class Repeatmodeler < Formula homepage "" # tag "bioinformatics" version "1.0.8" url "" sha256 "3ac87af3fd3da0c9a2ca8e7b8885496abdf3383e413575548c1d234c15f27ecc" bottle do sha256 "a9554c56b1727320b1b5048ff89884941af6ee6a64a2afc7f3c621172264d522" => :yosemite sha256 "fce72ab593a100187d325b9789387e39e91dc3779de763556fb6aa516b1aaf18" => :mavericks sha256 "c2088c839d630afdc8e89a44f48ad3912cc86cb5ff52b041e58c7b4328cface8" => :mountain_lion end option "without-configure", "Do not run configure" depends_on "recon" depends_on "repeatmasker" depends_on "repeatscout" depends_on "rmblast" depends_on "trf" # Configure RepeatModeler. The prompts are: # PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE # PERL INSTALLATION PATH # REPEATMODELER INSTALLATION PATH # REPEATMASKER INSTALLATION PATH # RECON INSTALLATION PATH # RepeatScout INSTALLATION PATH # 1. RMBlast - NCBI Blast with RepeatMasker extensionst # RMBlast (rmblastn) INSTALLATION PATH # Do you want RMBlast to be your default search engine for Repeatmasker? # 3. Done def install prefix.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink %w[../BuildDatabase ../RepeatModeler] (prefix/"config.txt").write <<-EOS.undent /usr/bin/perl #{prefix} #{Formula["repeatmasker"].opt_prefix/"libexec"} #{Formula["recon"].opt_prefix/"bin"} #{Formula["repeatscout"].opt_prefix} #{Formula["trf"].opt_prefix/"bin"} 1 #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin Y 3 EOS end def post_install cd prefix do system "perl ./configure