/* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Ben Sapp This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if !defined (octave_debug_h) #define octave_debug_h 1 #include <map> #include <set> #include "ov.h" #include "dRowVector.h" class octave_value_list; class octave_user_code; // Interface to breakpoints,. class OCTINTERP_API bp_table { private: bp_table (void) : bp_set () { } ~bp_table (void) { } public: typedef std::map<int, int> intmap; typedef intmap::const_iterator const_intmap_iterator; typedef intmap::iterator intmap_iterator; typedef std::map <std::string, intmap> fname_line_map; typedef fname_line_map::const_iterator const_fname_line_map_iterator; typedef fname_line_map::iterator fname_line_map_iterator; static bool instance_ok (void); // Add a breakpoint at the nearest executable line. static intmap add_breakpoint (const std::string& fname = "", const intmap& lines = intmap ()) { return instance_ok () ? instance->do_add_breakpoint (fname, lines) : intmap (); } // Remove a breakpoint from a line in file. static int remove_breakpoint (const std::string& fname = "", const intmap& lines = intmap ()) { return instance_ok () ? instance->do_remove_breakpoint (fname, lines) : 0; } // Remove all the breakpoints in a specified file. static intmap remove_all_breakpoints_in_file (const std::string& fname, bool silent = false) { return instance_ok () ? instance->do_remove_all_breakpoints_in_file (fname, silent) : intmap (); } // Remove all the breakpoints registered with octave. static void remove_all_breakpoints (void) { if (instance_ok ()) instance->do_remove_all_breakpoints (); } // Return all breakpoints. Each element of the map is a vector // containing the breakpoints corresponding to a given function name. static fname_line_map get_breakpoint_list (const octave_value_list& fname_list) { return instance_ok () ? instance->do_get_breakpoint_list (fname_list) : fname_line_map (); } static bool have_breakpoints (void) { return instance_ok () ? instance->do_have_breakpoints () : 0; } private: typedef std::set<std::string>::const_iterator const_bp_set_iterator; typedef std::set<std::string>::iterator bp_set_iterator; // Set of function names containing at least one breakpoint. std::set<std::string> bp_set; static bp_table *instance; static void cleanup_instance (void) { delete instance; instance = 0; } bool do_add_breakpoint_1 (octave_user_code *fcn, const std::string& fname, const intmap& line, intmap& retval); intmap do_add_breakpoint (const std::string& fname, const intmap& lines); int do_remove_breakpoint_1 (octave_user_code *fcn, const std::string&, const intmap& lines); int do_remove_breakpoint (const std::string&, const intmap& lines); intmap do_remove_all_breakpoints_in_file_1 (octave_user_code *fcn, const std::string& fname); intmap do_remove_all_breakpoints_in_file (const std::string& fname, bool silent); void do_remove_all_breakpoints (void); fname_line_map do_get_breakpoint_list (const octave_value_list& fname_list); bool do_have_breakpoints (void) { return (! bp_set.empty ()); } }; extern std::string get_file_line (const std::string& fname, size_t line); #endif