/* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2015 GraphicsMagick Group Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio Copyright 1991-1999 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this package; otherwise see http://www.graphicsmagick.org/www/Copyright.html. GraphicsMagick Image Methods. */ #ifndef _MAGICK_IMAGE_H #define _MAGICK_IMAGE_H #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* Include declarations. */ #include "magick/forward.h" #include "magick/colorspace.h" #include "magick/error.h" #include "magick/timer.h" /* Define declarations. */ #if !defined(QuantumDepth) # define QuantumDepth 16 #endif /* Maximum unsigned RGB value which fits in the specified bits */ #define MaxValueGivenBits(bits) ((unsigned long) (0x01UL << (bits-1)) +((0x01UL << (bits-1))-1)) #if (QuantumDepth == 8) # define MaxColormapSize 256U # define MaxMap 255U # define MaxMapDepth 8 # define MaxMapFloat 255.0f # define MaxMapDouble 255.0 # define MaxRGB 255U # define MaxRGBFloat 255.0f # define MaxRGBDouble 255.0 # define ScaleCharToMap(value) ((unsigned char) (value)) # define ScaleCharToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value)) # define ScaleLongToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) ((value)/16843009UL)) # define ScaleMapToChar(value) ((unsigned int) (value)) # define ScaleMapToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value)) # define ScaleQuantum(quantum) ((unsigned long) (quantum)) # define ScaleQuantumToChar(quantum) ((unsigned char) (quantum)) # define ScaleQuantumToLong(quantum) ((unsigned long) (16843009UL*(quantum))) # define ScaleQuantumToMap(quantum) ((unsigned char) (quantum)) # define ScaleQuantumToShort(quantum) ((unsigned short) (257U*(quantum))) # define ScaleShortToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) ((value)/257U)) # define ScaleToQuantum(value) ((unsigned long) (value)) # define ScaleQuantumToIndex(value) ((unsigned char) (value)) typedef unsigned char Quantum; #elif (QuantumDepth == 16) # define MaxColormapSize 65536U # define MaxMap 65535U # define MaxMapDepth 16 # define MaxMapFloat 65535.0f # define MaxMapDouble 65535.0 # define MaxRGB 65535U # define MaxRGBFloat 65535.0f # define MaxRGBDouble 65535.0 # define ScaleCharToMap(value) ((unsigned short) (257U*(value))) # define ScaleCharToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (257U*(value))) # define ScaleLongToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) ((value)/65537UL)) # define ScaleMapToChar(value) ((unsigned int) ((value)/257U)) # define ScaleMapToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value)) # define ScaleQuantum(quantum) ((unsigned long) ((quantum)/257UL)) # define ScaleQuantumToChar(quantum) ((unsigned char) ((quantum)/257U)) # define ScaleQuantumToLong(quantum) ((unsigned long) (65537UL*(quantum))) # define ScaleQuantumToMap(quantum) ((unsigned short) (quantum)) # define ScaleQuantumToShort(quantum) ((unsigned short) (quantum)) # define ScaleShortToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value)) # define ScaleToQuantum(value) ((unsigned long) (257UL*(value))) # define ScaleQuantumToIndex(value) ((unsigned short) (value)) typedef unsigned short Quantum; #elif (QuantumDepth == 32) # define MaxColormapSize 65536U # define MaxRGB 4294967295U # define MaxRGBFloat 4294967295.0f # define MaxRGBDouble 4294967295.0 # define ScaleCharToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (16843009U*(value))) # define ScaleLongToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) ((value))) # define ScaleQuantum(quantum) ((unsigned long) ((quantum)/16843009UL)) # define ScaleQuantumToChar(quantum) ((unsigned char) ((quantum)/16843009U)) # define ScaleQuantumToLong(quantum) ((unsigned long) (quantum)) # define ScaleQuantumToShort(quantum) ((unsigned