/* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 John W. Eaton This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #if !defined (octave_oct_stream_h) #define octave_oct_stream_h 1 class Matrix; class string_vector; class octave_value; class octave_value_list; #include #include #include #include #include #include "Array.h" #include "data-conv.h" #include "lo-utils.h" #include "mach-info.h" #include "oct-refcount.h" class OCTINTERP_API scanf_format_elt { public: enum special_conversion { whitespace_conversion = 1, literal_conversion = 2 }; scanf_format_elt (const char *txt = 0, int w = 0, bool d = false, char typ = '\0', char mod = '\0', const std::string& ch_class = std::string ()) : text (strsave (txt)), width (w), discard (d), type (typ), modifier (mod), char_class (ch_class) { } scanf_format_elt (const scanf_format_elt& e) : text (strsave (e.text)), width (e.width), discard (e.discard), type (e.type), modifier (e.modifier), char_class (e.char_class) { } scanf_format_elt& operator = (const scanf_format_elt& e) { if (this != &e) { text = strsave (e.text); width = e.width; discard = e.discard; type = e.type; modifier = e.modifier; char_class = e.char_class; } return *this; } ~scanf_format_elt (void) { delete [] text; } // The C-style format string. const char *text; // The maximum field width. int width; // TRUE if we are not storing the result of this conversion. bool discard; // Type of conversion -- 'd', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'x', 'e', 'f', 'g', // 'c', 's', 'p', '%', or '['. char type; // A length modifier -- 'h', 'l', or 'L'. char modifier; // The class of characters in a '[' format. std::string char_class; }; class OCTINTERP_API scanf_format_list { public: scanf_format_list (const std::string& fmt = std::string ()); ~scanf_format_list (void); octave_idx_type num_conversions (void) { return nconv; } // The length can be different than the number of conversions. // For example, "x %d y %d z" has 2 conversions but the length of // the list is 3 because of the characters that appear after the // last conversion. octave_idx_type length (void) { return list.length (); } const scanf_format_elt *first (void) { curr_idx = 0; return current (); } const scanf_format_elt *current (void) const { return list.length () > 0 ? list.elem (curr_idx) : 0; } const scanf_format_elt *next (bool cycle = true) { curr_idx++; if (curr_idx >= list.length ()) { if (cycle) curr_idx = 0; else return 0; } return current (); } void printme (void) const; bool ok (void) const { return (nconv >= 0); } operator bool () const { return ok (); } bool all_character_conversions (void); bool all_numeric_conversions (void); private: // Number of conversions specified by this format string, or -1 if // invalid conversions have been found. octave_idx_type nconv; // Index to current element; octave_idx_type curr_idx; // FIXME: maybe LIST should be a std::list object? // List of format elements. Array list; // Temporary buffer. std::ostringstream *buf; void add_elt_to_list (int width, bool discard, char type, char modifier, octave_idx_type& num_elts, const std::string& char_class = std::string ()); void process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n, int& width, bool& discard, char& type, char& modifier, octave_idx_type& num_elts); int finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n, int& width, bool discard, char& type, char modifier, octave_idx_type& num_elts); // No copying! scanf_format_list (const scanf_format_list&); scanf_format_list& operator = (const scanf_format_list&); }; class printf_format_elt { public: printf_format_elt (const char *txt = 0, int n = 0, int w = -1, int p = -1, const std::string& f = std::string (), char typ = '\0', char mod = '\0') : text (strsave (txt)), args (n), fw (w), prec (p), flags (f), type (typ), modifier (mod) { } printf_format_elt (const printf_format_elt& e) : text (strsave (e.text)), args (e.args), fw (e.fw), prec (e.prec), flags (e.flags), type (e.type), modifier (e.modifier) { } printf_format_elt& operator = (const printf_format_elt& e) { if (this != &e) { text = strsave (e.text); args = e.args; fw = e.fw; prec = e.prec; flags = e.flags; type = e.type; modifier = e.modifier; } return *this; } ~printf_format_elt (void) { delete [] text; } // The C-style format string. const char *text; // How many args do we expect to consume? int args; // Field width. int fw; // Precision. int prec; // Flags -- '-', '+', ' ', '0', or '#'. std::string flags; // Type of conversion -- 'd', 'i', 'o', 'x', 'X', 'u', 'c', 's', // 'f', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G', 'p', or '%' char type; // A length modifier -- 'h', 'l', or 'L'. char modifier; }; class OCTINTERP_API printf_format_list { public: printf_format_list (const std::string& fmt = std::string ()); ~printf_format_list (void); octave_idx_type num_conversions (void) { return nconv; } const printf_format_elt *first (void) { curr_idx = 0; return current (); } const printf_format_elt *current (void) const { return list.length () > 0 ? list.elem (curr_idx) : 0; } const printf_format_elt *next (bool cycle = true) { curr_idx++; if (curr_idx >= list.length ()) { if (cycle) curr_idx = 0; else return 0; } return current (); } bool last_elt_p (void) { return (curr_idx + 1 == list.length ()); } void printme (void) const; bool ok (void) const { return (nconv >= 0); } operator bool () const { return ok (); } private: // Number of conversions specified by this format string, or -1 if // invalid conversions have been