/* Copyright (C) 2004-2015 David Bateman Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Andy Adler This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "quit.h" #include "lo-error.h" #include "MArray.h" #include "Array-util.h" #include "MSparse.h" #include "MSparse-defs.h" // sparse array with math ops. // Element by element MSparse by MSparse ops. template MSparse& plus_or_minus (MSparse& a, const MSparse& b, OP op, const char* op_name) { MSparse r; octave_idx_type a_nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type a_nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type b_nr = b.rows (); octave_idx_type b_nc = b.cols (); if (a_nr != b_nr || a_nc != b_nc) gripe_nonconformant (op_name , a_nr, a_nc, b_nr, b_nc); else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, (a.nnz () + b.nnz ())); octave_idx_type jx = 0; for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nc ; i++) { octave_idx_type ja = a.cidx (i); octave_idx_type ja_max = a.cidx (i+1); bool ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; octave_idx_type jb = b.cidx (i); octave_idx_type jb_max = b.cidx (i+1); bool jb_lt_max = jb < jb_max; while (ja_lt_max || jb_lt_max) { octave_quit (); if ((! jb_lt_max) || (ja_lt_max && (a.ridx (ja) < b.ridx (jb)))) { r.ridx (jx) = a.ridx (ja); r.data (jx) = op (a.data (ja), 0.); jx++; ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; } else if ((! ja_lt_max) || (jb_lt_max && (b.ridx (jb) < a.ridx (ja)))) { r.ridx (jx) = b.ridx (jb); r.data (jx) = op (0., b.data (jb)); jx++; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } else { if (op (a.data (ja), b.data (jb)) != 0.) { r.data (jx) = op (a.data (ja), b.data (jb)); r.ridx (jx) = a.ridx (ja); jx++; } ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } } r.cidx (i+1) = jx; } a = r.maybe_compress (); } return a; } template MSparse& operator += (MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { return plus_or_minus (a, b, std::plus (), "operator +="); } template MSparse& operator -= (MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { return plus_or_minus (a, b, std::minus (), "operator -="); } // Element by element MSparse by scalar ops. template MArray plus_or_minus (const MSparse& a, const T& s, OP op) { octave_idx_type nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type nc = a.cols (); MArray r (dim_vector (nr, nc), op (0.0, s)); for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++) for (octave_idx_type i = a.cidx (j); i < a.cidx (j+1); i++) r.elem (a.ridx (i), j) = op (a.data (i), s); return r; } template MArray operator + (const MSparse& a, const T& s) { return plus_or_minus (a, s, std::plus ()); } template MArray operator - (const MSparse& a, const T& s) { return plus_or_minus (a, s, std::minus ()); } template MSparse times_or_divide (const MSparse& a, const T& s, OP op) { octave_idx_type nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type nz = a.nnz (); MSparse r (nr, nc, nz); for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nz; i++) { r.data (i) = op (a.data (i), s); r.ridx (i) = a.ridx (i); } for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nc + 1; i++) r.cidx (i) = a.cidx (i); r.maybe_compress (true); return r; } template MSparse operator * (const MSparse& a, const T& s) { return times_or_divide (a, s, std::multiplies ()); } template MSparse operator / (const MSparse& a, const T& s) { return times_or_divide (a, s, std::divides ()); } // Element by element scalar by MSparse ops. template MArray plus_or_minus (const T& s, const MSparse& a, OP op) { octave_idx_type nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type nc = a.cols (); MArray r (dim_vector (nr, nc), op (s, 0.0)); for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++) for (octave_idx_type i = a.cidx (j); i < a.cidx (j+1); i++) r.elem (a.ridx (i), j) = op (s, a.data (i)); return r; } template MArray operator + (const T& s, const MSparse& a) { return plus_or_minus (s, a, std::plus ()); } template MArray operator - (const T& s, const MSparse& a) { return plus_or_minus (s, a, std::minus ()); } template MSparse