short) ((quantum)/65537U)) # define ScaleShortToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (65537U*(value))) # define ScaleToQuantum(value) ((unsigned long) (16843009UL*(value))) # define ScaleQuantumToIndex(value) ((unsigned short) ((value)/65537U)) /* MaxMap defines the maximum index value for algorithms which depend on lookup tables (e.g. colorspace transformations and normalization). When MaxMap is less than MaxRGB it is necessary to downscale samples to fit the range of MaxMap. The number of bits which are effectively preserved depends on the size of MaxMap. MaxMap should be a multiple of 255 and no larger than MaxRGB. Note that tables can become quite large and as the tables grow larger it may take more time to compute the table than to process the image. */ #define MaxMap 65535U #define MaxMapDepth 16 #define MaxMapFloat 65535.0f #define MaxMapDouble 65535.0 #if MaxMap == 65535U # define ScaleCharToMap(value) ((unsigned short) (257U*(value))) # define ScaleMapToChar(value) ((unsigned int) ((value)/257U)) # define ScaleMapToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (65537U*(value))) # define ScaleQuantumToMap(quantum) ((unsigned short) ((quantum)/65537U)) #else # define ScaleCharToMap(value) ((unsigned short) ((MaxMap/255U)*(value))) # define ScaleMapToChar(value) ((unsigned int) ((value)/(MaxMap/255U))) # define ScaleMapToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) ((MaxRGB/MaxMap)*(value))) # define ScaleQuantumToMap(quantum) ((unsigned short) ((quantum)/(MaxRGB/MaxMap))) #endif typedef unsigned int Quantum; #else # error "Specified value of QuantumDepth is not supported" #endif #define OpaqueOpacity 0UL #define TransparentOpacity MaxRGB #define RoundDoubleToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value < 0.0 ? 0U : \ (value > MaxRGBDouble) ? MaxRGB : value + 0.5)) #define RoundFloatToQuantum(value) ((Quantum) (value < 0.0f ? 0U : \ (value > MaxRGBFloat) ? MaxRGB : value + 0.5f)) #define ConstrainToRange(min,max,value) (value < min ? min : \ (value > max) ? max : value) #define ConstrainToQuantum(value) ConstrainToRange(0,MaxRGB,value) #define ScaleAnyToQuantum(x,max_value) \ ((Quantum) (((double) MaxRGBDouble*x)/max_value+0.5)) #define MagickBoolToString(value) (value != MagickFalse ? "True" : "False") /* Return MagickTrue if channel is enabled in channels. Allows using code to adapt if ChannelType enumeration is changed to bit masks. */ #define MagickChannelEnabled(channels,channel) ((channels == AllChannels) || (channels == channel)) /* Deprecated defines. */ #define RunlengthEncodedCompression RLECompression #define RoundSignedToQuantum(value) RoundDoubleToQuantum(value) #define RoundToQuantum(value) RoundDoubleToQuantum(value) /* Enum declarations. */ typedef enum { UnspecifiedAlpha, AssociatedAlpha, UnassociatedAlpha } AlphaType; typedef enum { UndefinedChannel, RedChannel, /* RGB Red channel */ CyanChannel, /* CMYK Cyan channel */ GreenChannel, /* RGB Green channel */ MagentaChannel, /* CMYK Magenta channel */ BlueChannel, /* RGB Blue channel */ YellowChannel, /* CMYK Yellow channel */ OpacityChannel, /* Opacity channel */ BlackChannel, /* CMYK Black (K) channel */ MatteChannel, /* Same as Opacity channel (deprecated) */ AllChannels, /* Color channels */ GrayChannel /* Color channels represent an intensity. */ } ChannelType; typedef enum { UndefinedClass, DirectClass, PseudoClass } ClassType; typedef enum { UndefinedCompositeOp = 