class Wfdb < Formula desc "A software library for working with physiologic signals" homepage "" url "" sha256 "be3be34cd1c2c0eaaae56a9987de13f49a3c53bf1539ce7db58f885dc6e34b7b" head "" bottle do revision 1 sha256 "c33ed3f0cf3d7a1fd01e4906c29300657709231bdd8b036e01ec2c4bb7853716" => :yosemite sha256 "76a857947309a59644fef27374218e1e0f587412802f3f15c58550d70304a45c" => :mavericks sha256 "cb0b49a7d841be2c4600339aabb48ee02b605c77197d873b7054b794c0cd3c90" => :mountain_lion end def install ENV.deparallelize if build.head? # We need to set the package version manually, otherwise the configure script will prompt user for it... # We'll take the version from the NEWS file: news_version = %q(`head -1 ../NEWS | awk '{printf "wfdb-%s", $1}'`) inreplace "configure", /^PACKAGE=`.*`$/, "PACKAGE=#{news_version}" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--mandir=#{man}" # Force compilation, prevent "install up to date" system "sh", "-c", "echo '.PHONY: install' >> Makefile" system "make", "install" pkgshare.install "examples", bin/"setwfdb", bin/"cshsetwfdb" # For some reason the configure script doesn't install the man pages properly # even though '--mandir' is used. share.install prefix/"man" if build.stable? end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent WFDB Example programs have been installed to: #{pkgshare}/examples EOS end test do cflags = `#{bin/"wfdb-config"} --cflags`.chomp libs = `#{bin/"wfdb-config"} --libs`.chomp system, cflags, "-o", "wfdbversion", pkgshare/"examples/wfdbversion.c", *libs.split system "./wfdbversion" end end