/* Copyright (C) 1993-2015 John W. Eaton This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #if !defined (octave_parse_h) #define octave_parse_h 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include "lex.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "token.h" class octave_comment_list; class octave_function; class octave_user_function; class tree; class tree_anon_fcn_handle; class tree_argument_list; class tree_array_list; class tree_cell; class tree_classdef; class tree_classdef_attribute_list; class tree_classdef_body; class tree_classdef_enum_block; class tree_classdef_enum_list; class tree_classdef_events_block; class tree_classdef_events_list; class tree_classdef_methods_block; class tree_classdef_methods_list; class tree_classdef_properties_block; class tree_classdef_property_list; class tree_classdef_superclass_list; class tree_colon_expression; class tree_command; class tree_constant; class tree_decl_command; class tree_decl_init_list; class tree_expression; class tree_fcn_handle; class tree_funcall; class tree_function_def; class tree_identifier; class tree_if_clause; class tree_if_command; class tree_if_command_list; class tree_index_expression; class tree_matrix; class tree_matrix; class tree_parameter_list; class tree_statement; class tree_statement_list; class tree_statement_listtree_statement; class tree_switch_case; class tree_switch_case_list; class tree_switch_command; #include "oct-obj.h" // Nonzero means print parser debugging info (-d). extern int octave_debug; // TRUE means we printed messages about reading startup files. extern bool reading_startup_message_printed; extern OCTINTERP_API std::string get_help_from_file (const std::string& nm, bool& symbol_found, std::string& file); extern OCTINTERP_API std::string get_help_from_file (const std::string& nm, bool& symbol_found); extern OCTINTERP_API std::string lookup_autoload (const std::string& nm); extern OCTINTERP_API string_vector autoloaded_functions (void); extern OCTINTERP_API string_vector reverse_lookup_autoload (const std::string& nm); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_function * load_fcn_from_file (const std::string& file_name, const std::string& dir_name = std::string (), const std::string& dispatch_type = std::string (), const std::string& package_name = std::string (), const std::string& fcn_name = std::string (), bool autoload = false); extern OCTINTERP_API void source_file (const std::string& file_name, const std::string& context = std::string (), bool verbose = false, bool require_file = true, const std::string& warn_for = std::string ()); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list feval (const std::string& name, const octave_value_list& args = octave_value_list (), int nargout = 0); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list feval (octave_function *fcn, const octave_value_list& args = octave_value_list (), int nargout = 0); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list feval (const octave_value_list& args, int nargout = 0); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value_list eval_string (const std::string&, bool silent, int& parse_status, int hargout); extern OCTINTERP_API octave_value eval_string (const std::string&, bool silent, int& parse_status); extern OCTINTERP_API void cleanup_statement_list (tree_statement_list **lst); // Global access to currently active lexer. // FIXME: to be removed after more parser+lexer refactoring. extern octave_base_lexer *LEXER; class octave_base_parser { public: octave_base_parser (octave_base_lexer& lxr) : endfunction_found (false), autoloading (false), fcn_file_from_relative_lookup (false), parsing_subfunctions (false), max_fcn_depth (0), curr_fcn_depth (0), primary_fcn_scope (-1), curr_class_name (), curr_package_name (), function_scopes (), primary_fcn_ptr (0), subfunction_names (), classdef_object (0), stmt_list (0), lexer (lxr) { } ~octave_base_parser (void); void reset (void); // Error mesages for mismatched end tokens. void end_error (const char *type, token::end_tok_type ettype, int l, int c); // Check to see that end tokens are properly matched. bool end_token_ok (token *tok, token::end_tok_type expected); // Maybe print a warning if an assignment expression is used as the // test in a logical expression. void maybe_warn_assign_as_truth_value (tree_expression *expr); // Maybe print a warning about switch labels that aren't constants. void maybe_warn_variable_switch_label (tree_expression *expr); // Finish building a range. tree_expression *finish_colon_expression (tree_colon_expression *e); // Build a constant. tree_constant *make_constant (int op, token *tok_val); // Build a function handle. tree_fcn_handle *make_fcn_handle (token *tok_val); // Build an anonymous function handle. tree_anon_fcn_handle * make_anon_fcn_handle (tree_parameter_list *param_list, tree_statement *stmt); // Build a binary expression. tree_expression * make_binary_op (int op, tree_expression *op1, token *tok_val, tree_expression *op2); // Build a boolean expression. tree_expression * make_boolean_op (int op, tree_expression *op1, token *tok_val, tree_expression *op2); // Build a prefix expression. tree_expression * make_prefix_op (int op, tree_expression *op1, token *tok_val); // Build a postfix expression. tree_expression * make_postfix_op (int op, tree_expression *op1, token *tok_val); // Build an unwind-protect command. tree_command * make_unwind_command (token *unwind_tok, tree_statement_list *body, tree_statement_list *cleanup, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc, octave_comment_list *mc); // Build a try-catch command. tree_command * make_try_command (token *try_tok, tree_statement_list *body, char catch_sep, tree_statement_list *cleanup, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc, octave_comment_list *mc); // Build a while command. tree_command * make_while_command (token *while_tok, tree_expression *expr, tree_statement_list *body, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build a do-until command. tree_command * make_do_until_command (token *until_tok, tree_statement_list *body, tree_expression *expr, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build a for command. tree_command * make_for_command (int tok_id, token *for_tok, tree_argument_list *lhs, tree_expression *expr, tree_expression *maxproc, tree_statement_list *body, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build a break command. tree_command *make_break_command (token *break_tok); // Build a continue command. tree_command *make_continue_command (token *continue_tok); // Build a return command. tree_command *make_return_command (token *return_tok); // Start an if command. tree_if_command_list * start_if_command (tree_expression *expr, tree_statement_list *list); // Finish an if command. tree_if_command * finish_if_command (token *if_tok, tree_if_command_list *list, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build an elseif clause. tree_if_clause * make_elseif_clause (token *elseif_tok, tree_expression *expr, tree_statement_list *list, octave_comment_list *lc); // Finish a switch command. tree_switch_command * finish_switch_command (token *switch_tok, tree_expression *expr, tree_switch_case_list *list, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build a switch case. tree_switch_case * make_switch_case (token *case_tok, tree_expression *expr, tree_statement_list *list, octave_comment_list *lc); // Build an assignment to a variable. tree_expression * make_assign_op (int op, tree_argument_list *lhs, token *eq_tok, tree_expression *rhs); // Define a script. void make_script (tree_statement_list *cmds, tree_statement *end_script); // Begin defining a function. octave_user_function * start_function (tree_parameter_list *param_list, tree_statement_list *body, tree_statement *end_function); // Create a no-op statement for end_function. tree_statement *make_end (const std::string& type, bool eof, int l, int c); // Do most of the work for defining a function. octave_user_function * frob_function (const std::string& fname, octave_user_function *fcn); // Finish defining a function. tree_function_def * finish_function (tree_parameter_list *ret_list, octave_user_function *fcn, octave_comment_list *lc, int l, int c); // Reset state after parsing function. void recover_from_parsing_function (void); tree_funcall * make_superclass_ref (const std::string& method_nm, const std::string& class_nm); tree_funcall * make_meta_class_query (const std::string& class_nm); tree_classdef * make_classdef (token *tok_val, tree_classdef_attribute_list *a, tree_identifier *id, tree_classdef_superclass_list *sc, tree_classdef_body *body, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); tree_classdef_properties_block * make_classdef_properties_block (token *tok_val, tree_classdef_attribute_list *a, tree_classdef_property_list *plist, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); tree_classdef_methods_block * make_classdef_methods_block (token *tok_val, tree_classdef_attribute_list *a, tree_classdef_methods_list *mlist, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); tree_classdef_events_block * make_classdef_events_block (token *tok_val, tree_classdef_attribute_list *a, tree_classdef_events_list *elist, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); tree_classdef_enum_block * make_classdef_enum_block (token *tok_val, tree_classdef_attribute_list *a, tree_classdef_enum_list *elist, token *end_tok, octave_comment_list *lc); octave_user_function * start_classdef_external_method (tree_identifier *id, tree_parameter_list *pl); tree_function_def * finish_classdef_external_method (octave_user_function *fcn, tree_parameter_list *ret_list, octave_comment_list *cl); // Make an index expression. tree_index_expression * make_index_expression (tree_expression *expr, tree_argument_list *args, char type); // Make an indirect reference expression. tree_index_expression * make_indirect_ref (tree_expression *expr, const std::string&); // Make an indirect reference expression with dynamic field name. tree_index_expression * make_indirect_ref (tree_expression *expr, tree_expression *field); // Make a declaration command. tree_decl_command * make_decl_command (int tok, token *tok_val, tree_decl_init_list *lst); // Validate matrix or cell bool validate_array_list (tree_expression *e); // Validate matrix object used in "[lhs] = ..." assignments. tree_argument_list *validate_matrix_for_assignment (tree_expression *e); // Finish building an array_list (common action for finish_matrix // and finish_cell). tree_expression *finish_array_list (tree_array_list *a); // Finish building a matrix list. tree_expression *finish_matrix (tree_matrix *m); // Finish building a cell list. tree_expression *finish_cell (tree_cell *c); // Maybe print a warning. Duh. void maybe_warn_missing_semi (tree_statement_list *); // Set the print flag for a statement based on the separator type. tree_statement_list * set_stmt_print_flag (tree_statement_list *, char, bool); // Finish building a statement. template tree_statement *make_statement (T *arg); // Create a statement list. tree_statement_list *make_statement_list (tree_statement *stmt); // Append a statement to an existing statement list. tree_statement_list * append_statement_list (tree_statement_list *list, char sep, tree_statement *stmt, bool warn_missing_semi); // Generic error messages. void bison_error (const char *s); // Have we found an explicit end to a function? bool endfunction_found; // TRUE means we are in the process of autoloading a function. bool autoloading; // TRUE means the current function file was found in a relative path // element. bool fcn_file_from_relative_lookup; // FALSE if we are still at the primary function. Subfunctions can // only be declared inside function files. bool parsing_subfunctions; // Maximum function depth detected. Used to determine whether // we have nested functions or just implicitly ended subfunctions. int max_fcn_depth; // = 0 currently outside any function. // = 1 inside the primary function or a subfunction. // > 1 means we are looking at a function definition that seems to be // inside a function. Note that the function still might not be a // nested function. int curr_fcn_depth; // Scope where we install all subfunctions and nested functions. Only // used while reading function files. symbol_table::scope_id primary_fcn_scope; // Name of the current class when we are parsing class methods or // constructors. std::string curr_class_name; // Name of the current package when we are parsing an element contained // in a package directory (+-directory). std::string curr_package_name; // A stack holding the nested function scopes being parsed. // We don't use std::stack, because we want the clear method. Also, we // must access one from the top std::vector function_scopes; // Pointer to the primary user function or user script function. octave_function *primary_fcn_ptr; // List of subfunction names, initially in the order they are // installed in the symbol table, then ordered as they appear in the // file. Eventually stashed in the primary function object. std::list subfunction_names; // Pointer to the classdef object we just parsed, if any. tree_classdef *classdef_object; // Result of parsing input. tree_statement_list *stmt_list; // State of the lexer. octave_base_lexer& lexer; private: // No copying! octave_base_parser (const octave_base_parser&); octave_base_parser& operator = (const octave_base_parser&); }; class octave_parser : public octave_base_parser { public: octave_parser (void) : octave_base_parser (*(new octave_lexer ())) { } octave_parser (FILE *file) : octave_base_parser (*(new octave_lexer (file))) { } octave_parser (const std::string& eval_string) : octave_base_parser (*(new octave_lexer (eval_string))) { } octave_parser (octave_lexer& lxr) : octave_base_parser (lxr) { } ~octave_parser (void) { } int run (void); private: // No copying! octave_parser (const octave_parser&); octave_parser& operator = (const octave_parser&); }; class octave_push_parser : public octave_base_parser { public: octave_push_parser (void) : octave_base_parser (*(new octave_push_lexer ())), parser_state (0) { init (); } ~octave_push_parser (void); void init (void); int run (const std::string& input, bool eof); private: // Internal state of the Bison parser. void *parser_state; // No copying! octave_push_parser (const octave_push_parser&); octave_push_parser& operator = (const octave_push_parser&); }; #endif