require "extend/ENV" require "formula" module Homebrew def sh ENV.activate_extensions! if superenv? ENV.x11 = MacOS::X11.installed? ENV.deps = { |f| f.keg_only? && } end ENV.setup_build_environment if superenv? # superenv stopped adding brew's bin but generally user's will want it ENV["PATH"] = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).insert(1, "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin").join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end ENV["PS1"] = 'brew \[\033[1;32m\]\w\[\033[0m\]$ ' ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1" puts <<-EOS.undent_________________________________________________________72 Your shell has been configured to use Homebrew's build environment: this should help you build stuff. Notably though, the system versions of gem and pip will ignore our configuration and insist on using the environment they were built under (mostly). Sadly, scons will also ignore our configuration. When done, type `exit'. EOS $stdout.flush exec ENV["SHELL"] end end