times_or_divides (const T& s, const MSparse& a, OP op) { octave_idx_type nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type nz = a.nnz (); MSparse r (nr, nc, nz); for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nz; i++) { r.data (i) = op (s, a.data (i)); r.ridx (i) = a.ridx (i); } for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nc + 1; i++) r.cidx (i) = a.cidx (i); r.maybe_compress (true); return r; } template MSparse operator * (const T& s, const MSparse& a) { return times_or_divides (s, a, std::multiplies ()); } template MSparse operator / (const T& s, const MSparse& a) { return times_or_divides (s, a, std::divides ()); } // Element by element MSparse by MSparse ops. template MSparse plus_or_minus (const MSparse& a, const MSparse& b, OP op, const char* op_name, bool negate) { MSparse r; octave_idx_type a_nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type a_nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type b_nr = b.rows (); octave_idx_type b_nc = b.cols (); if (a_nr == 1 && a_nc == 1) { if (a.elem (0,0) == 0.) if (negate) r = -MSparse (b); else r = MSparse (b); else { r = MSparse (b_nr, b_nc, op (a.data (0), 0.)); for (octave_idx_type j = 0 ; j < b_nc ; j++) { octave_quit (); octave_idx_type idxj = j * b_nr; for (octave_idx_type i = b.cidx (j) ; i < b.cidx (j+1) ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (idxj + b.ridx (i)) = op (a.data (0), b.data (i)); } } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (b_nr == 1 && b_nc == 1) { if (b.elem (0,0) == 0.) r = MSparse (a); else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, op (0.0, b.data (0))); for (octave_idx_type j = 0 ; j < a_nc ; j++) { octave_quit (); octave_idx_type idxj = j * a_nr; for (octave_idx_type i = a.cidx (j) ; i < a.cidx (j+1) ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (idxj + a.ridx (i)) = op (a.data (i), b.data (0)); } } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (a_nr != b_nr || a_nc != b_nc) gripe_nonconformant (op_name, a_nr, a_nc, b_nr, b_nc); else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, (a.nnz () + b.nnz ())); octave_idx_type jx = 0; r.cidx (0) = 0; for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nc ; i++) { octave_idx_type ja = a.cidx (i); octave_idx_type ja_max = a.cidx (i+1); bool ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; octave_idx_type jb = b.cidx (i); octave_idx_type jb_max = b.cidx (i+1); bool jb_lt_max = jb < jb_max; while (ja_lt_max || jb_lt_max) { octave_quit (); if ((! jb_lt_max) || (ja_lt_max && (a.ridx (ja) < b.ridx (jb)))) { r.ridx (jx) = a.ridx (ja); r.data (jx) = op (a.data (ja), 0.); jx++; ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; } else if ((! ja_lt_max) || (jb_lt_max && (b.ridx (jb) < a.ridx (ja)))) { r.ridx (jx) = b.ridx (jb); r.data (jx) = op (0., b.data (jb)); jx++; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } else { if (op (a.data (ja), b.data (jb)) != 0.) { r.data (jx) = op (a.data (ja), b.data (jb)); r.ridx (jx) = a.ridx (ja); jx++; } ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } } r.cidx (i+1) = jx; } r.maybe_compress (); } return r; } template MSparse operator+ (const MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { return plus_or_minus (a, b, std::plus (), "operator +", false); } template MSparse operator- (const MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { return plus_or_minus (a, b, std::minus (), "operator -", true); } template MSparse product (const MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { MSparse r; octave_idx_type a_nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type a_nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type b_nr = b.rows (); octave_idx_type b_nc = b.cols (); if (a_nr == 1 && a_nc == 1) { if (a.elem (0,0) == 0.) r = MSparse (b_nr, b_nc); else { r = MSparse (b); octave_idx_type b_nnz = b.nnz (); for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < b_nnz ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (i) = a.data (0) * r.data (i); } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (b_nr == 1 && b_nc == 1) { if (b.elem (0,0) == 0.) r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc); else { r = MSparse (a); octave_idx_type a_nnz = a.nnz (); for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nnz ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (i) = r.data (i) * b.data (0); } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (a_nr != b_nr || a_nc != b_nc) gripe_nonconformant ("product", a_nr, a_nc, b_nr, b_nc); else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, (a.nnz () > b.nnz () ? a.nnz () : b.nnz ())); octave_idx_type jx = 0; r.cidx (0) = 0; for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nc ; i++) { octave_idx_type ja = a.cidx (i); octave_idx_type ja_max = a.cidx (i+1); bool ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; octave_idx_type jb = b.cidx (i); octave_idx_type jb_max = b.cidx (i+1); bool jb_lt_max = jb < jb_max; while (ja_lt_max || jb_lt_max) { octave_quit (); if ((! jb_lt_max) || (ja_lt_max && (a.ridx (ja) < b.ridx (jb)))) { ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; } else if ((! ja_lt_max) || (jb_lt_max && (b.ridx (jb) < a.ridx (ja)))) { jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } else { if ((a.data (ja) * b.data (jb)) != 0.) { r.data (jx) = a.data (ja) * b.data (jb); r.ridx (jx) = a.ridx (ja); jx++; } ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } } r.cidx (i+1) = jx; } r.maybe_compress (); } return r; } template MSparse quotient (const MSparse& a, const MSparse& b) { MSparse r; T Zero = T (); octave_idx_type a_nr = a.rows (); octave_idx_type a_nc = a.cols (); octave_idx_type b_nr = b.rows (); octave_idx_type b_nc = b.cols (); if (a_nr == 1 && a_nc == 1) { T val = a.elem (0,0); T fill = val / T (); if (fill == T ()) { octave_idx_type b_nnz = b.nnz (); r = MSparse (b); for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < b_nnz ; i++) r.data (i) = val / r.data (i); r.maybe_compress (); } else { r = MSparse (b_nr, b_nc, fill); for (octave_idx_type j = 0 ; j < b_nc ; j++) { octave_quit (); octave_idx_type idxj = j * b_nr; for (octave_idx_type i = b.cidx (j) ; i < b.cidx (j+1) ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (idxj + b.ridx (i)) = val / b.data (i); } } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (b_nr == 1 && b_nc == 1) { T val = b.elem (0,0); T fill = T () / val; if (fill == T ()) { octave_idx_type a_nnz = a.nnz (); r = MSparse (a); for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nnz ; i++) r.data (i) = r.data (i) / val; r.maybe_compress (); } else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, fill); for (octave_idx_type j = 0 ; j < a_nc ; j++) { octave_quit (); octave_idx_type idxj = j * a_nr; for (octave_idx_type i = a.cidx (j) ; i < a.cidx (j+1) ; i++) { octave_quit (); r.data (idxj + a.ridx (i)) = a.data (i) / val; } } r.maybe_compress (); } } else if (a_nr != b_nr || a_nc != b_nc) gripe_nonconformant ("quotient", a_nr, a_nc, b_nr, b_nc); else { r = MSparse (a_nr, a_nc, (Zero / Zero)); for (octave_idx_type i = 0 ; i < a_nc ; i++) { octave_idx_type ja = a.cidx (i); octave_idx_type ja_max = a.cidx (i+1); bool ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; octave_idx_type jb = b.cidx (i); octave_idx_type jb_max = b.cidx (i+1); bool jb_lt_max = jb < jb_max; while (ja_lt_max || jb_lt_max) { octave_quit (); if ((! jb_lt_max) || (ja_lt_max && (a.ridx (ja) < b.ridx (jb)))) { r.elem (a.ridx (ja),i) = a.data (ja) / Zero; ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; } else if ((! ja_lt_max) || (jb_lt_max && (b.ridx (jb) < a.ridx (ja)))) { r.elem (b.ridx (jb),i) = Zero / b.data (jb); jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } else { r.elem (a.ridx (ja),i) = a.data (ja) / b.data (jb); ja++; ja_lt_max= ja < ja_max; jb++; jb_lt_max= jb < jb_max; } } } r.maybe_compress (true); } return r; } // Unary MSparse ops. template MSparse operator + (const MSparse& a) { return a; } template MSparse operator - (const MSparse& a) { MSparse retval (a); octave_idx_type nz = a.nnz (); for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nz; i++) retval.data (i) = - retval.data (i); return retval; }