0, OverCompositeOp, InCompositeOp, OutCompositeOp, AtopCompositeOp, XorCompositeOp, PlusCompositeOp, MinusCompositeOp, AddCompositeOp, SubtractCompositeOp, DifferenceCompositeOp, MultiplyCompositeOp, BumpmapCompositeOp, CopyCompositeOp, CopyRedCompositeOp, CopyGreenCompositeOp, CopyBlueCompositeOp, CopyOpacityCompositeOp, ClearCompositeOp, DissolveCompositeOp, DisplaceCompositeOp, ModulateCompositeOp, ThresholdCompositeOp, NoCompositeOp, DarkenCompositeOp, LightenCompositeOp, HueCompositeOp, SaturateCompositeOp, ColorizeCompositeOp, LuminizeCompositeOp, ScreenCompositeOp, OverlayCompositeOp, CopyCyanCompositeOp, CopyMagentaCompositeOp, CopyYellowCompositeOp, CopyBlackCompositeOp, DivideCompositeOp, HardLightCompositeOp, ExclusionCompositeOp, ColorDodgeCompositeOp, ColorBurnCompositeOp, SoftLightCompositeOp, LinearBurnCompositeOp, LinearDodgeCompositeOp, LinearLightCompositeOp, VividLightCompositeOp, PinLightCompositeOp, HardMixCompositeOp } CompositeOperator; typedef enum { UndefinedCompression, NoCompression, BZipCompression, FaxCompression, Group3Compression = FaxCompression, Group4Compression, JPEGCompression, LosslessJPEGCompression, LZWCompression, RLECompression, ZipCompression, LZMACompression, /* Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm */ JPEG2000Compression, /* ISO/IEC std 15444-1 */ JBIG1Compression, /* ISO/IEC std 11544 / ITU-T rec T.82 */ JBIG2Compression /* ISO/IEC std 14492 / ITU-T rec T.88 */ } CompressionType; typedef enum { UndefinedDispose, NoneDispose, BackgroundDispose, PreviousDispose } DisposeType; typedef enum { UndefinedEndian, LSBEndian, /* "little" endian */ MSBEndian, /* "big" endian */ NativeEndian /* native endian */ } EndianType; typedef enum { UndefinedFilter, PointFilter, BoxFilter, TriangleFilter, HermiteFilter, HanningFilter, HammingFilter, BlackmanFilter, GaussianFilter, QuadraticFilter, CubicFilter, CatromFilter, MitchellFilter, LanczosFilter, BesselFilter, SincFilter } FilterTypes; typedef enum { #undef NoValue NoValue = 0x00000, #undef XValue XValue = 0x00001, #undef YValue YValue = 0x00002, #undef WidthValue WidthValue = 0x00004, #undef HeightValue HeightValue = 0x00008, #undef AllValues AllValues = 0x0000F, #undef XNegative XNegative = 0x00010, #undef YNegative YNegative = 0x00020, PercentValue = 0x01000, /* % */ AspectValue = 0x02000, /* ! */ LessValue = 0x04000, /* < */ GreaterValue = 0x08000, /* > */ AreaValue = 0x10000, /* @ */ MinimumValue = 0x20000 /* ^ */ } GeometryFlags; typedef enum { #undef ForgetGravity ForgetGravity, #undef NorthWestGravity NorthWestGravity, #undef NorthGravity NorthGravity, #undef NorthEastGravity NorthEastGravity, #undef WestGravity WestGravity, #undef CenterGravity CenterGravity, #undef EastGravity EastGravity, #undef SouthWestGravity SouthWestGravity, #undef SouthGravity SouthGravity, #undef SouthEastGravity SouthEastGravity, #undef StaticGravity StaticGravity } GravityType; typedef enum { UndefinedType, BilevelType, GrayscaleType, GrayscaleMatteType, PaletteType, PaletteMatteType, TrueColorType, TrueColorMatteType, ColorSeparationType, ColorSeparationMatteType, OptimizeType } ImageType; typedef enum { UndefinedInterlace, NoInterlace, LineInterlace, PlaneInterlace, PartitionInterlace } InterlaceType; typedef enum { UndefinedMode, FrameMode, UnframeMode, ConcatenateMode } MontageMode; typedef enum { UniformNoise, GaussianNoise, MultiplicativeGaussianNoise, ImpulseNoise, LaplacianNoise, PoissonNoise, /* Below added on 2012-03-17 */ RandomNoise, UndefinedNoise } NoiseType; /* Image orientation. Based on TIFF standard values (also EXIF). */ typedef enum /* Line direction / Frame Direction */ { /* -------------- / --------------- */ UndefinedOrientation, /* Unknown / Unknown */ TopLeftOrientation, /* Left to right / Top to bottom */ TopRightOrientation, /* Right to left / Top to bottom */ BottomRightOrientation, /* Right to left / Bottom to top */ BottomLeftOrientation, /* Left to right / Bottom to top */ LeftTopOrientation, /* Top to bottom / Left to right */ RightTopOrientation, /* Top to bottom / Right to left */ RightBottomOrientation, /* Bottom to top / Right to left */ LeftBottomOrientation /* Bottom to top / Left to right */ } OrientationType; typedef enum { UndefinedPreview = 0, RotatePreview, ShearPreview, RollPreview, HuePreview, SaturationPreview, BrightnessPreview, GammaPreview, SpiffPreview, DullPreview, GrayscalePreview, QuantizePreview, DespecklePreview, ReduceNoisePreview, AddNoisePreview, SharpenPreview, BlurPreview, ThresholdPreview, EdgeDetectPreview, SpreadPreview, SolarizePreview, ShadePreview, RaisePreview, SegmentPreview, SwirlPreview, ImplodePreview, WavePreview, OilPaintPreview, CharcoalDrawingPreview, JPEGPreview } PreviewType; typedef enum { UndefinedIntent, SaturationIntent, PerceptualIntent, AbsoluteIntent, RelativeIntent } RenderingIntent; typedef enum { UndefinedResolution, PixelsPerInchResolution, PixelsPerCentimeterResolution } ResolutionType; /* Typedef declarations. */ typedef struct _AffineMatrix { double sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty; } AffineMatrix; typedef struct _PrimaryInfo { double x, y, z; } PrimaryInfo; typedef struct _ChromaticityInfo { PrimaryInfo red_primary, green_primary, blue_primary, white_point; } ChromaticityInfo; #if defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) /* Useful macros for accessing PixelPacket members in a generic way. */ # define GetRedSample(p) ((p)->red) # define GetGreenSample(p) ((p)->green) # define GetBlueSample(p) ((p)->blue) # define GetOpacitySample(p) ((p)->opacity) # define SetRedSample(q,value) ((q)->red=(value)) # define SetGreenSample(q,value) ((q)->green=(value)) # define SetBlueSample(q,value) ((q)->blue=(value)) # define SetOpacitySample(q,value) ((q)->opacity=(value)) # define GetGraySample(p) ((p)->red) # define SetGraySample(q,value) ((q)->red=(q)->green=(q)->blue=(value)) # define GetYSample(p) ((p)->red) # define GetCbSample(p) ((p)->green) # define GetCrSample(p) ((p)->blue) # define SetYSample(q,value) ((q)->red=(value)) # define SetCbSample(q,value) ((q)->green=(value)) # define SetCrSample(q,value) ((q)->blue=(value)) # define GetCyanSample(p) ((p)->red) # define GetMagentaSample(p) ((p)->green) # define GetYellowSample(p) ((p)->blue) # define GetBlackSample(p) ((p)->opacity) # define SetCyanSample(q,value) ((q)->red=(value)) # define SetMagentaSample(q,value) ((q)->green=(value)) # define SetYellowSample(q,value) ((q)->blue=(value)) # define SetBlackSample(q,value) ((q)->opacity=(value)) # define ClearPixelPacket(q) ((q)->red=(q)->green=(q)->blue=(q)->opacity=0) #endif /* defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) */ typedef struct _PixelPacket { #if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) /* RGBA */ #define MAGICK_PIXELS_RGBA 1 Quantum red, green, blue, opacity; #else /* BGRA (as used by Microsoft Windows DIB) */ #define MAGICK_PIXELS_BGRA 1 Quantum blue, green, red, opacity; #endif } PixelPacket; typedef struct _DoublePixelPacket { double red, green, blue, opacity; } DoublePixelPacket; typedef struct _FloatPixelPacket { float red, green, blue, opacity; } FloatPixelPacket; /* ErrorInfo is used to record statistical difference (error) information based on computed Euclidean distance in RGB space. */ typedef struct _ErrorInfo { double mean_error_per_pixel, /* Average error per pixel (absolute range) */ normalized_mean_error, /* Average error per pixel (normalized to 1.0) */ normalized_maximum_error; /* Maximum error encountered (normalized to 1.0) */ } ErrorInfo; typedef struct _FrameInfo { unsigned long width, height; long x, y, inner_bevel, outer_bevel; } FrameInfo; typedef Quantum IndexPacket; typedef struct _LongPixelPacket { unsigned long red, green, blue, opacity; } LongPixelPacket; typedef struct _MontageInfo { char *geometry, *tile, *title, *frame, *texture, *font; double pointsize; unsigned long border_width; unsigned int shadow; PixelPacket