class SuperluDist < Formula desc "A general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines." homepage "" url "" sha256 "9ef541cac5c2ad635ec2965e6a9a3e616efea583e8a953c12bfe11c2f15eec54" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "ddf3997eb8bc2c6ad1b219044a288483ec58458ccc61dd1f5251f07c850c657d" => :el_capitan sha256 "76c2527083fa6faa4279aa4d8a0b81fc439d45db6849655840c640e6cf9519dd" => :yosemite sha256 "d9cdc445ebe4654d35d9834a6996a2ccf80dbb8894b589e2adcda17249549ebc" => :mavericks end depends_on :fortran depends_on :mpi => [:cc, :f77] depends_on "parmetis" depends_on "openblas" => :optional # Fix duplicate symbols [mc64dd_,mc64ed_,mc64fd_] when linking with superlu. # Mirrored because the SHA-256s get invalidated every time Bitbucket updates # the Git version they use. patch do # From: url "" sha256 "6594950e4ab9dabfcd8a2a76e0da8a7388655a96a2cd2654c1eb5084effb7185" end def install # prevent linking errors on linuxbrew: ENV.deparallelize rm "#{buildpath}/" blaslib = ((build.with? "openblas") ? "-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas" : "-framework Accelerate") (buildpath / "").write <<-EOS.undent PLAT = _mac_x DSuperLUroot = #{buildpath} DSUPERLULIB = $(DSuperLUroot)/lib/libsuperlu_dist.a BLASDEF = -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS BLASLIB = #{blaslib} METISLIB = -L#{Formula["metis"].opt_lib} -lmetis PARMETISLIB = -L#{Formula["parmetis"].opt_lib} -lparmetis FLIBS = LIBS = $(DSUPERLULIB) $(BLASLIB) $(PARMETISLIB) $(METISLIB) ARCH = ar ARCHFLAGS = cr RANLIB = true CC = #{ENV["MPICC"]} CFLAGS = -fPIC -O2 -I#{Formula["parmetis"].opt_include} -I#{Formula["metis"].opt_include} NOOPTS = -fPIC FORTRAN = #{ENV["MPIF77"]} F90FLAGS = -O2 LOADER = #{ENV["MPIF77"]} LOADOPTS = CDEFS = -DAdd_ EOS system "make", "lib" cd "EXAMPLE" do system "make" end prefix.install "" # Record used lib.install Dir["lib/*"] (include / "superlu_dist").install Dir["SRC/*.h"] doc.install Dir["Doc/*"] (share / "superlu_dist").install "EXAMPLE" end test do cd (share / "superlu_dist/EXAMPLE") do system "mpirun", "-np", "4", "./pddrive", "-r", "2", "-c", "2", "g20.rua" system "mpirun", "-np", "10", "./pddrive4", "g20.rua" system "mpirun", "-np", "4", "./pzdrive", "-r", "2", "-c", "2", "cg20.cua" system "mpirun", "-np", "10", "./pzdrive4", "cg20.cua" end end end