Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkMultiThreshold.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
// .NAME vtkMultiThreshold - Threshold cells within multiple intervals
// .SECTION Description
// This filter can be substituted for a chain of several vtkThreshold filters
// and can also perform more sophisticated subsetting operations.
// It generates a vtkMultiBlockDataSet as its output.
// This multiblock dataset contains a vtkUnstructuredGrid for each thresholded
// subset you request.
// A thresholded subset can be a set defined by an interval over a
// point or cell attribute of the mesh; these subsets are called IntervalSets.
// A thresholded subset can also be a boolean combination of one or more IntervalSets;
// these subsets are called BooleanSets.
// BooleanSets allow complex logic since their output
// can depend on multiple intervals over multiple variables
// defined on the input mesh.
// This is useful because it eliminates the need for thresholding several
// times and then appending the results, as can be required with vtkThreshold
// when one wants to remove some range of values (e.g., a notch filter).
// Cells are not repeated when they belong to more than one interval unless
// those intervals have different output grids.
// Another advantage this filter provides over vtkThreshold is the ability
// to threshold on non-scalar (i.e., vector, tensor, etc.) attributes without
// first computing an array containing some norm of the desired attribute.
// vtkMultiThreshold provides \f$L_1\f$, \f$L_2\f$, and \f$L_{\infty}\f$ norms.
// This filter makes a distinction between intermediate subsets and
// subsets that will be output to a grid.
// Each intermediate subset you create with AddIntervalSet or
// AddBooleanSet is given a unique integer identifier (via the return
// values of these member functions).
// If you wish for a given set to be output, you must call
// OutputSet and pass it one of these identifiers.
// The return of OutputSet is the integer index of the output set
// in the multiblock dataset created by this filter.
// For example, if an input mesh defined three attributes T, P, and s, one might
// wish to find cells that satisfy "T < 320 [K] && ( P > 101 [kPa] || s < 0.1 [kJ/kg/K] )".
// To accomplish this with a vtkMultiThreshold filter,
// vtkMultiThreshold* thr;
// int intervalSets[3];
// intervalSets[0] = thr->AddIntervalSet( vtkMath::NegInf(), 320., vtkMultiThreshold::CLOSED, vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN,
// vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, "T", 0, 1 );
// intervalSets[1] = thr->AddIntervalSet( 101., vtkMath::Inf(), vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN, vtkMultiThreshold::CLOSED,
// vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS, "P", 0, 1 );
// intervalSets[2] = thr->AddIntervalSet( vtkMath::NegInf(), 0.1, vtkMultiThreshold::CLOSED, vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN,
// vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, "s", 0, 1 );
// int intermediate = thr->AddBooleanSet( vtkMultiThreshold::OR, 2, &intervalSets[1] );
// int intersection[2];
// intersection[0] = intervalSets[0];
// intersection[1] = intermediate;
// int outputSet = thr->AddBooleanSet( vtkMultiThreshold::AND, 2, intersection );
// int outputGridIndex = thr->OutputSet( outputSet );
// thr->Update();
// The result of this filter will be a multiblock dataset that contains a single child with the desired cells.
// If we had also called thr->OutputSet( intervalSets[0] );
, there would be two child meshes and
// one would contain all cells with T < 320 [K].
// In that case, the output can be represented by this graph
// \dot
// digraph MultiThreshold {
// set0 [shape=rect,style=filled,label="point T(0) in [-Inf,320["]
// set1 [shape=rect,label="cell P(0) in ]101,Inf]"]
// set2 [shape=rect,label="point s(0) in [-Inf,0.1["]
// set3 [shape=rect,label="OR"]
// set4 [shape=rect,style=filled,label="AND"]
// set0 -> set4
// set1 -> set3
// set2 -> set3
// set3 -> set4
// }
// \enddot
// The filled rectangles represent sets that are output.
