""" Main entry point for gadfly sql. :Author: Aaron Watters :Maintainers: http://gadfly.sf.net/ :Copyright: Aaron Robert Watters, 1994 :Id: $Id: database.py,v 1.8 2005/01/05 02:28:03 aaron_watters Exp $: """ error = "gadfly_error" verbosity = 0 from store import Database0, File_Storage0, Transaction_Logger class gadfly: """as per the DBAPI spec "gadfly" is the connection object.""" closed = 0 verbose = verbosity # debug! # this will be loaded on first instance creation sql = None def __init__(self, databasename=None, directory=None, forscratch=0, autocheckpoint=1, verbose=0): # on first gadfly usage, load up the SQL grammar if self.sql is None: from gadfly import sql, bindings sql = sql.getSQL() self.sql = bindings.BindRules(sql) verbose = self.verbose = self.verbose or verbose # checkpoint on each commit if set self.autocheckpoint = autocheckpoint if verbose: print "initializing gadfly instance", databasename, directory, \ forscratch self.is_scratch = forscratch self.databasename = databasename self.directory = directory self.fs = None self.database = None # db global transaction id self.transid = 0 if databasename is not None: self.open() def transaction_log(self): if self.verbose: print "new transaction log for", `self.database.log`, self.transid return Transaction_Logger(self.database.log, self.transid, self.is_scratch) def checkpoint(self): """permanently record committed updates""" # note: No transactions should be active at checkpoint for this implementation! # implicit abort of active transactions! verbose = self.verbose if verbose: print "checkpointing gadfly instance", self.databasename db = self.database log = db.log # dump committed db to fs fs = self.fs if fs and db and not db.is_scratch: # flush the log if log: if verbose: print "gadfly: committing log" log.commit() elif verbose: print "gadfly: no log to commit" if verbose: print "gadfly: dumping mutated db structures" fs.dump(db) elif verbose: print "gadfly: no checkpoint required" if verbose: print "gadfly: new transid, reshadowing" self.transid = self.transid+1 self.working_db.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log()) def startup(self, databasename, directory, scratch=0, verbose=0): verbose = self.verbose if verbose: print "gadfly: starting up new ", databasename, directory, scratch if self.database: raise error, "cannot startup, database bound" self.databasename = databasename self.directory = directory db = self.database = Database0() db.is_scratch = scratch or self.is_scratch if verbose: print 'gadfly.startup: new working_db' self.fs = File_Storage0(databasename, directory) self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log()) # commit initializes database files and log structure if verbose: print 'gadfly.startup: commit' self.commit() # for now: all transactions serialized # working db shared among all transactions/cursors self.transid = self.transid+1 if verbose: print 'gadfly.startup: new working_db' self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log()) def restart(self): """Reload and rerun committed updates from log, discard uncommitted """ # mainly for testing recovery. if self.verbose: print "gadfly: restarting database", self.databasename self.database.clear() if self.working_db is not None: self.working_db.clear() self.working_db = None self.database = None self.open() def open(self): """ (re)load existing database """ if self.verbose: print "gadfly: loading database", self.databasename if self.directory: directory = self.directory else: directory = "." fs = self.fs = File_Storage0(self.databasename, directory) db = self.database = fs.load() #self.sql) self.transid = self.transid+1 self.working_db = Database0(db, self.transaction_log()) self.commit() def add_remote_view(self, name, definition): """add a remote view to self. Must be redone on each reinitialization! Must not recursively reenter the query evaluation process for this database! "Tables" added in this manner cannot be update via SQL. """ self.database[name] = definition self.working_db[name] = definition def close(self): """checkpoint and clear the database""" if self.closed: return if self.verbose: print "gadfly: closing database", self.databasename db = self.database if not db.is_scratch: self.checkpoint() if db: db.clear() wdb = self.working_db if wdb: wdb.clear() self.working_db = None self.closed = 1 def commit(self): """Commit the working database+transaction, flush log, new transid """ verbose = self.verbose autocheckpoint = self.autocheckpoint if self.verbose: print "gadfly: committing", self.transid, self.databasename self.transid = self.transid+1 fs = self.fs db = self.database wdb = self.working_db if not wdb: # no working database return wdblog = wdb.log if wdblog: if self.verbose: print "gadfly: committing working_db", wdblog wdblog.commit(verbose=self.verbose) wdb.commit() if fs and db and not db.is_scratch: if autocheckpoint: if verbose: print "gadfly: autocheckpoint" # skips a transid? self.checkpoint() else: if verbose: print "gadfly: no autocheckpoint" wdb.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log()) else: if verbose: print "gadfly: scratch db, no logging, just reshadow" wdb.reshadow(db, self.transaction_log()) def rollback(self): """discard the working db, new transid, recreate working db""" verbose = self.verbose if verbose: print "gadfly: rolling back", self.transid, self.databasename if not (self.fs or self.database): raise error, "unbound, cannot rollback" # discard updates in working database self.working_db.clear() self.transid = self.transid+1 self.working_db.reshadow(self.database, self.transaction_log()) #self.open() def cursor(self): if self.verbose: print "gadfly: new cursor", self.databasename db = self.database if db is None: raise error, "not bound to database" return GF_Cursor(self) def dumplog(self): log = self.database.log if log: log.dump() else: print "no log to dump" def table_names(self): return self.working_db.relations() def DUMP_ALL(self): print "DUMPING ALL CONNECTION DATA", self.databasename, self.directory print print "***** BASE DATA" print print self.database print print "***** WORKING DATA" print print self.working_db class GF_Cursor: verbose = verbosity arraysize = None description = None EVAL_DUMP = 0 # only for extreme debugging! def __init__(self, gadfly_instance): verbose = self.verbose = self.verbose or gadfly_instance.verbose if verbose: print "GF_Cursor.