require "fileutils" module Homebrew def tests (HOMEBREW_LIBRARY/"Homebrew/test").cd do ENV["TESTOPTS"] = "-v" if ARGV.verbose? ENV["HOMEBREW_NO_COMPAT"] = "1" if ARGV.include? "--no-compat" if ARGV.include? "--coverage" ENV["HOMEBREW_TESTS_COVERAGE"] = "1" FileUtils.rm_f "coverage/.resultset.json" end # Override author/committer as global settings might be invalid and thus # will cause silent failure during the setup of dummy Git repositories. %w[AUTHOR COMMITTER].each do |role| ENV["GIT_#{role}_NAME"] = "brew tests" ENV["GIT_#{role}_EMAIL"] = "brew-tests@localhost" end Homebrew.install_gem_setup_path! "bundler" unless quiet_system("bundle", "check") system "bundle", "install", "--path", "vendor/bundle" end # Make it easier to reproduce test runs. ENV["SEED"] = if ARGV.include? "--seed" args = [] args << "--trace" if ARGV.include? "--trace" if ARGV.value("only") test_name, test_method = ARGV.value("only").split("/", 2) args << "TEST=test_#{test_name}.rb" args << "TESTOPTS=--name=test_#{test_method}" if test_method end args += { |v| v[/^TEST(OPTS)?=/] } system "bundle", "exec", "rake", "test", *args Homebrew.failed = !$?.success? if (fs_leak_log = HOMEBREW_LIBRARY/"Homebrew/test/fs_leak_log").file? fs_leak_log_content = unless fs_leak_log_content.empty? opoo "File leak is detected" puts fs_leak_log_content Homebrew.failed = true end end end end end