from pexpect import * #import os, sys, getopt, shutil class pxssh (spawn): """This class extends pexpect.spawn to specialize setting up SSH connections. This adds methods for login, logout, and expecting the prompt. It does various hacky things to handle any situation in the SSH login process. For example, if the session is your first login, then it automatically accepts the certificate; or if you have public key authentication setup and you don't need a password then this is OK too. Example usage that runs 'ls -l' on server and prints the result: import pxssh s = pxssh.pxssh() if not s.login ('localhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword'): print "SSH session failed on login." print str(s) else: print "SSH session login successful" s.sendline ('ls -l') s.prompt() # match the prompt print s.before # print everything before the prompt. s.logout() """ def __init__ (self): # SUBTLE HACK ALERT! # Note that the command to set the prompt uses a slightly different string # than the regular expression to match it. This is because when you set the # prompt the command will echo back, but we don't want to match the echoed # command. So if we make the set command slightly different than the regex # we eliminate the problem. To make the set command different we add a # backslash in front of $. The $ doesn't need to be escaped, but it doesn't # hurt and serves to make the set command different than the regex. self.PROMPT = "\[PEXPECT\][\$\#] " # used to match the command-line prompt. # used to set shell command-line prompt to something more unique. self.PROMPT_SET_SH = "PS1='[PEXPECT]\$ '" self.PROMPT_SET_CSH = "set prompt='[PEXPECT]\$ '" ### TODO: This is getting messy and I'm pretty sure this isn't perfect. ### TODO: I need to draw a better flow chart for this. def login (self,server,username,password='',terminal_type='ansi',original_prompts=r"][#$]|~[#$]|bash.*?[#$]|[#$] ",login_timeout=10): """This logs the user into the given server. By default the prompt is rather optimistic and should be considered more of an example. It's better to try to match the prompt as exactly as possible to prevent any false matches by server strings such as a "Message Of The Day" or something. The closer you can make the original_prompt match your real prompt then the better. A timeout will not necessarily cause the login to fail. In the case of a timeout we assume that the prompt was so weird that we could not match it. We still try to reset the prompt to something more unique. If that still fails then we return False. """ cmd = "ssh -l %s %s" % (username, server) spawn.__init__(self, cmd, timeout=login_timeout) #, "(?i)no route to host"]) i = self.expect(["(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting", original_prompts, "(?i)password", "(?i)permission denied", "(?i)terminal type", TIMEOUT, "(?i)connection closed by remote host"]) if i==0: # New certificate -- always accept it. This is what you if SSH does not have the remote host's public key stored in the cache. self.sendline("yes") i = self.expect(["(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting", original_prompts, "(?i)password", "(?i)permission denied", "(?i)terminal type", TIMEOUT]) if i==2: # password self.sendline(password) i = self.expect(["(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting", original_prompts, "(?i)password", "(?i)permission denied", "(?i)terminal type", TIMEOUT]) if i==4: self.sendline(terminal_type) i = self.expect(["(?i)are you sure you want to continue connecting", original_prompts, "(?i)password", "(?i)permission denied", "(?i)terminal type", TIMEOUT]) if i==0: # This is weird. This should not happen twice in a row. self.close() return False elif i==1: # can occur if you have a public key pair set to authenticate. ### TODO: May NOT be OK if expect() matched a false prompt. pass elif i==2: # password prompt again # For incorrect passwords, some ssh servers will # ask for the password again, others return 'denied' right away. # If we get the password prompt again then this means # we didn't get the password right the first time. self.close() return False elif i==3: # permission denied -- password was bad. self.close() return False elif i==4: # terminal type again? WTF? self.close() return False elif i==5: # Timeout # This is tricky... presume that we are at the command-line prompt. # It may be that the prompt was so weird that we couldn't match it. pass elif i==6: # Connection closed by remote host self.close() return False else: # Unexpected self.close() return False # We appear to be in -- reset prompt to something more unique. if not self.set_unique_prompt(): self.close() return False return True def logout (self): """This sends exit. If there are stopped jobs then this sends exit twice. """ self.sendline("exit") index = self.expect([EOF, "(?i)there are stopped jobs"]) if index==1: self.sendline("exit") self.expect(EOF) def prompt (self, timeout=20): """This expects the prompt. This returns True if the prompt was matched. This returns False if there was a timeout. """ i = self.expect([self.PROMPT, TIMEOUT], timeout=timeout) if i==1: return False return True def set_unique_prompt (self, optional_prompt=None): """This attempts to reset the shell prompt to something more unique. This makes it easier to match unambiguously. """ if optional_prompt is not None: self.prompt = optional_prompt self.sendline (self.PROMPT_SET_SH) # sh-style i = self.expect ([TIMEOUT, self.PROMPT], timeout=10) if i == 0: # csh-style self.sendline (self.PROMPT_SET_CSH) i = self.expect ([TIMEOUT, self.PROMPT], timeout=10) if i == 0: return 0 return 1