Copyright (C) 1996-2015 John W. Eaton
This file is part of Octave.
Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
#if !defined (octave_lo_utils_h)
#define octave_lo_utils_h 1
#include "quit.h"
#include "lo-cutils.h"
#include "oct-cmplx.h"
// Generic any/all test functionality with arbitrary predicate.
any_all_test (F fcn, const T *m, octave_idx_type len)
octave_idx_type i;
for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i += 4)
octave_quit ();
if (fcn (m[i]) != zero
|| fcn (m[i+1]) != zero
|| fcn (m[i+2]) != zero
|| fcn (m[i+3]) != zero)
return ! zero;
octave_quit ();
for (; i < len; i++)
if (fcn (m[i]) != zero)
return ! zero;
return zero;
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_int_or_inf_or_nan (double x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_one_or_zero (double x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_zero (double x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xtoo_large_for_float (double x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xtoo_large_for_float (const Complex& x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_int_or_inf_or_nan (float x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_one_or_zero (float x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xis_zero (float x);
extern OCTAVE_API bool xtoo_large_for_float (float x);
extern OCTAVE_API char *strsave (const char *);
extern OCTAVE_API void
octave_putenv (const std::string&, const std::string&);
extern OCTAVE_API std::string octave_fgets (std::FILE *);
extern OCTAVE_API std::string octave_fgetl (std::FILE *);
extern OCTAVE_API std::string octave_fgets (std::FILE *, bool& eof);
extern OCTAVE_API std::string octave_fgetl (std::FILE *, bool& eof);
octave_read_value (std::istream& is)
T retval;
is >> retval;
return retval;
template <> OCTAVE_API double octave_read_value (std::istream& is);
template <> OCTAVE_API Complex octave_read_value (std::istream& is);
template <> OCTAVE_API float octave_read_value (std::istream& is);
template <> OCTAVE_API FloatComplex octave_read_value (std::istream& is);
// The next four functions are provided for backward compatibility.
inline double
octave_read_double (std::istream& is)
return octave_read_value (is);
inline Complex
octave_read_complex (std::istream& is)
return octave_read_value (is);
inline float
octave_read_float (std::istream& is)
return octave_read_value (is);
inline FloatComplex
octave_read_float_complex (std::istream& is)
return octave_read_value (is);
extern OCTAVE_API void
octave_write_double (std::ostream& os, double dval);
extern OCTAVE_API void
octave_write_complex (std::ostream& os, const Complex& cval);
extern OCTAVE_API void
octave_write_float (std::ostream& os, float dval);
extern OCTAVE_API void
octave_write_float_complex (std::ostream& os, const FloatComplex& cval);
// Maybe this is overkill, but it allos
static bool ifexited (int status)
return octave_wifexited (status);
static int exitstatus (int status)
return octave_wexitstatus (status);
static bool ifsignaled (int status)
return octave_wifsignaled (status);
static int termsig (int status)
return octave_wtermsig (status);
static bool coredump (int status)
return octave_wcoredump (status);
static bool ifstopped (int status)
return octave_wifstopped (status);
static int stopsig (int status)
return octave_wstopsig (status);
static bool ifcontinued (int status)
return octave_wifcontinued (status);