/* Copyright (C) 2004-2015 David Bateman Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Andy Adler This file is part of Octave. Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see . */ #if !defined (octave_sparse_xdiv_h) #define octave_sparse_xdiv_h 1 #include "oct-cmplx.h" #include "MatrixType.h" class DiagMatrix; class ComplexDiagMatrix; class SparseMatrix; class SparseComplexMatrix; extern Matrix xdiv (const Matrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern ComplexMatrix xdiv (const Matrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern ComplexMatrix xdiv (const ComplexMatrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern ComplexMatrix xdiv (const ComplexMatrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseMatrix xdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseMatrix xdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const DiagMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const ComplexDiagMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const DiagMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const ComplexDiagMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern Matrix x_el_div (double a, const SparseMatrix& b); extern ComplexMatrix x_el_div (double a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b); extern ComplexMatrix x_el_div (const Complex a, const SparseMatrix& b); extern ComplexMatrix x_el_div (const Complex a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b); extern Matrix xleftdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const Matrix& b, MatrixType& typ); extern ComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const ComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern ComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const Matrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern ComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const ComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseMatrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const SparseMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const SparseComplexMatrix& a, const SparseComplexMatrix& b, MatrixType &typ); extern SparseMatrix xleftdiv (const DiagMatrix&, const SparseMatrix&, MatrixType&); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const ComplexDiagMatrix&, const SparseMatrix&, MatrixType&); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const DiagMatrix&, const SparseComplexMatrix&, MatrixType&); extern SparseComplexMatrix xleftdiv (const ComplexDiagMatrix&, const SparseComplexMatrix&, MatrixType&); #endif