class Salt < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "c38bbf8765aadf321ee138457544264b9f3f5e33c0b178dd5f079d117a2befb8" version "2.4" depends_on :fortran conflicts_with "fastbit", :because => "both install `include/filter.h`" resource "data" do url "" sha256 "4942143a5c1b1e67eddebf6fdfea7862ebdad9ee9ed3db5704a9099dae820aa9" end resource "03d4ag" do url "" sha256 "b02ce0a2f9feb81e0a2423dd0a00b014403e5495c39f0b866a318ed894afa974" end def install ENV.deparallelize # the libgfortran.a path needs to be set explicitly libgfortran = `$FC --print-file-name libgfortran.a`.chomp ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{File.dirname(libgfortran)} -lgfortran" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-static" system "make", "install" # install all the model data (prefix/"data").install resource("data") # for testing (prefix/"03d4ag").install resource("03d4ag") end test do ENV["SALTPATH"] = "#{prefix}/data" cp_r Dir["#{prefix}/03d4ag/*"], "." system bin/"snfit", testpath/"lc-03D4ag.list" assert File.exist?("result_salt2.dat") end def caveats <<-EOS.undent You should add the following to your .bashrc or equivalent: export SALTPATH=#{prefix}/data EOS end end