// DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically from mxarray.in.h by Make. /* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Paul Kienzle This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ /* Part of this code was originally distributed as part of Octave Forge under the following terms: Author: Paul Kienzle I grant this code to the public domain. 2001-03-22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if ! defined (MXARRAY_H) #define MXARRAY_H typedef enum { mxREAL = 0, mxCOMPLEX = 1 } mxComplexity; typedef enum { mxUNKNOWN_CLASS = 0, mxCELL_CLASS, mxSTRUCT_CLASS, mxLOGICAL_CLASS, mxCHAR_CLASS, mxUNUSED_CLASS, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxINT8_CLASS, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxINT16_CLASS, mxUINT16_CLASS, mxINT32_CLASS, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxINT64_CLASS, mxUINT64_CLASS, mxFUNCTION_CLASS } mxClassID; typedef unsigned char mxLogical; /* typedef Uint16 mxChar; */ typedef char mxChar; /* * FIXME? Mathworks says these should be size_t on 64-bit system and when * mex is used with the -largearraydims flag, but why do that? Its better * to conform to the same indexing as the rest of Octave */ typedef int mwSize; typedef int mwIndex; typedef int mwSignedIndex; #if ! defined (MXARRAY_TYPEDEFS_ONLY) #include class octave_value; #define DO_MUTABLE_METHOD(RET_T, METHOD_CALL) \ RET_T retval = rep->METHOD_CALL; \ \ if (rep->mutation_needed ()) \ { \ maybe_mutate (); \ retval = rep->METHOD_CALL; \ } \ \ return retval #define DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD(METHOD_CALL) \ rep->METHOD_CALL; \ \ if (rep->mutation_needed ()) \ { \ maybe_mutate (); \ rep->METHOD_CALL; \ } // A class to provide the default implemenation of some of the virtual // functions declared in the mxArray class. class mxArray; class mxArray_base { protected: mxArray_base (void) { } public: virtual mxArray_base *dup (void) const = 0; virtual mxArray *as_mxArray (void) const { return 0; } virtual ~mxArray_base (void) { } virtual bool is_octave_value (void) const { return false; } virtual int is_cell (void) const = 0; virtual int is_char (void) const = 0; virtual int is_class (const char *name_arg) const { int retval = 0; const char *cname = get_class_name (); if (cname && name_arg) retval = ! strcmp (cname, name_arg); return retval; } virtual int is_complex (void) const = 0; virtual int is_double (void) const = 0; virtual int is_function_handle (void) const = 0; virtual int is_int16 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_int32 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_int64 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_int8 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_logical (void) const = 0; virtual int is_numeric (void) const = 0; virtual int is_single (void) const = 0; virtual int is_sparse (void) const = 0; virtual int is_struct (void) const = 0; virtual int is_uint16 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_uint32 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_uint64 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_uint8 (void) const = 0; virtual int is_logical_scalar (void) const { return is_logical () && get_number_of_elements () == 1; } virtual int is_logical_scalar_true (void) const = 0; virtual mwSize get_m (void) const = 0; virtual mwSize get_n (void) const = 0; virtual mwSize *get_dimensions (void) const = 0; virtual mwSize get_number_of_dimensions (void) const = 0; virtual void set_m (mwSize m) = 0; virtual void set_n (mwSize n) = 0; virtual void set_dimensions (mwSize *dims_arg, mwSize ndims_arg) = 0; virtual mwSize get_number_of_elements (void) const = 0; virtual int is_empty (void) const = 0; virtual mxClassID get_class_id (void) const = 0; virtual const char *get_class_name (void) const = 0; virtual void set_class_name (const char *name_arg) = 0; virtual mxArray *get_cell (mwIndex /*idx*/) const { invalid_type_error (); return 0; } virtual void set_cell (mwIndex idx, mxArray *val) = 0; virtual double get_scalar (void) const = 0; virtual void *get_data (void) const = 0; virtual void *get_imag_data (void) const = 