=true", "FFLAGS=#{ENV["FFLAGS"]}", "LIBBLAS=-lblas", "LIBLAPACK=-llapack", "LIBCBLAS=-lcblas", "INCCLAPACK=-I#{include}", "LIBCLAPACK=-L#{lib} -llapacke -ltmglib", "PLASMA_F90=1", ] cp "makes/", "" system "make", *make_args system "make", "test" system "make", "example" lib.install Dir["lib/*"], "quark/libquark.a" include.install Dir["include/*"], Dir["quark/*.h"] doc.install Dir["docs/pdf/*"] pkgshare.install Dir["examples/*.c"], Dir["examples/*.f"], Dir["examples/*.f90"], Dir["examples/*.d"] pkgshare.install "timing" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent PLASMA should not be used in conjunction with a multithreaded BLAS to avoid creating more threads than actual cores. Please set export VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS=1 when using PLASMA. EOS end test do ENV.fortran ENV["VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS"] = "1" cp pkgshare/"example_dposv_f.f", testpath libs = [ "-L#{opt_lib}", "-lplasma", "-lcoreblasqw", "-lcoreblas", "-lquark", "-L#{Formula["hwloc"].opt_lib}", "-lhwloc", "-lblas", "-llapack", "-llapacke" ] system ENV["FC"], "example_dposv_f.f", "-I#{opt_include}", "-o", "example_dposv_f", *libs system "./example_dposv_f" end end