class TmvCpp < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "064424c41786d5bf85c10f9c6a3eee2cb5adc0e1bca60546d27acdf596092d5a" head "" option "without-check", "Do not build tests (not recommended)" option "with-full-check", "Go through all tests (time consuming)" depends_on "scons" => :build def install args = ["CXX=#{ENV["CXX"]}", "PREFIX=#{prefix}"] args += %w[INST_FLOAT=true INST_DOUBLE=true INST_LONGDOUBLE=true INST_INT=true SHARED=true TEST_FLOAT=true TEST_DOUBLE=true TEST_INT=true TEST_LONGDOUBLE=true WITH_BLAS=true WITH_LAPACK=true] args << "XTEST=1111111" if build.with? "full-check" args << "WITH_OPENMP=false" if ENV.compiler == :clang scons *args scons "test" if build.with? "check" scons "examples" scons "install" # dylibs don't have the correct install name. %w[libtmv.0.dylib libtmv_symband.0.dylib].each do |libname| system "install_name_tool -id #{lib}/#{libname} #{lib}/#{libname}" end (share / "tmv/tests").install Dir["test/tmvtest*"] if build.with? "check" (share / "tmv/examples").install Dir["examples/*[^\.o]"] end test do Dir[share / "tmv/tests/tmvtest*"].each do |testcase| system testcase end end end