fill, stroke, background_color, border_color, matte_color; GravityType gravity; char filename[MaxTextExtent]; unsigned long signature; } MontageInfo; typedef struct _ProfileInfo { size_t length; char *name; unsigned char *info; } ProfileInfo; typedef struct _RectangleInfo { unsigned long width, height; long x, y; } RectangleInfo; typedef struct _SegmentInfo { double x1, y1, x2, y2; } SegmentInfo; typedef struct _Image { ClassType storage_class; /* DirectClass (TrueColor) or PseudoClass (colormapped) */ ColorspaceType colorspace; /* Current image colorspace/model */ CompressionType compression; /* Compression algorithm to use when encoding image */ MagickBool dither, /* True if image is to be dithered */ matte; /* True if image has an opacity (alpha) channel */ unsigned long columns, /* Number of image columns */ rows; /* Number of image rows */ unsigned int colors, /* Current number of colors in PseudoClass colormap */ depth; /* Bits of precision to preserve in color quantum */ PixelPacket *colormap; /* Pseudoclass colormap array */ PixelPacket background_color, /* Background color */ border_color, /* Border color */ matte_color; /* Matte (transparent) color */ double gamma; /* Image gamma (e.g. 0.45) */ ChromaticityInfo chromaticity; /* Red, green, blue, and white chromaticity values */ OrientationType orientation; /* Image orientation */ RenderingIntent rendering_intent; /* Rendering intent */ ResolutionType units; /* Units of image resolution (density) */ char *montage, /* Tile size and offset within an image montage */ *directory, /* Tile names from within an image montage */ *geometry; /* Composite/Crop options */ long offset; /* Offset to start of image data */ double x_resolution, /* Horizontal resolution (also see units) */ y_resolution; /* Vertical resolution (also see units) */ RectangleInfo page, /* Offset to apply when placing image */ tile_info; /* Subregion tile dimensions and offset */ double blur, /* Amount of blur to apply when zooming image */ fuzz; /* Colors within this distance match target color */ FilterTypes filter; /* Filter to use when zooming image */ InterlaceType interlace; /* Interlace pattern to use when writing image */ EndianType endian; /* Byte order to use when writing image */ GravityType gravity; /* Image placement gravity */ CompositeOperator compose; /* Image placement composition (default OverCompositeOp) */ DisposeType dispose; /* GIF disposal option */ unsigned long scene, /* Animation frame scene number */ delay, /* Animation frame scene delay */ iterations, /* Animation iterations */ total_colors; /* Number of unique colors. See GetNumberColors() */ long start_loop; /* Animation frame number to start looping at */ ErrorInfo error; /* Computed image comparison or quantization error */ TimerInfo timer; /* Operation micro-timer */ void *client_data; /* User specified opaque data pointer */ /* Output file name. A colon delimited format identifier may be prepended to the file name in order to force a particular output format. Otherwise the file extension is used. If no format prefix or file extension is present, then the output format is determined by the 'magick' field. */ char filename[MaxTextExtent]; /* Original file name (name of input image file) */ char magick_filename[MaxTextExtent]; /* File format of the input file, and the default output format. The precedence when selecting the output format is: 1) magick prefix to file name (e.g. "jpeg:foo). 