found. octave_idx_type nconv; // Index to current element; octave_idx_type curr_idx; // FIXME: maybe LIST should be a std::list object? // List of format elements. Array list; // Temporary buffer. std::ostringstream *buf; void add_elt_to_list (int args, const std::string& flags, int fw, int prec, char type, char modifier, octave_idx_type& num_elts); void process_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, size_t n, int& args, std::string& flags, int& fw, int& prec, char& modifier, char& type, octave_idx_type& num_elts); void finish_conversion (const std::string& s, size_t& i, int args, const std::string& flags, int fw, int prec, char modifier, char& type, octave_idx_type& num_elts); // No copying! printf_format_list (const printf_format_list&); printf_format_list& operator = (const printf_format_list&); }; // Provide an interface for Octave streams. class OCTINTERP_API octave_base_stream { friend class octave_stream; public: octave_base_stream (std::ios::openmode arg_md = std::ios::in|std::ios::out, oct_mach_info::float_format ff = oct_mach_info::native_float_format ()) : count (0), md (arg_md), flt_fmt (ff), fail (false), open_state (true), errmsg () { } virtual ~octave_base_stream (void) { } // The remaining functions are not specific to input or output only, // and must be provided by the derived classes. // Position a stream at OFFSET relative to ORIGIN. virtual int seek (off_t offset, int origin) = 0; // Return current stream position. virtual off_t tell (void) = 0; // Return TRUE if EOF has been reached on this stream. virtual bool eof (void) const = 0; // The name of the file. virtual std::string name (void) const = 0; // If the derived class provides this function and it returns a // pointer to a valid istream, scanf(), read(), getl(), and gets() // will automatically work for this stream. virtual std::istream *input_stream (void) { return 0; } // If the derived class provides this function and it returns a // pointer to a valid ostream, flush(), write(), and printf() will // automatically work for this stream. virtual std::ostream *output_stream (void) { return 0; } // Return TRUE if this stream is open. bool is_open (void) const { return open_state; } virtual void do_close (void) { } void close (void) { if (is_open ()) { open_state = false; do_close (); } } virtual int file_number (void) const { // Kluge alert! if (name () == "stdin") return 0; else if (name () == "stdout") return 1; else if (name () == "stderr") return 2; else return -1; } bool ok (void) const { return ! fail; } // Return current error message for this stream. std::string error (bool clear, int& err_num); protected: int mode (void) const { return md; } oct_mach_info::float_format float_format (void) const { return flt_fmt; } // Set current error state and set fail to TRUE. void error (const std::string& msg); void error (const std::string& who, const std::string& msg); // Clear any error message and set fail to FALSE. void clear (void); // Clear stream state. void clearerr (void); private: // A reference count. octave_refcount count; // The permission bits for the file. Should be some combination of // std::ios::open_mode bits. int md; // Data format. oct_mach_info::float_format flt_fmt; // TRUE if an error has occurred. bool fail; // TRUE if this stream is open. bool open_state; // Should contain error message if fail is TRUE. std::string errmsg; // Functions that are defined for all input streams (input streams // are those that define is). std::string do_gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, bool strip_newline, const std::string& who /* = "gets" */); std::string getl (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "getl" */); std::string gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "gets" */); off_t skipl (off_t count, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "skipl" */); octave_value do_scanf (scanf_format_list& fmt_list, octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, bool one_elt_size_spec, octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); octave_value scanf (const std::string& fmt, const Array& size, octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); bool do_oscanf (const scanf_format_elt *elt, octave_value&, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); octave_value_list oscanf (const std::string& fmt, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); // Functions that are defined for all output streams (output streams // are those that define os). int flush (void); int do_numeric_printf_conv (std::ostream& os, const printf_format_elt *elt, int nsa, int sa_1, int sa_2, const octave_value& val, const std::string& who); int do_printf (printf_format_list& fmt_list, const octave_value_list& args, const std::string& who /* = "printf" */); int printf (const std::string& fmt, const octave_value_list& args, const std::string& who /* = "printf" */); int puts (const std::string& s, const std::string& who /* = "puts" */); // We can always do this in terms of seek(), so the derived class // only has to provide that. void invalid_operation (const std::string& who, const char *rw); // No copying! octave_base_stream (const octave_base_stream&); octave_base_stream& operator = (const octave_base_stream&); }; class OCTINTERP_API octave_stream { public: octave_stream (octave_base_stream *bs = 0); ~octave_stream (void); octave_stream (const octave_stream&); octave_stream& operator = (const octave_stream&); int flush (void); std::string getl (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "getl" */); std::string getl (const octave_value& max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "getl" */); std::string gets (octave_idx_type max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "gets" */); std::string gets (const octave_value& max_len, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "gets" */); off_t skipl (off_t count, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "skipl" */); off_t skipl (const octave_value& count, bool& err, const std::string& who /* = "skipl" */); int seek (off_t offset, int origin); int seek (const octave_value& offset, const octave_value& origin); off_t tell (void); int rewind (void); bool is_open (void) const; void close (void); octave_value read (const Array& size, octave_idx_type block_size, oct_data_conv::data_type input_type, oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, octave_idx_type skip, oct_mach_info::float_format flt_fmt, octave_idx_type& count); octave_idx_type write (const octave_value& data, octave_idx_type block_size, oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, octave_idx_type skip, oct_mach_info::float_format flt_fmt); bool write_bytes (const void *data, size_t n_elts); bool skip_bytes (size_t n_elts); template octave_idx_type write (const Array& data, octave_idx_type block_size, oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, octave_idx_type skip, oct_mach_info::float_format flt_fmt); octave_value scanf (const std::string& fmt, const Array& size, octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); octave_value scanf (const octave_value& fmt, const Array& size, octave_idx_type& count, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); octave_value_list oscanf (const std::string& fmt, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); octave_value_list oscanf (const octave_value& fmt, const std::string& who /* = "scanf" */); int printf (const std::string& fmt, const octave_value_list& args, const std::string& who /* = "printf" */); int printf (const octave_value& fmt, const octave_value_list& args, const std::string& who /* = "printf" */); int puts (const std::string& s, const std::string& who /* = "puts" */); int puts (const octave_value& s, const std::string& who /* = "puts" */); bool eof (void) const; std::string error (bool clear, int& err_num); std::string error (bool clear = false) { int err_num; return error (clear, err_num); } // Set the error message and state. void error (const std::string& msg) { if (rep) rep->error (msg); } void error (const char *msg) { error (std::string (msg)); } int file_number (void) { return rep ? rep->file_number () : -1; } bool is_valid (void) const { return (rep != 0); } bool ok (void) const { return rep && rep->ok (); } operator bool () const { return ok (); } std::string name (void) const; int mode (void) const; oct_mach_info::float_format float_format (void) const; static std::string mode_as_string (int mode); std::istream *input_stream (void) { return rep ? rep->input_stream () : 0; } std::ostream *output_stream (void) { return rep ? rep->output_stream () : 0; } void clearerr (void) { if (rep) rep->clearerr (); } private: // The actual representation of this stream. octave_base_stream *rep; bool stream_ok (bool clear = true) const { bool retval = true; if (rep) { if (clear) rep->clear (); } else retval = false; return retval; } void invalid_operation (const std::string& who, const char *rw) { if (rep) rep->invalid_operation (who, rw); } octave_value finalize_read (std::list& input_buf_list, octave_idx_type input_buf_elts, octave_idx_type elts_read, octave_idx_type nr, octave_idx_type nc, oct_data_conv::data_type input_type, oct_data_conv::data_type output_type, oct_mach_info::float_format ffmt); }; class OCTINTERP_API octave_stream_list { protected: octave_stream_list (void) : list (), lookup_cache (list.end ()) { } public: ~octave_stream_list (void) { } static bool instance_ok (void); static int insert (octave_stream& os); static octave_stream lookup (int fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); static octave_stream lookup (const octave_value& fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); static int remove (int fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); static int remove (const octave_value& fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); static void clear (bool flush = true); static string_vector get_info (int fid); static string_vector get_info (const octave_value& fid); static std::string list_open_files (void); static octave_value open_file_numbers (void); static int get_file_number (const octave_value& fid); private: typedef std::map ostrl_map; ostrl_map list; mutable ostrl_map::const_iterator lookup_cache; static octave_stream_list *instance; static void cleanup_instance (void) { delete instance; instance = 0; } int do_insert (octave_stream& os); octave_stream do_lookup (int fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()) const; octave_stream do_lookup (const octave_value& fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()) const; int do_remove (int fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); int do_remove (const octave_value& fid, const std::string& who = std::string ()); void do_clear (bool flush = true); string_vector do_get_info (int fid) const; string_vector do_get_info (const octave_value& fid) const; std::string do_list_open_files (void) const; octave_value do_open_file_numbers (void) const; int do_get_file_number (const octave_value& fid) const; }; #endif