/* Copyright (C) 2010-2015 VZLU Prague This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #if !defined (octave_oct_binmap_h) #define octave_oct_binmap_h 1 #include "Array.h" #include "Sparse.h" #include "Array-util.h" #include "bsxfun.h" // This source file implements a general binary maping function for // arrays. The syntax is binmap (a, b, f,[name]). type denotes // the expected return type of the operation. a, b, should be one of // the 6 combinations: // // Array-Array // Array-scalar // scalar-Array // Sparse-Sparse // Sparse-scalar // scalar-Sparse // // If both operands are nonscalar, name must be supplied. It is used // as the base for error message when operands are nonconforming. // // The operation needs not be homogeneous, i.e. a, b and the result // may be of distinct types. f can have any of the four signatures: // // U f (T, R) // U f (const T&, R) // U f (T, const R&) // U f (const T&, const R&) // // Additionally, f can be an arbitrary functor object. // // octave_quit() is called at appropriate places, hence the operation // is breakable. // The following template wrappers are provided for automatic bsxfun // calls (see the function signature for do_bsxfun_op). template class bsxfun_wrapper { private: static F f; public: static void set_f (const F& f_in) { f = f_in; } static void op_mm (size_t n, R* r, const X* x , const Y* y) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = f (x[i], y[i]); } static void op_sm (size_t n, R* r, X x, const Y* y) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = f (x, y[i]); } static void op_ms (size_t n , R* r, const X* x, Y y) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = f (x[i], y); } }; // Static init template F bsxfun_wrapper::f; // scalar-Array template Array binmap (const T& x, const Array& ya, F fcn) { octave_idx_type len = ya.numel (); const R *y = ya.data (); Array result (ya.dims ()); U *p = result.fortran_vec (); octave_idx_type i; for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i += 4) { octave_quit (); p[i] = fcn (x, y[i]); p[i+1] = fcn (x, y[i+1]); p[i+2] = fcn (x, y[i+2]); p[i+3] = fcn (x, y[i+3]); } octave_quit (); for (; i < len; i++) p[i] = fcn (x, y[i]); return result; } // Array-scalar template Array binmap (const Array& xa, const R& y, F fcn) { octave_idx_type len = xa.numel (); const R *x = xa.data (); Array result (xa.dims ()); U *p = result.fortran_vec (); octave_idx_type i; for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i += 4) { octave_quit (); p[i] = fcn (x[i], y); p[i+1] = fcn (x[i+1], y); p[i+2] = fcn (x[i+2], y); p[i+3] = fcn (x[i+3], y); } octave_quit (); for (; i < len; i++) p[i] = fcn (x[i], y); return result; } // Array-Array (treats singletons as scalars) template Array binmap (const Array& xa, const Array& ya, F fcn, const char *name) { dim_vector xad = xa.dims (); dim_vector yad = ya.dims (); if (xa.numel () == 1) return binmap (xa(0), ya, fcn); else if (ya.numel () == 1) return binmap (xa, ya(0), fcn); else if (xad != yad) { if (is_valid_bsxfun (name, xad, yad)) { bsxfun_wrapper::set_f(fcn); return do_bsxfun_op (xa, ya, bsxfun_wrapper::op_mm, bsxfun_wrapper::op_sm, bsxfun_wrapper::op_ms); } else gripe_nonconformant (name, xad, yad); } octave_idx_type len = xa.numel (); const T *x = xa.data (); const T *y = ya.data (); Array result (xa.dims ()); U *p = result.fortran_vec (); octave_idx_type i; for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i += 4) { octave_quit (); p[i] = fcn (x[i], y[i]); p[i+1] = fcn (x[i+1], y[i+1]); p[i+2] = fcn (x[i+2], y[i+2]); p[i+3] = fcn (x[i+3], y[i+3]); } octave_quit (); for (; i < len; i++) p[i] = fcn (x[i], y[i]); return result; } // scalar-Sparse template Sparse binmap (const T& x, const Sparse& ys, F fcn) { R yzero = R (); U fz = fcn (x, yzero); if (fz == U ()) // Sparsity preserving fcn { octave_idx_type nz = ys.nnz (); Sparse retval (ys.rows (), ys.cols (), nz); std::copy (ys.ridx (), ys.ridx () + nz, retval.ridx ()); std::copy (ys.cidx (), ys.cidx () + ys.cols () + 1, retval.cidx ()); for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nz; i++) { octave_quit (); // FIXME: Could keep track of whether fcn call results in a 0. // If no zeroes are created could skip maybe_compress() retval.xdata (i) = fcn (x, ys.data (i)); } octave_quit (); retval.maybe_compress (true); return retval; } else return Sparse (binmap (x, ys.array_value (), fcn)); } // Sparse-scalar template Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xs, const R& y, F fcn) { T xzero = T (); U fz = fcn (xzero, y); if (fz == U ()) // Sparsity