2) file name extension. (e.g. "foo.jpg") 3) content of this magick field. */ char magick[MaxTextExtent]; /* Original image width (before transformations) */ unsigned long magick_columns; /* Original image height (before transformations) */ unsigned long magick_rows; ExceptionInfo exception; /* Any error associated with this image frame */ struct _Image *previous, /* Pointer to previous frame */ *next; /* Pointer to next frame */ /* To be added here for a later release: quality? subsampling video black/white setup levels (ReferenceBlack/ReferenceWhite) sample format (integer/float) */ /* Only private members appear past this point */ void /* Private, Embedded profiles */ *profiles; unsigned int is_monochrome, /* Private, True if image is known to be monochrome */ is_grayscale, /* Private, True if image is known to be grayscale */ taint; /* Private, True if image has not been modifed */ struct _Image *clip_mask; /* Private, Clipping mask to apply when updating pixels */ MagickBool ping; /* Private, if true, pixels are undefined */ _CacheInfoPtr_ cache; /* Private, image pixel cache */ _ThreadViewSetPtr_ default_views; /* Private, default cache views */ _ImageAttributePtr_ attributes; /* Private, Image attribute list */ _Ascii85InfoPtr_ ascii85; /* Private, supports huffman encoding */ _BlobInfoPtr_ blob; /* Private, file I/O object */ long reference_count; /* Private, Image reference count */ _SemaphoreInfoPtr_ semaphore; /* Private, Per image lock (for reference count) */ unsigned int logging; /* Private, True if logging is enabled */ struct _Image *list; /* Private, used only by display */ unsigned long signature; /* Private, Unique code to validate structure */ } Image; typedef struct _ImageInfo { CompressionType compression; /* Image compression to use while decoding */ MagickBool temporary, /* Remove file "filename" once it has been read. */ adjoin, /* If True, join multiple frames into one file */ antialias; /* If True, antialias while rendering */ unsigned long subimage, /* Starting image scene ID to select */ subrange, /* Span of image scene IDs (from starting scene) to select */ depth; /* Number of quantum bits to preserve while encoding */ char *size, /* Desired/known dimensions to use when decoding image */ *tile, /* Deprecated, name of image to tile on background */ *page; /* Output page size & offset */ InterlaceType interlace; /* Interlace scheme to use when decoding image */ EndianType endian; /* Select MSB/LSB endian output for TIFF format */ ResolutionType units; /* Units to apply when evaluating the density option */ unsigned long quality; /* Compression quality factor (format specific) */ char *sampling_factor, /* JPEG, MPEG, and YUV chroma downsample factor */ *server_name, /* X11 server display specification */ *font, /* Font name to use for text annotations */ *texture, /* Name of texture image to use for background fills */ *density; /* Image resolution (also see units) */ double pointsize; /* Font pointsize */ double fuzz; /* Colors within this distance are a match */ PixelPacket pen, /* Stroke or fill color while drawing */ background_color, /* Background color */ border_color, /* Border color (color surrounding frame) */ matte_color; /* Matte color (frame color) */ MagickBool dither, /* If true, dither image while writing */ monochrome, /* If true, use monochrome format */ progress; /* If true, show progress indication */ ColorspaceType colorspace; /* Colorspace representations of image pixels */ ImageType type; /* Desired image type (used while reading or writing) */ long group; /* X11 window group ID */ unsigned int verbose; /* If non-zero, display high-level processing */ char *view, /* FlashPIX view specification */ *authenticate; /* Password used to decrypt file */ void *client_data; /* User-specified data to pass to coder */ FILE *file; /* If not null, stdio FILE * to read image from (fopen mode "rb") or write image to (fopen mode "rb+"). */ char magick[MaxTextExtent], /* File format to read. Overrides file extension */ filename[MaxTextExtent]; /* File name to read */ /* Only private members appear past this point */ _CacheInfoPtr_ cache; /* Private. Used to pass image via