Copyright (C) 1999-2015 John W. Eaton
Copyright (C) 2009-2010 VZLU Prague
This file is part of Octave.
Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
#if !defined (octave_Cell_h)
#define octave_Cell_h 1
#include "Array.h"
#include "str-vec.h"
#include "ov.h"
class octave_value_list;
Cell : public Array
Cell (void)
: Array (dim_vector (0, 0)) { }
Cell (const octave_value& val)
: Array (dim_vector (1, 1), val) { }
Cell (const octave_value_list& ovl);
Cell (octave_idx_type n, octave_idx_type m,
const octave_value& val = Matrix ())
: Array (dim_vector (n, m), val) { }
Cell (const dim_vector& dv, const octave_value& val = Matrix ())
: Array (dv, val) { }
Cell (const Array& c)
: Array (c) { }
Cell (const Array& c, octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc)
: Array (c, dim_vector (nr, nc)) { }
Cell (const string_vector& sv, bool trim = false);
Cell (const std::list& lst);
Cell (const Array& sa);
Cell (const dim_vector& dv, const string_vector& sv, bool trim = false);
Cell (const Cell& c)
: Array (c) { }
bool is_cellstr (void) const;
Array cellstr_value (void) const;
using Array::index;
Cell index (const octave_value_list& idx, bool resize_ok = false) const;
using Array::delete_elements;
void delete_elements (const octave_value_list& idx);
using Array::assign;
void assign (const octave_value_list& idx, const Cell& rhs,
const octave_value& fill_val = Matrix ());
Cell reshape (const dim_vector& new_dims) const
{ return Array::reshape (new_dims); }
octave_idx_type nnz (void) const;
Cell column (octave_idx_type i) const;
boolMatrix all (int /* dim */ = 0) const { return boolMatrix (); }
boolMatrix any (int /* dim */ = 0) const { return boolMatrix (); }
Cell concat (const Cell& rb, const Array& ra_idx);
Cell& insert (const Cell& a, octave_idx_type r, octave_idx_type c);
Cell& insert (const Cell& a, const Array& ra_idx);
bool any_element_is_nan (void) const { return false; }
bool is_true (void) const { return false; }
octave_value resize_fill_value (void) const
static Matrix rfv;
return rfv;
Cell diag (octave_idx_type k = 0) const;
Cell diag (octave_idx_type m, octave_idx_type n) const;
Cell xisalnum (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisalnum); }
Cell xisalpha (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisalpha); }
Cell xisascii (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisascii); }
Cell xiscntrl (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xiscntrl); }
Cell xisdigit (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisdigit); }
Cell xisgraph (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisgraph); }
Cell xislower (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xislower); }
Cell xisprint (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisprint); }
Cell xispunct (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xispunct); }
Cell xisspace (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisspace); }
Cell xisupper (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisupper); }
Cell xisxdigit (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xisxdigit); }
Cell xtoascii (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xtoascii); }
Cell xtolower (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xtolower); }
Cell xtoupper (void) const { return map (&octave_value::xtoupper); }
typedef octave_value (octave_value::*ctype_mapper) (void) const;
Cell map (ctype_mapper) const;
inline Cell octave_value_extract (const octave_value& v)
{ return v.cell_value (); }