class Superlu43 < Formula desc "Solve large sparse nonsymmetric systems of equations" homepage "" url "" sha256 "169920322eb9b9c6a334674231479d04df72440257c17870aaa0139d74416781" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "4b99c09b1f09394d4a3fe6cf8a768a2b25ae97de5652eeefa26855886cb8ed7b" => :el_capitan sha256 "5172668ed872337bf5ce2650f35d518593cc32488c450505b708a513989a0e54" => :yosemite sha256 "b1d997c0ebed6661e2937af2bb15937a3b8fa0a03ae853c63acae4cd5ff772ec" => :mavericks end keg_only "Conflicts with superlu" deprecated_option "without-check" => "without-test" option "with-matlab", "Build MEX files for use with Matlab" option "with-matlab-path=", "Directory that contains MATLAB bin and extern subdirectories" option "without-test", "skip build-time tests (not recommended)" option "with-openmp", "Enable OpenMP multithreading" depends_on :fortran # Accelerate single precision is buggy and causes certain single precision # tests to fail. depends_on "openblas" => ((OS.mac?) ? :optional : :recommended) depends_on "veclibfort" if build.without?("openblas") && OS.mac? needs :openmp if build.with? "openmp" def install ENV.deparallelize cp "MAKE_INC/make.mac-x", "./" make_args = ["RANLIB=true", "CC=#{}", "CFLAGS=-fPIC #{ENV.cflags}", "FORTRAN=#{ENV.fc}", "FFLAGS=#{ENV.fcflags}", "SuperLUroot=#{buildpath}", "SUPERLULIB=$(SuperLUroot)/lib/libsuperlu.a", "NOOPTS=-fPIC" ] if build.with? "openblas" blas = "-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" else blas = (OS.mac?) ? "-L#{Formula["veclibfort"].opt_lib} -lvecLibFort" : "-lblas" end make_args << "BLASLIB=#{blas}" make_args << ("LOADOPTS=" + ((build.with? "openmp") ? "-fopenmp" : "")) system "make", "lib", *make_args if build.with? "test" system "make", "testing", *make_args cd "TESTING" do system "make", *make_args %w[stest dtest ctest ztest].each do |tst| ohai `tail -1 #{tst}.out`.chomp end end end cd "EXAMPLE" do system "make", *make_args end if build.with? "matlab" matlab = ARGV.value("with-matlab-path") || HOMEBREW_PREFIX cd "MATLAB" do system "make", "MATLAB=#{matlab}", *make_args end end prefix.install """make_args.txt", "w") do |f| f.puts(make_args.join(" ")) # Record options passed to make. end lib.install Dir["lib/*"] (include/"superlu").install Dir["SRC/*.h"] doc.install Dir["Doc/*"] (pkgshare/"examples").install Dir["EXAMPLE/*[^.o]"] (pkgshare/"matlab").install Dir["MATLAB/*"] if build.with? "matlab" end def caveats s = "" if build.with? "matlab" s += <<-EOS.undent Matlab interfaces are located in #{opt_pkgshare}/matlab EOS end s end test do ENV.fortran cp_r pkgshare/"examples", testpath cp prefix/"", testpath make_args = ["CC=#{}", "CFLAGS=-fPIC #{ENV.cflags}", "FORTRAN=#{ENV.fc}", "FFLAGS=#{ENV.fcflags}", "SuperLUroot=#{opt_prefix}", "SUPERLULIB=#{opt_lib}/libsuperlu.a", "NOOPTS=-fPIC", "HEADER=#{opt_include}/superlu", ] if build.with? "openblas" blas = "-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" else blas = (OS.mac?) ? "-L#{Formula["veclibfort"].opt_lib} -lvecLibFort" : "-lblas" end make_args << "BLASLIB=#{blas}" make_args << ("LOADOPTS=" + ((build.with? "openmp") ? "-fopenmp" : "")) cd "examples" do system "make", *make_args system "./superlu" system "./slinsol < g20.rua" system "./slinsolx < g20.rua" system "./slinsolx1 < g20.rua" system "./slinsolx2 < g20.rua" system "./dlinsol < g20.rua" system "./dlinsolx < g20.rua" system "./dlinsolx1 < g20.rua" system "./dlinsolx2 < g20.rua" system "./clinsol < cg20.cua" system "./clinsolx < cg20.cua" system "./clinsolx1 < cg20.cua" system "./clinsolx2 < cg20.cua" system "./zlinsol < cg20.cua" system "./zlinsolx < cg20.cua" system "./zlinsolx1 < cg20.cua" system "./zlinsolx2 < cg20.cua" system "./sitersol -h < g20.rua" system "./sitersol1 -h < g20.rua" system "./ditersol -h < g20.rua" system "./ditersol1 -h < g20.rua" system "./citersol -h < g20.rua" system "./citersol1 -h < g20.rua" system "./zitersol -h < cg20.cua" system "./zitersol1 -h < cg20.cua" end end end