/* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2015 GraphicsMagick Group Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio Copyright 1991-1999 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company This program is covered by multiple licenses, which are described in Copyright.txt. You should have received a copy of Copyright.txt with this package; otherwise see http://www.graphicsmagick.org/www/Copyright.html. GraphicsMagick version and copyright. */ #ifndef _MAGICK_VERSION_H #define _MAGICK_VERSION_H #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* Define declarations. MagickLibVersion and MagickLibVersionNumber are defined differently than they are in ImageMagick. The three fields are based on library interface versioning. Each field in MagickLibVersion is one byte. The most significant field (third byte from the right) defines the library major interface, which is incremented whenever the library ABI changes incompatibly with preceding versions. The second field identifies an interface (a span) in a series of upward-compatible interfaces with the same major interface (such as when only new functions have) been added. The least significant field specifies the revision across 100% compatible interfaces. MagickLibVersionText provides a simple human-readable string for identifying the release. */ #define MagickPackageName "GraphicsMagick" #define MagickCopyright "Copyright (C) 2002-2015 GraphicsMagick Group.\nAdditional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.\nSee http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/www/Copyright.html for details." #define MagickLibVersion 0x171401 #define MagickLibVersionText "1.3.23" #define MagickLibVersionNumber 17,14,1 #define MagickChangeDate "20151107" #define MagickReleaseDate "2015-11-07" /* The MagickLibInterfaceNewest and MagickLibInterfaceOldest defines provide both the newest and oldest interfaces supported by the library. The 'newest' interface is incremented if new interfaces are added to the library. The 'oldest' interface is reset to the value of 'newest' if an existing interface is changed incompatibly, or an interface is removed. This scheme is similar to that used by ELF libraries. Note that the values used are related to those in MagickLibVersionNumber, but these are broken out and simplified so that they can be easily used in C pre-processor logic. */ #define MagickLibInterfaceNewest 17 #define MagickLibInterfaceOldest 3 #if (QuantumDepth == 8) #define MagickQuantumDepth "Q8" #elif (QuantumDepth == 16) #define MagickQuantumDepth "Q16" #elif (QuantumDepth == 32) #define MagickQuantumDepth "Q32" #else # error Unsupported quantum depth. #endif #define MagickVersion MagickPackageName " " MagickLibVersionText " " \ MagickReleaseDate " " MagickQuantumDepth " " MagickWebSite #define MagickWebSite "http://www." MagickPackageName ".org/" /* Method declarations. */ extern MagickExport const char *GetMagickCopyright(void), *GetMagickVersion(unsigned long *), *GetMagickWebSite(void); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } #endif #endif