open cache */ void *definitions; /* Private. Map of coder specific options passed by user. Use AddDefinitions, RemoveDefinitions, & AccessDefinition to access and manipulate this data. */ Image *attributes; /* Private. Image attribute list */ MagickBool ping; /* Private, if true, read file header only */ PreviewType preview_type; /* Private, used by PreviewImage */ MagickBool affirm; /* Private, when true do not intuit image format */ _BlobInfoPtr_ blob; /* Private, used to pass in open blob */ size_t length; /* Private, used to pass in open blob length */ char unique[MaxTextExtent], /* Private, passes temporary filename to TranslateText */ zero[MaxTextExtent]; /* Private, passes temporary filename to TranslateText */ unsigned long signature; /* Private, used to validate structure */ } ImageInfo; /* Image utilities methods. */ extern MagickExport ExceptionType CatchImageException(Image *); extern MagickExport Image *AllocateImage(const ImageInfo *), *AppendImages(const Image *,const unsigned int,ExceptionInfo *), *CloneImage(const Image *,const unsigned long,const unsigned long, const unsigned int,ExceptionInfo *), *GetImageClipMask(const Image *,ExceptionInfo *), *ReferenceImage(Image *); extern MagickExport ImageInfo *CloneImageInfo(const ImageInfo *); extern MagickExport const char *AccessDefinition(const ImageInfo *image_info,const char *magick, const char *key); extern MagickExport int GetImageGeometry(const Image *,const char *,const unsigned int, RectangleInfo *); /* Functions which return unsigned int as a True/False boolean value */ extern MagickExport MagickBool IsTaintImage(const Image *), IsSubimage(const char *,const MagickBool); /* Functions which return unsigned int to indicate operation pass/fail */ extern MagickExport MagickPassFail AddDefinition(ImageInfo *image_info,const char *magick, const char *key, const char *value, ExceptionInfo *exception), AddDefinitions(ImageInfo *image_info,const char *options, ExceptionInfo *exception), AnimateImages(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image), ClipImage(Image *image), ClipPathImage(Image *image,const char *pathname,const MagickBool inside), DisplayImages(const ImageInfo *image_info,Image *image), RemoveDefinitions(const ImageInfo *image_info,const char *options), ResetImagePage(Image *image,const char *page), SetImage(Image *image,const Quantum), SetImageEx(Image *image,const Quantum opacity,ExceptionInfo *exception), SetImageColor(Image *image,const PixelPacket *pixel), SetImageColorRegion(Image *image,long x,long y,unsigned long width, unsigned long height,const PixelPacket *pixel), SetImageClipMask(Image *image,const Image *clip_mask), SetImageDepth(Image *image,const unsigned long), SetImageInfo(ImageInfo *image_info,const unsigned int flags,ExceptionInfo *exception), SetImageType(Image *image,const ImageType), StripImage(Image *image), SyncImage(Image *image); extern MagickExport void AllocateNextImage(const ImageInfo *,Image *), DestroyImage(Image *), DestroyImageInfo(ImageInfo *), GetImageException(Image *,ExceptionInfo *), GetImageInfo(ImageInfo *), ModifyImage(Image **,ExceptionInfo *), SetImageOpacity(Image *,const unsigned int); #if defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) /* SetImageInfo flags specification. */ # define SETMAGICK_FALSE 0x00000 /* MagickFalse ("read") */ # define SETMAGICK_TRUE 0x00001 /* MagickTrue ("write+rectify") */ # define SETMAGICK_READ 0x00002 /* Filespec will be read */ # define SETMAGICK_WRITE 0x00004 /* Filespec will be written */ # define SETMAGICK_RECTIFY 0x00008 /* Look for adjoin in filespec */ #endif /* defined(MAGICK_IMPLEMENTATION) */ #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif /* _MAGICK_IMAGE_H */ /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 2 * fill-column: 78 * End: */