#ifndef __vtkMultiThreshold_h
#define __vtkMultiThreshold_h
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.h"
#include "vtkMath.h" // for Inf() and NegInf()
#include // for lists of threshold rules
#include // for IntervalRules map
#include // for UpdateDependents()
#include // for holding array names in NormKey
class vtkCell;
class vtkCellData;
class vtkDataArray;
class vtkGenericCell;
class vtkPointSet;
class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class VTK_GRAPHICS_EXPORT vtkMultiThreshold : public vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm
static vtkMultiThreshold* New();
virtual void PrintSelf( ostream& os, vtkIndent indent );
/// Whether the endpoint value of an interval should be included or excluded.
enum Closure {
OPEN=0, //!< Specify an open interval
CLOSED=1 //!< Specify a closed interval
/// Norms that can be used to threshold vector attributes.
enum Norm {
LINFINITY_NORM=-3, //!< Use the \f$L_{\infty}\f$ norm for the specified array threshold.
L2_NORM=-2, //!< Use the \f$L_2\f$ norm for the specified array threshold.
L1_NORM=-1 //!< Use the \f$L_1\f$ norm for the specified array threshold.
/// Operations that can be performed on sets to generate another set. Most of these operators take 2 or more input sets.
enum SetOperation {
AND, //!< Only include an element if it belongs to all the input sets
OR, //!< Include an element if it belongs to any input set
XOR, //!< Include an element if it belongs to exactly one input set
WOR, //!< Include elements that belong to an odd number of input sets (a kind of "winding XOR")
NAND //!< Only include elements that don't belong to any input set
// Description:
// Add a mesh subset to be computed by thresholding an attribute of the input mesh.
// The subset can then be added to an output mesh with OuputSet() or combined with other sets using AddBooleanSet.
// If you wish to include all cells with values below some number \a a, call
// with xmin set to vtkMath::NegInf() and xmax set to \a a.
// Similarly, if you wish to include all cells with values above some number \a a,
// call with xmin set to \a a and xmax set to vtkMath::Inf().
// When specifying Inf() or NegInf() for an endpoint, it does not matter whether
// you specify and open or closed endpoint.
// When creating intervals, any integers can be used for the IDs of output meshes.
// All that matters is that the same ID be used if intervals should output to the same mesh.
// The outputs are ordered with ascending IDs in output block 0.
// It is possible to specify an invalid interval, in which case these routines will return -1.
// Invalid intervals occur when
// - an array does not exist,
// - \a center is invalid,
// - \a xmin == \a xmax and \a omin and/or \a omax are vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN, or
// - \a xmin > \a xmax.
// - \a xmin or \a xmax is not a number (i.e., IEEE NaN). Having both \a xmin and \a xmax equal NaN is allowed.
// vtkMath provides a portable way to specify IEEE infinities and Nan.
// Note that specifying an interval completely out of the bounds of an attribute is considered valid.
// In fact, it is occasionally useful to create a closed interval with both endpoints set to \f$\infty\f$
// or both endpoints set to \f$-\infty\f$ in order to locate cells with problematic values.
// @param xmin The minimum attribute value
// @param xmax The maximum attribute value
// @param omin Whether the interval should be open or closed at \a xmin. Use vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN or vtkMultiThreshold::CLOSED.
// @param omax Whether the interval should be open or closed at \a xmax. Use vtkMultiThreshold::OPEN or vtkMultiThreshold::CLOSED.
// @param assoc One of vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS or vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS indicating whether
// a point or cell array should be used.
// @param arrayName The name of the array to use for thresholding
// @param attribType The attribute to use for thresholding.
// @param component The number of the component to threshold on or one of the following enumerants for norms:
// @param allScalars When \a center is vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, must all scalars be in the interval for
// the cell to be passed to the output, or just a single point's scalar?
// @return An index used to identify the cells selected by the interval or -1 if the interval specification was invalid.
// If a valid value is returned, you may pass it to OutputSet().
int AddIntervalSet( double xmin, double xmax, int omin, int omax,
int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars );
int AddIntervalSet( double xmin, double xmax, int omin, int omax,
int assoc, int attribType, int component, int allScalars );
// Description:
// These convenience members make it easy to insert closed intervals.
// The "notch" interval is accomplished by creating a bandpass interval and applying a NAND operation.
// In this case, the set ID returned in the NAND operation set ID.