__init__", id(self) self.connection = gadfly_instance self.results = None self.resultlist = None self.statement = None # make a shadow of the shadow db! (in case of errors) self.shadow_db = Database0() self.reshadow() self.connection = gadfly_instance def reshadow(self): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.reshadow", id(self) db = self.connection.working_db shadow = self.shadow_db shadow.reshadow(db, db.log) if self.verbose: print "rels", shadow.rels.keys() def close(self): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.close", id(self) self.connection = None def reset_results(self): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.reset_results", id(self) rs = self.results if rs is None: raise error, "must execute first" if len(rs)!=1: raise error, "cannot retrieve multiple results" rel = rs[0] rows = rel.rows() atts = rel.attributes() tupatts = tuple(atts) resultlist = list(rows) if len(tupatts)==1: att = tupatts[0] for i in xrange(len(resultlist)): resultlist[i] = (resultlist[i][att],) else: for i in xrange(len(resultlist)): resultlist[i] = resultlist[i].dump(tupatts) self.resultlist = resultlist def fetchone(self): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.fetchone", id(self) r = self.resultlist if r is None: self.reset_results() r = self.resultlist if len(r)<1: raise error, "no more results" result = r[0] del r[0] return result def fetchmany(self, size=None): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.fetchmany", id(self) r = self.resultlist if r is None: self.reset_results() r = self.resultlist if size is None: size = len(r) result = r[:size] del r[:size] return result def fetchall(self): if self.verbose: print "GF_Cursor.fetchall", id(self) return self.fetchmany() def execute(self, statement=None, params=None): """execute operations, commit results if no error""" success = 0 verbose = self.verbose if verbose: print "GF_Cursor.execute", id(self) if statement is None and self.statement is None: raise error, "cannot execute, statement not bound" if statement!=self.statement: if verbose: print "GF_cursor: new statement: parsing" # only reparse on new statement. #self.statement=statement from semantics import Parse_Context context = Parse_Context() cs = self.commands = self.connection.sql.DoParse1(statement, context) self.statement = statement # only remember statement if parsed successfully else: if verbose: print "GF_cursor: old statment, not parsing" cs = self.commands # always rebind! (db may have changed) if verbose: print "GF_Cursor: binding to temp db" # make a new shadow of working db # (should optimize?) self.reshadow() # get shadow of working database database = self.shadow_db if self.EVAL_DUMP: print "***" print "*** dumping connection parameters before eval" print "***" print "*** eval scratch db..." print print database print print "*** connection data" print self.connection.DUMP_ALL() print "********** end of eval dump" for i in xrange(len(cs)): if verbose: print "GFCursor binding\n", cs[i] print database.rels.keys() cs[i] = cs[i].relbind(database) cs = self.commands self.results = results = list(cs) # only unshadow results on no error try: for i in xrange(len(cs)): results[i] = cs[i].eval(params) success = 1 finally: #print "in finally", success # only on no error... if success: # commit updates in shadow of working db (not in real db) if verbose: print "GFCursor: successful eval, storing results in wdb" database.log.flush() # database commit does not imply transaction commit. database.commit() else: if verbose: print \ "GFCursor: UNSUCCESSFUL EVAL, discarding results and log entries" self.statement = None self.results = None self.resultlist = None database.log.reset() # handle curs.description self.description = None if len(results)==1: result0 = results[0] try: atts = result0.attributes() except: pass else: descriptions = list(atts) fluff = (None,) * 6 for i in xrange(len(atts)): descriptions[i] = (atts[i],) + fluff self.description = tuple(descriptions) self.resultlist = None def setoutputsize(self, *args): # not implemented pass def setinputsizes(self, *args): # not implemented pass def pp(self): """return pretty-print string rep of current results""" from string import join stuff = map(repr, self.results) return join(stuff, "\n\n") # # $Log: database.py,v $ # Revision 1.8 2005/01/05 02:28:03 aaron_watters # fixed all remaining test failures. Added xsdbXML interface API # # Revision 1.7 2002/05/14 23:52:54 richard # - fixed commit-after-open bug (no working_db) # - added more functionality to gfplus: # / or !! repeat last command (blank line does the same thing) # (s|c)/pat/repl repeat last but RE sub pat for repl # - corrected gfplus exit code # # Revision 1.6 2002/05/11 02:59:04 richard # Added info into module docstrings. # Fixed docco of kwParsing to reflect new grammar "marshalling". # Fixed bug in gadfly.open - most likely introduced during sql loading # re-work (though looking back at the diff from back then, I can't see how it # wasn't different before, but it musta been ;) # A buncha new unit test stuff. # # Revision 1.5 2002/05/08 00:49:00 anthonybaxter # El Grande Grande reindente! Ran reindent.py over the whole thing. # Gosh, what a lot of checkins. Tests still pass with 2.1 and 2.2. # # Revision 1.4 2002/05/08 00:31:52 richard # More cleanup. # # Revision 1.3 2002/05/07 23:19:02 richard # Removed circular import (at import time at least) # # Revision 1.2 2002/05/07 07:06:11 richard # Cleaned up sql grammar compilation some more. # Split up the BigList into its components too. # # Revision 2002/05/06 07:31:09 richard # # #