require "formula" require "blacklist" require "digest" require "erb" module Homebrew # Create a formula from a tarball URL def create # Allow searching MacPorts or Fink. if ARGV.include? "--macports" opoo "`brew create --macports` is deprecated; use `brew search --macports` instead" exec_browser "{}" elsif ARGV.include? "--fink" opoo "`brew create --fink` is deprecated; use `brew search --fink` instead" exec_browser "{}" end raise UsageError if ARGV.named.empty? # Ensure that the cache exists so we can fetch the tarball HOMEBREW_CACHE.mkpath url = ARGV.named.first # Pull the first (and only) url from ARGV version = if ARGV.include? "--set-version" name = if ARGV.include? "--set-name" fc = = name fc.version = version fc.url = url fc.mode = if ARGV.include? "--cmake" :cmake elsif ARGV.include? "--autotools" :autotools end if || stem = print "Formula name [#{stem}]: " = __gets || stem fc.path = Formulary.path( end # Don't allow blacklisted formula, or names that shadow aliases, # unless --force is specified. unless ARGV.force? if msg = blacklisted?( raise "#{} is blacklisted for creation.\n#{msg}\nIf you really want to create this formula use --force." end if Formula.aliases.include? realname = Formulary.canonical_name( raise <<-EOS.undent The formula #{realname} is already aliased to #{} Please check that you are not creating a duplicate. To force creation use --force. EOS end end fc.generate! puts "Please `brew audit --strict #{}` before submitting, thanks." exec_editor fc.path end def __gets gots = $stdin.gets.chomp if gots.empty? then nil else gots end end end class FormulaCreator attr_reader :url, :sha256 attr_accessor :name, :version, :path, :mode def url=(url) @url = url path = if @name.nil? case url when %r{github\.com/\S+/(\S+)\.git} @name = $1 @head = true when %r{github\.com/\S+/(\S+)/archive/} @name = $1 else /(.*?)[-_.]?#{path.version}/.match path.basename @name = $1 end @path = Formulary.path @name unless @name.nil? else @path = Formulary.path name end if @version @version = else @version = end end def fetch? !head? && !ARGV.include?("--no-fetch") end def head? @head || ARGV.build_head? end def generate! raise "#{path} already exists" if path.exist? if version.nil? opoo "Version cannot be determined from URL." puts "You'll need to add an explicit 'version' to the formula." end if fetch? && version r = r.url(url) r.version(version) r.owner = self @sha256 = r.fetch.sha256 if r.download_strategy == CurlDownloadStrategy end path.write, nil, ">").result(binding) end def template; <<-EOS.undent # Documentation: # # PLEASE REMOVE ALL GENERATED COMMENTS BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PULL REQUEST! class #{Formulary.class_s(name)} < Formula desc "" homepage "" <% if head? %> head "#{url}" <% else %> url "#{url}" <% unless version.nil? or version.detected_from_url? %> version "#{version}" <% end %> sha256 "#{sha256}" <% end %> <% if mode == :cmake %> depends_on "cmake" => :build <% elsif mode.nil? %> # depends_on "cmake" => :build <% end %> depends_on :x11 # if your formula requires any X11/XQuartz components def install # ENV.deparallelize # if your formula fails when building in parallel <% if mode == :cmake %> system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args <% elsif mode == :autotools %> # Remove unrecognized options if warned by configure system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=\#{prefix}" <% else %> # Remove unrecognized options if warned by configure system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=\#{prefix}" # system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args <% end %> system "make", "install" # if this fails, try separate make/make install steps end test do # `test do` will create, run in and delete a temporary directory. # # This test will fail and we won't accept that! It's enough to just replace # "false" with the main program this formula installs, but it'd be nice if you # were more thorough. Run the test with `brew test #{name}`. Options passed # to `brew install` such as `--HEAD` also need to be provided to `brew test`. # # The installed folder is not in the path, so use the entire path to any # executables being tested: `system "\#{bin}/program", "do", "something"`. system "false" end end EOS end end