/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @COPYRIGHT : Copyright 1996, Alex P. Zijdenbos, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RCSfile: Path.h,v $ $Revision: $ $Author: jason $ $Date: 2001/11/09 16:37:25 $ $State: Exp $ --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef PATH_H #define PATH_H #include "MString.h" class Path : public MString { static const char *_separator; static const char *_imageNumberWildCard; public: // Constructors Path() : MString() {} Path(const Path& path) : MString(path) {} Path(const char *charPtr) : MString(charPtr) {} Path(const MString& string) : MString(string) {} Path(const MString&, const MString&); // Get functions MString *dir() const; MString *file() const; // Operators Boolean operator == (const Path& path) const { // Compare paths (including expansion) return (strcmp(expanded().string(), path.expanded().string()) == 0); } // Special functions Path expanded() const; // Expand ~ to full path Boolean exists() const; // Check if a path exists // Check if a path exists, possibly compressed, and return the correct extension Boolean existsCompressed(MString *extension = 0) const; Boolean hasCompressedExtension(MString *extension = 0) const; Path& removeCompressedExtension(); Path removeCompressedExtension() const { Path strippedPath(*this); return strippedPath.removeCompressedExtension(); } Boolean removeExtension(MString *extension = 0); Boolean isWritable() const; // Force template tokens onto path; retain if the template token is "*" void applyTemplate(const Path&, const char *separator = "."); // The following functions search and/or replace tokens in the Path's file part Boolean imageNumber(unsigned *) const; // Find the image number in the filename Boolean imageNumberWildCard() const { // Search for the image number wildcard return _locateStringAfterSeparator(_imageNumberWildCard); } Boolean replaceImageNumber(unsigned); // Replace the number after a separator Boolean replaceImageNumber(const char *); Boolean replaceImageNumberWildCard(unsigned); Boolean replaceImageNumberWildCard(const char *); private: Boolean _locateStringAfterSeparator(const char *) const; }; #endif