## System-wide startup file for Octave. ## ## This file should contain any commands that should be executed each ## time Octave starts for every user at this site. ## Configure readline using the file inputrc in the Octave startup ## directory. readline_read_init_file (sprintf ("%s%s%s", octave_config_info ("startupfiledir"), filesep, "inputrc")); if (strcmp (PAGER (), "less") && isempty (getenv ("LESS"))) PAGER_FLAGS ('-e -X -P"-- less ?pB(%pB\\%):--. (f)orward, (b)ack, (q)uit$"'); endif ## This appears here instead of in the pkg/PKG_ADD file so that --norc ## will also skip automatic loading of packages. pkg ("load", "auto"); atexit ("__finish__");