/* Copyright (C) 1993-2015 John W. Eaton Copyright (C) 2009-2010 VZLU Prague This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #if !defined (octave_action_container_h) #define octave_action_container_h 1 // This class allows registering actions in a list for later // execution, either explicitly or when the container goes out of // scope. // FIXME: is there a better name for this class? class action_container { public: // A generic unwind_protect element. Knows how to run itself and // discard itself. Also, contains a pointer to the next element. class elem { public: elem (void) { } virtual void run (void) { } virtual ~elem (void) { } friend class action_container; private: // No copying! elem (const elem&); elem& operator = (const elem&); }; // An element that merely runs a void (*)(void) function. class fcn_elem : public elem { public: fcn_elem (void (*fptr) (void)) : e_fptr (fptr) { } void run (void) { e_fptr (); } private: void (*e_fptr) (void); }; // An element that stores a variable of type T along with a void (*) (T) // function pointer, and calls the function with the parameter. template class fcn_arg_elem : public elem { public: fcn_arg_elem (void (*fcn) (T), T arg) : e_fcn (fcn), e_arg (arg) { } void run (void) { e_fcn (e_arg); } private: // No copying! fcn_arg_elem (const fcn_arg_elem&); fcn_arg_elem& operator = (const fcn_arg_elem&); void (*e_fcn) (T); T e_arg; }; // An element that stores a variable of type T along with a // void (*) (const T&) function pointer, and calls the function with // the parameter. template class fcn_crefarg_elem : public elem { public: fcn_crefarg_elem (void (*fcn) (const T&), const T& arg) : e_fcn (fcn), e_arg (arg) { } void run (void) { e_fcn (e_arg); } private: void (*e_fcn) (const T&); T e_arg; }; // An element for calling a member function. template class method_elem : public elem { public: method_elem (T *obj, void (T::*method) (void)) : e_obj (obj), e_method (method) { } void run (void) { (e_obj->*e_method) (); } private: T *e_obj; void (T::*e_method) (void); // No copying! method_elem (const method_elem&); method_elem operator = (const method_elem&); }; // An element for calling a member function with a single argument template class method_arg_elem : public elem { public: method_arg_elem (T *obj, void (T::*method) (A), A arg) : e_obj (obj), e_method (method), e_arg (arg) { } void run (void) { (e_obj->*e_method) (e_arg); } private: T *e_obj; void (T::*e_method) (A); A e_arg; // No copying! method_arg_elem (const method_arg_elem&); method_arg_elem operator = (const method_arg_elem&); }; // An element for calling a member function with a single argument template class method_crefarg_elem : public elem { public: method_crefarg_elem (T *obj, void (T::*method) (const A&), const A& arg) : e_obj (obj), e_method (method), e_arg (arg) { } void run (void) { (e_obj->*e_method) (e_arg); } private: T *e_obj; void (T::*e_method) (const A&); A e_arg; // No copying! method_crefarg_elem (const method_crefarg_elem&); method_crefarg_elem operator = (const method_crefarg_elem&); }; // An element that stores arbitrary variable, and restores it. template class restore_var_elem : public elem { public: restore_var_elem (T& ref, const T& val) : e_ptr (&ref), e_val (val) { } void run (void) { *e_ptr = e_val; } private: // No copying! restore_var_elem (const restore_var_elem&); restore_var_elem& operator = (const restore_var_elem&); T *e_ptr, e_val; }; // Deletes a class allocated using new. template class delete_ptr_elem : public elem { public: delete_ptr_elem (T *ptr) : e_ptr (ptr) { } void run (void) { delete e_ptr; } private: T *e_ptr; // No copying! delete_ptr_elem (const delete_ptr_elem&); delete_ptr_elem operator = (const delete_ptr_elem&); }; action_container (void) { } virtual ~action_container (void) { } virtual void add (elem *new_elem) = 0; // Call to void func (void). void add_fcn (void (*fcn) (void)) { add (new fcn_elem (fcn)); } // Call to void func (T). template void add_fcn (void (*action) (T), T val) { add (new fcn_arg_elem (action, val)); } // Call to void func (const T&). template void add_fcn (void (*action) (const T&), const T& val) { add (new fcn_crefarg_elem (action, val)); } // Call to T::method (void). template void add_method (T *obj, void (T::*method) (void)) { add (new method_elem (obj, method)); } // Call to T::method (A). template void add_method (T *obj, void (T::*method) (A), A arg) { add (new method_arg_elem (obj, method, arg)); } // Call to T::method (const A&). template void add_method (T *obj, void (T::*method) (const A&), const A& arg) { add (new method_crefarg_elem (obj, method, arg)); } // Call to delete (T*). template void add_delete (T *obj) { add (new delete_ptr_elem (obj)); } // Protect any variable. template void protect_var (T& var) { add (new restore_var_elem (var, var)); } // Protect any variable, value given. template void protect_var (T& var, const T& val) { add (new restore_var_elem (var, val)); } operator bool (void) const { return ! empty (); } virtual void run_first (void) = 0; void run (size_t num) { if (num > size ()) num = size (); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) run_first (); } void run (void) { run (size ()); } virtual void discard_first (void) = 0; void discard (size_t num) { if (num > size ()) num = size (); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) discard_first (); } void discard (void) { discard (size ()); } virtual size_t size (void) const = 0; bool empty (void) const { return size () == 0; } private: // No copying! action_container (const action_container&); action_container& operator = (const action_container&); }; #endif