preserving fcn { octave_idx_type nz = xs.nnz (); Sparse retval (xs.rows (), xs.cols (), nz); std::copy (xs.ridx (), xs.ridx () + nz, retval.ridx ()); std::copy (xs.cidx (), xs.cidx () + xs.cols () + 1, retval.cidx ()); for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < nz; i++) { octave_quit (); // FIXME: Could keep track of whether fcn call results in a 0. // If no zeroes are created could skip maybe_compress() retval.xdata (i) = fcn (xs.data (i), y); } octave_quit (); retval.maybe_compress (true); return retval; } else return Sparse (binmap (xs.array_value (), y, fcn)); } // Sparse-Sparse (treats singletons as scalars) template Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xs, const Sparse& ys, F fcn, const char *name) { if (xs.rows () == 1 && xs.cols () == 1) return binmap (xs(0,0), ys, fcn); else if (ys.rows () == 1 && ys.cols () == 1) return binmap (xs, ys(0,0), fcn); else if (xs.dims () != ys.dims ()) gripe_nonconformant (name, xs.dims (), ys.dims ()); T xzero = T (); R yzero = R (); U fz = fcn (xzero, yzero); if (fz == U ()) { // Sparsity-preserving function. Do it efficiently. octave_idx_type nr = xs.rows (); octave_idx_type nc = xs.cols (); Sparse retval (nr, nc, xs.nnz () + ys.nnz ()); octave_idx_type nz = 0; for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++) { octave_quit (); octave_idx_type jx = xs.cidx (j); octave_idx_type jx_max = xs.cidx (j+1); bool jx_lt_max = jx < jx_max; octave_idx_type jy = ys.cidx (j); octave_idx_type jy_max = ys.cidx (j+1); bool jy_lt_max = jy < jy_max; while (jx_lt_max || jy_lt_max) { if (! jy_lt_max || (jx_lt_max && (xs.ridx (jx) < ys.ridx (jy)))) { retval.xridx (nz) = xs.ridx (jx); retval.xdata (nz) = fcn (xs.data (jx), yzero); jx++; jx_lt_max = jx < jx_max; } else if (! jx_lt_max || (jy_lt_max && (ys.ridx (jy) < xs.ridx (jx)))) { retval.xridx (nz) = ys.ridx (jy); retval.xdata (nz) = fcn (xzero, ys.data (jy)); jy++; jy_lt_max = jy < jy_max; } else { retval.xridx (nz) = xs.ridx (jx); retval.xdata (nz) = fcn (xs.data (jx), ys.data (jy)); jx++; jx_lt_max = jx < jx_max; jy++; jy_lt_max = jy < jy_max; } nz++; } retval.xcidx (j+1) = nz; } retval.maybe_compress (true); return retval; } else return Sparse (binmap (xs.array_value (), ys.array_value (), fcn, name)); } // Overloads for function pointers. // Signature (T, R) template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (T, R), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Array binmap (const T& x, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (T, R)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (T, R)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (T, R), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Sparse binmap (const T& x, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (T, R)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (T, R)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } // Signature (const T&, const R&) template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Array binmap (const T& x, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Sparse binmap (const T& x, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (const T&, const R&)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } // Signature (const T&, R) template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, R), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Array binmap (const T& x, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, R)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (const T&, R)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, R), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Sparse binmap (const T& x, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (const T&, R)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (const T&, R)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } // Signature (T, const R&) template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (T, const R&), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Array binmap (const T& x, const Array& ya, U (*fcn) (T, const R&)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Array binmap (const Array& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (T, const R&)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (T, const R&), const char *name) { return binmap (xa, ya, fcn, name); } template inline Sparse binmap (const T& x, const Sparse& ya, U (*fcn) (T, const R&)) { return binmap (x, ya, fcn); } template inline Sparse binmap (const Sparse& xa, const R& y, U (*fcn) (T, const R&)) { return binmap (xa, y, fcn); } #endif