/b/hANATOMIST The artificial anatomist which allows to walk around in your brain as if you were in it A work which began in 1997 approximatively Anatomist was made by : /bGuilty : Denis Rivière /bGrand Supervisors : Jean-François Mangin Vincent Frouin /bGrand Architect and Code Normalization service : Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos /bGrand Anatomist /bwho we are trying to replicate : Jean Régis /bWorkforce (short and long term) : Yann Cointepas Renaud Maroy Cyril Poupon Fabrice Poupon Cédric Clouchoux Matthieu Perrot Dominique Geffroy Nicolas Souedet Pauline Roca Thomas Vincent Arnaud Le Troter Jean-Baptiste Martini /bDocumentalist, tester /band user support : Isabelle Denghien /bAnother tester, very efficient /bat spotting the light on our bugs : Gwénaëlle Douaud /bFormer contributors : Bernard Sécher Olivier Pizzato /bContact : For bug reports, suggestions, go to our internet forum : /u/fhttp://brainvisa.info/forum/ or, in last resort (for donations...), I can be contacted at : /u/fdenis.riviere@cea.fr Well, OK, you did not learn much reading this silly little message, but... /iEr... the music is really awful ? Yes, it's absolutely normal, I am just not a musician. I will regard any proposition to replace it. /iOh I almost forgot: I must mention everywhere and as often as possible our nice institution. Anatomist was developped at the CEA, formerly at the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot until 2006, then at NeuroSpin since 2007 (our lab has moved) so: Anatomist is produced by /b/hNeuroSpin of /bC.E.A. in Saclay (France) /uNeuroSpin, CEA well, you've written it down ? No ? So, again: /b/iAnatomist, a NeuroSpin, Saclay production etc. etc.