class Ice < Formula desc "Comprehensive RPC framework" homepage "" url "" sha256 "4a348ba24daceb7694bc23ee91994e2653c5d869918e44b2b1f0d49a360e93fb" version "3.6.1" bottle do sha256 "d6de8a22389eda0100589d1abfe1ed341b3cd2b768a5372adc9035cd2ca3ba21" => :el_capitan sha256 "5becc3d56ac408859947ce7485087370dede96019f0d951960f60a65fd076311" => :yosemite sha256 "65537de34ac6fe8e5691e24c758b1511be8c2a6087acc0df3b8e85ad18a99fcb" => :mavericks end option "with-java", "Build Ice for Java and the IceGrid Admin app" depends_on "mcpp" depends_on :java => [ "1.7+", :optional] depends_on :macos => :mavericks resource "berkeley-db" do url "" sha256 "8ac3014578ff9c80a823a7a8464a377281db0e12f7831f72cef1fd36cd506b94" end def install resource("berkeley-db").stage do # BerkeleyDB dislikes parallel builds ENV.deparallelize args = %W[ --disable-debug --prefix=#{libexec} --mandir=#{libexec}/man --enable-cxx ] if build.with? "java" args << "--enable-java" # @externl from ZeroC submitted this patch to Oracle through an internal ticket system inreplace "dist/", "@JAVACFLAGS@", "@JAVACFLAGS@ -source 1.7 -target 1.7" end # BerkeleyDB requires you to build everything from the build_unix subdirectory cd "build_unix" do system "../dist/configure", *args system "make", "install" end end inreplace "cpp/src/slice2js/Makefile", /install:/, "dontinstall:" if build.with? "java" inreplace "java/src/IceGridGUI/build.gradle", "${DESTDIR}${binDir}/${appName}.app", "${prefix}/${appName}.app" end # Unset ICE_HOME as it interferes with the build ENV.delete("ICE_HOME") ENV.delete("USE_BIN_DIST") ENV.delete("CPPFLAGS") ENV.O2 args = %W[ prefix=#{prefix} USR_DIR_INSTALL=yes OPTIMIZE=yes DB_HOME=#{libexec} MCPP_HOME=#{Formula["mcpp"].opt_prefix} ] cd "cpp" do system "make", "install", *args end # Do not set this for C++ as we need to use various slice compilers to build ice. This will be # unnecessary in the next release args << "embedded_runpath_prefix=#{prefix}" cd "objective-c" do system "make", "install", *args end if build.with? "java" cd "java" do system "make", "install", *args end end cd "php" do args << "install_phpdir=#{share}/php" args << "install_libdir=#{lib}/php/extensions" system "make", "install", *args end end test do (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent module Test { interface Hello { void sayHello(); }; }; EOS (testpath/"Test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include <Ice/Ice.h> #include <Hello.h> class HelloI : public Test::Hello { public: virtual void sayHello(const Ice::Current&) {} }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; communicator = Ice::initialize(argc, argv); Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter = communicator->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("Hello", "default -h localhost -p 10000"); adapter->add(new HelloI, communicator->stringToIdentity("hello")); adapter->activate(); communicator->destroy(); return 0; } EOS system "#{bin}/slice2cpp", "" system "xcrun", "clang++", "-c", "-I#{include}", "-I.", "Hello.cpp" system "xcrun", "clang++", "-c", "-I#{include}", "-I.", "Test.cpp" system "xcrun", "clang++", "-L#{lib}", "-o", "test", "Test.o", "Hello.o", "-lIce", "-lIceUtil" system "./test", "--Ice.InitPlugins=0" end end