0; virtual void set_data (void *pr) = 0; virtual void set_imag_data (void *pi) = 0; virtual mwIndex *get_ir (void) const = 0; virtual mwIndex *get_jc (void) const = 0; virtual mwSize get_nzmax (void) const = 0; virtual void set_ir (mwIndex *ir) = 0; virtual void set_jc (mwIndex *jc) = 0; virtual void set_nzmax (mwSize nzmax) = 0; virtual int add_field (const char *key) = 0; virtual void remove_field (int key_num) = 0; virtual mxArray *get_field_by_number (mwIndex index, int key_num) const = 0; virtual void set_field_by_number (mwIndex index, int key_num, mxArray *val) = 0; virtual int get_number_of_fields (void) const = 0; virtual const char *get_field_name_by_number (int key_num) const = 0; virtual int get_field_number (const char *key) const = 0; virtual int get_string (char *buf, mwSize buflen) const = 0; virtual char *array_to_string (void) const = 0; virtual mwIndex calc_single_subscript (mwSize nsubs, mwIndex *subs) const = 0; virtual size_t get_element_size (void) const = 0; virtual bool mutation_needed (void) const { return false; } virtual mxArray *mutate (void) const { return 0; } virtual octave_value as_octave_value (void) const = 0; protected: mxArray_base (const mxArray_base&) { } void invalid_type_error (void) const { error ("invalid type for operation"); } void error (const char *msg) const; }; // The main interface class. The representation can be based on an // octave_value object or a separate object that tries to reproduce // the semantics of mxArray objects in Matlab more directly. class mxArray { public: mxArray (const octave_value& ov); mxArray (mxClassID id, mwSize ndims, const mwSize *dims, mxComplexity flag = mxREAL); mxArray (mxClassID id, const dim_vector& dv, mxComplexity flag = mxREAL); mxArray (mxClassID id, mwSize m, mwSize n, mxComplexity flag = mxREAL); mxArray (mxClassID id, double val); mxArray (mxClassID id, mxLogical val); mxArray (const char *str); mxArray (mwSize m, const char **str); mxArray (mxClassID id, mwSize m, mwSize n, mwSize nzmax, mxComplexity flag = mxREAL); mxArray (mwSize ndims, const mwSize *dims, int num_keys, const char **keys); mxArray (const dim_vector& dv, int num_keys, const char **keys); mxArray (mwSize m, mwSize n, int num_keys, const char **keys); mxArray (mwSize ndims, const mwSize *dims); mxArray (const dim_vector& dv); mxArray (mwSize m, mwSize n); mxArray *dup (void) const { mxArray *retval = rep->as_mxArray (); if (retval) retval->set_name (name); else { mxArray_base *new_rep = rep->dup (); retval = new mxArray (new_rep, name); } return retval; } ~mxArray (void); bool is_octave_value (void) const { return rep->is_octave_value (); } int is_cell (void) const { return rep->is_cell (); } int is_char (void) const { return rep->is_char (); } int is_class (const char *name_arg) const { return rep->is_class (name_arg); } int is_complex (void) const { return rep->is_complex (); } int is_double (void) const { return rep->is_double (); } int is_function_handle (void) const { return rep->is_function_handle (); } int is_int16 (void) const { return rep->is_int16 (); } int is_int32 (void) const { return rep->is_int32 (); } int is_int64 (void) const { return rep->is_int64 (); } int is_int8 (void) const { return rep->is_int8 (); } int is_logical (void) const { return rep->is_logical (); } int is_numeric (void) const { return rep->is_numeric (); } int is_single (void) const { return rep->is_single (); } int is_sparse (void) const { return rep->is_sparse (); } int is_struct (void) const { return rep->is_struct (); } int is_uint16 (void) const { return rep->is_uint16 (); } int is_uint32 (void) const { return rep->is_uint32 (); } int is_uint64 (void) const { return rep->is_uint64 (); } int is_uint8 (void) const { return rep->is_uint8 (); } int is_logical_scalar (void) const { return rep->is_logical_scalar (); } int is_logical_scalar_true (void) const { return rep->is_logical_scalar_true (); } mwSize get_m (void) const { return rep->get_m (); } mwSize get_n (void) const { return rep->get_n (); } mwSize *get_dimensions (void) const { return rep->get_dimensions (); } mwSize get_number_of_dimensions (void) const { return rep->get_number_of_dimensions (); } void set_m (mwSize m) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_m (m)); } void set_n (mwSize n) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_n (n)); } void set_dimensions (mwSize *dims_arg, mwSize ndims_arg) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_dimensions (dims_arg, ndims_arg)); } mwSize get_number_of_elements (void) const { return rep->get_number_of_elements (); } int is_empty (void) const { return get_number_of_elements () == 0; } const char *get_name (void) const { return name; } void set_name (const char *name_arg); mxClassID get_class_id (void) const { return rep->get_class_id (); } const char *get_class_name (void) const { return rep->get_class_name (); } void set_class_name (const char *name_arg) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_class_name (name_arg)); } mxArray *get_cell (mwIndex idx) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (mxArray *, get_cell (idx)); } void set_cell (mwIndex idx, mxArray *val) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_cell (idx, val)); } double get_scalar (void) const { return rep->get_scalar (); } void *get_data (void) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (void *, get_data ()); } void *get_imag_data (void) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (void *, get_imag_data ()); } void set_data (void *pr) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_data (pr)); } void set_imag_data (void *pi) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_imag_data (pi)); } mwIndex *get_ir (void) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (mwIndex *, get_ir ()); } mwIndex *get_jc (void) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (mwIndex *, get_jc ()); } mwSize get_nzmax (void) const { return rep->get_nzmax (); } void set_ir (mwIndex *ir) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_ir (ir)); } void set_jc (mwIndex *jc) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_jc (jc)); } void set_nzmax (mwSize nzmax) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_nzmax (nzmax)); } int add_field (const char *key) { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (int, add_field (key)); } void remove_field (int key_num) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (remove_field (key_num)); } mxArray *get_field_by_number (mwIndex index, int key_num) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (mxArray *, get_field_by_number (index, key_num)); } void set_field_by_number (mwIndex index, int key_num, mxArray *val) { DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD (set_field_by_number (index, key_num, val)); } int get_number_of_fields (void) const { return rep->get_number_of_fields (); } const char *get_field_name_by_number (int key_num) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (const char*, get_field_name_by_number (key_num)); } int get_field_number (const char *key) const { DO_MUTABLE_METHOD (int, get_field_number (key)); } int get_string (char *buf, mwSize buflen) const { return rep->get_string (buf, buflen); } char *array_to_string (void) const { return rep->array_to_string (); } mwIndex calc_single_subscript (mwSize nsubs, mwIndex *subs) const { return rep->calc_single_subscript (nsubs, subs); } size_t get_element_size (void) const { return rep->get_element_size (); } bool mutation_needed (void) const { return rep->mutation_needed (); } mxArray *mutate (void) const { return rep->mutate (); } static void *malloc (size_t n); static void *calloc (size_t n, size_t t); static char *strsave (const char *str) { char *retval = 0; if (str) { mwSize sz = sizeof (mxChar) * (strlen (str) + 1); retval = static_cast (mxArray::malloc (sz)); strcpy (retval, str); } return retval; } static octave_value as_octave_value (const mxArray *ptr); protected: octave_value as_octave_value (void) const; private: mutable mxArray_base *rep; char *name; mxArray (mxArray_base *r, const char *n) : rep (r), name (mxArray::strsave (n)) { } void maybe_mutate (void) const; // No copying! mxArray (const mxArray&); mxArray& operator = (const mxArray&); }; #undef DO_MUTABLE_METHOD #undef DO_VOID_MUTABLE_METHOD #endif #endif