class Texlive < Formula desc "TeX Live is a free software distribution for the TeX typesetting system" homepage "" # tag "linuxbrew" url "" version "20160405" sha256 "65e94212bf3fa63639ea929e6368ee248bf8904ea53d04566431e33ce4f173f6" option "with-full", "install everything" option "with-medium", "install small + more packages and languages" option "with-small", "install basic + xetex, metapost, a few languages [default]" option "with-basic", "install plain and latex" option "with-minimal", "install plain only" depends_on "wget" => :build def install scheme = %w[full medium small basic minimal].find do |x| build.with? x end || "small" ohai "Downloading and installing TeX Live. This will take a few minutes." ENV["TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX"] = prefix system "./install-tl", "-scheme", scheme, "-portable", "-profile", "/dev/null" binarch = bin/"x86_64-linux" man1.install Dir[binarch/"man/man1/*"] man5.install Dir[binarch/"man/man5/*"] bin.install_symlink Dir[binarch/"*"] end test do system "#{bin}/tex", "--version" end end