// Note that you can pass xmin == xmax when creating a bandpass threshold to retrieve elements matching exactly
// one value (since the intervals created by these routines are closed).
int AddLowpassIntervalSet( double xmax, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars );
int AddHighpassIntervalSet( double xmin, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars );
int AddBandpassIntervalSet( double xmin, double xmax, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars );
int AddNotchIntervalSet( double xlo, double xhi, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars );
// Description:
// Create a new mesh subset using boolean operations on pre-existing sets.
int AddBooleanSet( int operation, int numInputs, int* inputs );
// Description:
// Create an output mesh containing a boolean or interval subset of the input mesh.
int OutputSet( int setId );
// Description:
// Remove all the intervals currently defined.
void Reset();
/// A pointer to a function that returns a norm (or a single component) of a tuple with 1 or more components.
typedef double (*TupleNorm)( vtkDataArray* arr, vtkIdType tuple, int component );
// NormKey must be able to use TupleNorm typedef:
class NormKey;
// Interval must be able to use NormKey typedef:
class Interval;
// Set needs to refer to boolean set pointers
class BooleanSet;
/// A class with comparison operator used to index input array norms used in threshold rules.
class NormKey {
int Association; // vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS or vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_CELLS
int Type; // -1 => use Name, otherwise: vtkDataSetAttributes::{SCALARS, VECTORS, TENSORS, NORMALS, TCOORDS, GLOBALIDS}
vtkstd::string Name; // Either empty or (when ArrayType == -1) an input array name
int Component; // LINFINITY_NORM, L1_NORM, L2_NORM or an integer component number
int AllScalars; // For Association == vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, must all points be in the interval?
int InputArrayIndex; // The number passed to vtkAlgorithm::SetInputArrayToProcess()
TupleNorm NormFunction; // A function pointer to compute the norm (or fetcht the correct component) of a tuple.
/// Compute the norm of a cell by calling NormFunction for all its points or for its single cell-centered value.
void ComputeNorm( vtkIdType cellId, vtkCell* cell, vtkDataArray* array, double cellNorm[2] ) const;
/// A partial ordering of NormKey objects is required for them to serve as keys in the vtkMultiThreshold::IntervalRules map.
bool operator < ( const NormKey& other ) const {
if ( this->Association < other.Association )
return true;
else if ( this->Association > other.Association )
return false;
if ( this->Component < other.Component )
return true;
else if ( this->Component > other.Component )
return false;
if ( (! this->AllScalars) && other.AllScalars )
return true;
else if ( this->AllScalars && (! other.AllScalars) )
return false;
if ( this->Type == -1 )
if ( other.Type == -1 )
return this->Name < other.Name;
return true;
return this->Type < other.Type;
/** A base class for representing threshold sets.
* A set may be represented as a threshold interval over some attribute
* or as a boolean combination of sets.
class Set {
int Id; /// A unique identifier for this set.
int OutputId; /// The index of the output mesh that will hold this set or -1 if the set is not output.
/// Default constructur. The grid output ID is initialized to indicate that the set should not be output.
Set() {
this->OutputId = -1;
/// Virtual destructor since we have virtual members.
virtual ~Set() { }
/// Print a graphviz node label statement (with fancy node name and shape).
virtual void PrintNodeName( ostream& os );
/// Print a graphviz node name for use in an edge statement.
virtual void PrintNode( ostream& os ) = 0;
/// Avoid dynamic_casts. Subclasses must override
virtual BooleanSet* GetBooleanSetPointer();
virtual Interval* GetIntervalPointer();
/// A subset of a mesh represented by a range of acceptable attribute values.
class Interval : public Set {
/// The values defining the interval. These must be in ascending order.
double EndpointValues[2];
/// Are the endpoint values themselves included in the set (CLOSED) or not (OPEN)?
int EndpointClosures[2];
/// This contains information about the attribute over which the interval is defined.
NormKey Norm;
/** Does the specified range fall inside the interval?
* For cell-centered attributes, only cellNorm[0] is examined.
