class Scotch5 < Formula homepage "" url "" version "5.1.12b" sha256 "82654e63398529cd3bcc8eefdd51d3b3161c0429bb11770e31f8eb0c3790db6e" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "47c553dce7da037ad291ce82b8ba2a5f1bce90ccf27168b67132e0e0c7915f86" => :yosemite sha256 "ab718b8c7215be2734ddb98cccf46761077b623d2b69ce9ba4eddb0857646fbe" => :mavericks sha256 "565b19c1b337a74ffcc3c481d0221e1665eb7193352c32c15a7c0290babf3008" => :mountain_lion end depends_on :mpi => :cc keg_only "Conflicts with scotch (6.x)" # bugs in makefile: # - libptesmumps must be built before main_esmumps # - install should also install the lib*esmumps.a libraries patch :DATA def install cd "src" do # Use mpicc to compile the parallelized version make_args = ["CCS=#{ENV["CC"]}", "CCP=#{ENV["MPICC"]}", "CCD=#{ENV["MPICC"]}", "RANLIB=echo"] if OS.mac? ln_s "", "" make_args += ["LIB=.dylib", "AR=libtool", "ARFLAGS=-dynamic -install_name #{lib}/$(notdir $@) -undefined dynamic_lookup -o "] else ln_s "", "" make_args += ["", "AR=$(CCS)", "ARFLAGS=-shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,#{lib}/$(notdir $@) -o "] end inreplace "" do |s| s.gsub! "-O3", "-O3 -fPIC" end system "make", "scotch", *make_args system "make", "ptscotch", *make_args system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", *make_args end end end __END__ diff -rupN scotch_5.1.12_esmumps/src/Makefile scotch_5.1.12_esmumps.patched/src/Makefile --- scotch_5.1.12_esmumps/src/Makefile 2011-02-12 12:06:58.000000000 +0100 +++ scotch_5.1.12_esmumps.patched/src/Makefile 2013-08-07 14:56:06.000000000 +0200 @@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ install : required $(bindir) $(includ -$(CP) -f ../bin/[agm]*$(EXE) $(bindir) -$(CP) -f ../include/*scotch*.h $(includedir) -$(CP) -f ../lib/*scotch*$(LIB) $(libdir) + -$(CP) -f ../lib/*esmumps*$(LIB) $(libdir) -$(CP) -Rf ../man/* $(mandir) clean : required diff -rupN scotch_5.1.12_esmumps/src/esmumps/Makefile scotch_5.1.12_esmumps.patched/src/esmumps/Makefile --- scotch_5.1.12_esmumps/src/esmumps/Makefile 2010-07-02 23:31:06.000000000 +0200 +++ scotch_5.1.12_esmumps.patched/src/esmumps/Makefile 2013-08-07 14:48:30.000000000 +0200 @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ scotch : clean ptscotch : clean $(MAKE) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DSCOTCH_PTSCOTCH" CC=$(CCP) SCOTCHLIB=ptscotch ESMUMPSLIB=ptesmumps \ - libesmumps$(LIB) \ + libesmumps$(LIB) + $(MAKE) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DSCOTCH_PTSCOTCH" CC=$(CCP) SCOTCHLIB=ptscotch ESMUMPSLIB=ptesmumps \ main_esmumps$(EXE) install :