* For point-centered attributes, cellNorm[0] is the minimum norm taken on over the cell and cellNorm[1] is the maximum.
int Match( double cellNorm[2] );
virtual ~Interval() { }
virtual void PrintNode( ostream& os );
virtual Interval* GetIntervalPointer();
/// A subset of a mesh represented as a boolean set operation
class BooleanSet : public Set {
/// The boolean operation that will be performed on the inputs to obtain the output.
int Operator;
/// A list of input sets. These may be IntervalSets or BooleanSets.
vtkstd::vector Inputs;
/// Construct a new set with the given ID, operator, and inputs.
BooleanSet( int sId, int op, int* inBegin, int* inEnd ) : Inputs( inBegin, inEnd ) {
this->Id = sId;
this->Operator = op;
virtual ~BooleanSet() { }
virtual void PrintNode( ostream& os );
virtual BooleanSet* GetBooleanSetPointer();
virtual ~vtkMultiThreshold();
// Description:
// When an interval is evaluated, its value is used to update a truth table.
// If its value allows the output of the truth table to be determined, then
// either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE is returned. Otherwise, INCONCLUSIVE is returned
// and more intervals must be evaluated.
// As an example, consider the ruleset {A>10} & ( {6 IntervalList;
/// A map describing the IntervalSets that share a common attribute and norm.
typedef vtkstd::map RuleMap;
typedef vtkstd::vector TruthTreeValues;
typedef vtkstd::vector TruthTree;
// Description:
// A set of threshold rules sorted by the attribute+norm to which they are applied.
RuleMap IntervalRules;
// Description:
// A list of rules keyed by their unique integer ID.
// This list is used to quickly determine whether interval membership implies membership in a given output mesh.
vtkstd::vector Sets;
// Description:
// A list of boolean sets whose values depend on the given set.
// Each time an interval is evaluated for a cell, the list of dependent boolean sets
// contained here is updated. Any boolean operations whose truth values are decided
// are then marked and their dependent sets are examined.
TruthTree DependentSets;
// Description:
// Recursively update the setStates and unresolvedOutputs vectors based on this->DependentSets.
void UpdateDependents(
int id, vtkstd::set& unresolvedOutputs, TruthTreeValues& setStates,
vtkCellData* inCellData, vtkIdType cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkstd::vector& outv );
// Description:
// A utility method called by the public AddInterval members.
int AddIntervalSet( NormKey& nk, double xmin, double xmax, int omin, int omax );
// Description:
// Print out a graphviz-formatted text description of all the sets.
void PrintGraph( ostream& os );
vtkMultiThreshold( const vtkMultiThreshold& ); // Not implemented.
void operator = ( const vtkMultiThreshold& ); // Not implemented.
inline int vtkMultiThreshold::AddLowpassIntervalSet( double xmax, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars )
return this->AddIntervalSet( vtkMath::NegInf(), xmax, CLOSED, CLOSED, assoc, arrayName, component, allScalars );
inline int vtkMultiThreshold::AddHighpassIntervalSet( double xmin, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars )
return this->AddIntervalSet( xmin, vtkMath::Inf(), CLOSED, CLOSED, assoc, arrayName, component, allScalars );
inline int vtkMultiThreshold::AddBandpassIntervalSet(
double xmin, double xmax, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars )
return this->AddIntervalSet( xmin, xmax, CLOSED, CLOSED, assoc, arrayName, component, allScalars );
inline int vtkMultiThreshold::AddNotchIntervalSet(
double xlo, double xhi, int assoc, const char* arrayName, int component, int allScalars )
int band = this->AddIntervalSet( xlo, xhi, CLOSED, CLOSED, assoc, arrayName, component, allScalars );
if ( band < 0 )
return -1;
return this->AddBooleanSet( NAND, 1, &band );
inline vtkMultiThreshold::Interval* vtkMultiThreshold::Set::GetIntervalPointer()
return 0;
inline vtkMultiThreshold::BooleanSet* vtkMultiThreshold::Set::GetBooleanSetPointer()
return 0;
inline vtkMultiThreshold::Interval* vtkMultiThreshold::Interval::GetIntervalPointer()
return this;
inline vtkMultiThreshold::BooleanSet* vtkMultiThreshold::BooleanSet::GetBooleanSetPointer()
return this;
#endif // __vtkMultiThreshold_h